Page 11 of Forbidden Soul

“What’s going on?” Nyx gets off his bike and charges over.

“He wants me to go with him, but I ain’t going,” Abby explains, and I can tell she’s trying really hard not to cry now.

“Damn right you’re not.” Nyx looks at the man and scowls, before turning to her and lowering his voice.

“Go back inside, Ab.” He gestures toward the door behind her, and she smiles him a thank you before heading inside the clubhouse with a filthy look directed at the man I assume is her father.

“Abigale, you are coming home. You don’t belong here with these people,” he calls out after her, looking Nyx up and down like he’s a piece of shit. It's a big fuckin’ mistake given the mood he's in.

Grabbing the asshole by the lapels of his fancy fucking jacket, Nyx throws him against the clubhouse wall and grips his throat. The man doesn’t quiver like I expect him to, instead he eyeballs Nyx right back.

“You don’t know who you’re fucking with, boy.”

“Boy?” Nyx uses his free hand to grab the old man's junk in his fist and he squeezes. “Who you calling a fuckin’ boy?”

The man’s eyes widen, and Nyx doesn't release him until he hears him squeak like a fuckin’ mouse.

“The whole town knows what you did to Judge Jackson's daughter. You’ve ruined the poor girl’s life, and if you think I’m gonna stand back and let my daughter get knocked up by biker scum, you’re wrong. I’ll go to the police if I have to.”

“Well, that's some kind of fucking gratitude. Do you know what your daughter was doing while you and your wife were on a year-long fucking vacation?” Nyx shoves his finger into the guy’s chest. “She was jacking shit into her veins.” He narrows his eyes and waits for a reaction, one that the old man is refusing to give.

“And do you know who got that girl help?” Nyx tilts his head. “This club. We've been her family, we were here for her when she needed us. And around here, we don’t abandon our family, we protect ‘em at all costs.” He releases the guy’s throat before dragging him over to his black Porsche by his collar. Then opening the driver's door, he dumps him in the seat.

“I ever see your face on this compound again, I’ll rip your guts out your ass,” he promises, slamming the door shut and storming inside the clubhouse.

Jess waves sarcastically to our visitor before following Nyx inside, and I stand and watch the old man drive away in frustration, before I turn around and join them.

I've never been much of a fighter outside of the ring. Sure I get my hands dirty when I need to, but I don't get a kick out of it the way some of the others do.

Hell, half the brothers here start fights for fun.

But ever since seeing her together with him at the reservation, I've felt the urge to make someone hurt.

It reminds me how far apart we are, that she’ll never be fuckin’ mine no matter how much time I spend thinking about her.

I almost wish that sorry fucker driving away would come back and start up again, just so I could put his fuckin’ lights out.

“Has he left?” Nyx cracks his knuckles when I step inside the bar room.

“Yeah, just drove off. You kinda lost your shit back there,” I point out, looking across to his brother Brax, who shrugs back at me.

“Ella?” Abby questions Nyx, looking guilty.

“You know she fuckin' worries about you, she worries about everyone.” Nyx shakes his head and lights himself up a smoke. “I just don't want her stressing right now,” he explains.

“You could try relaxing yourself.”

Jess pats him on the back as he passes him to grab his guns and load his holster back up. Showing up at the reservation armed would have come across a little too hostile.

“I'll remind you of that when Maddy's carrying you a kid, shall I?” Nyx raises his eyebrows at him, and Jessie has no come back at all.

“That's why I messaged you when he got here,” Abby explains to Nyx. “Ella doesn't even need to know what just happened.”

“I'm done keeping things from her.” Nyx shakes his head and takes another toke of his cigarette. “You shouldn't either, the fact your dad showed up here isn't what will upset her. What she really needs to know is…” He stops himself before he shoves his foot in the shit.

“Is that I'm not gonna use again?” Abby finishes his sentence for him sadly.

“She ain't ever gonna use again,” Brax chimes in, looking up from what he's doing and glaring a cold warning at Abby.