Page 12 of Forbidden Soul

“No, she ain't,” she agrees with him, smiling before she turns back to look at Nyx.

“My dad’s a control freak, but seeing him isn’t gonna set me up to use again. It's time for me to be there for Ella now. I know I’ve been a lousy friend to her, but you have to learn to trust me. I never want to go back to being that girl ever again.” Abby’s eyes well up, and Nyx nods back at her.

“So, when’re you and Prez riding out for the annual?” Brax quickly changes the subject. Usually, as his Sergeant in Arms, I follow Prez wherever he goes, but Jessie always accompanies him to the annual meeting where all the Charter Presidents meet to discuss club business. Jimmer Carson is the founder of the club, so he sits head of the table for that meeting. It makes more sense that Jessie travels with him, he’s the one who comes up with all the smart shit. Everyone knows Prez is prepping him for when his time comes to take over.

“Next Tuesday, let's hope all this Cooper bullshit is put to bed by then,” Jess answers.

“I still think we should just kill the fucker,” Brax says, balancing his smoke between his lips as he closes the lid on the box of AK’s he’s been packing ready for transport.

“Ivan ain't stupid, and I’ll bet we ain't his only enemy. We’ll play his game… For now.” Jessie picks up my kit bag and tosses it to me. Sometimes I wonder if he can read my mind.

“For now, but we can’t be letting someone call shots like that for too long. Shit like that can have a knock-on effect,” Nyx points out, seeming a little calmer now.

He's right, Ivan has declared war, and the only way to win is to play him at his own game.

“I gotta go update Maddy, looks like she’s got work to do.” Jessie looks unnerved as he leaves, and I say my goodbyes to the others and follow him out.

“You're tenser than usual.” Jess looks at me suspiciously as we saddle our bikes.

“Just havin' an off day.” I brush it off, ain't like I can tell him the truth.

The look he gives me back tells me that he doesn't believe me, but he starts up his bike and rides off in the direction of his cabin anyway.

Tommy's hanging around at the gym when I get there, so after I've warmed myself up, I get him holding the pads so I can work on some combos. I keep that shit up until my arms get heavy and I feel some of the frustration leak out my pores. Kudos to Tommy for withstanding my blows, he’s improved over the past couple of months.

“Thought I might find you here,” a female voice distracts me, and I drop my guard before glancing over my shoulder to where Krissy is standing with her shoulder resting on the frame of the barn door. She looks like she came here to be fucked, and the way I’m feeling right now, it’s tempting.

“Well, you found me.” I turn back to wink at Tommy, then slide back the hair that’s fallen on my face before moving the rest of my body to face her.

“I don’t want to distract you, I know how serious you take your training.” She chews on her fingernail and bats her lashes at me in an attempt to look innocent.

“Take a hike, grunt.” I nod at Tommy, who drops the pad and rushes his ass out past an amused-looking Krissy.

“So now that you got my attention, how do you intend on distracting me?” I ask as she steps seductively toward me. We’re toe to toe before her fingers glide over my sweat-soaked chest, tickling over my abs, then dipping beneath the waistband of my sweats. My cock hardens when she wraps her hand around it, then with her free hand, she reaches into her back pocket, and retrieves a rubber, holding it up between us.

“I thought you’d be lookin’ for Squeal.” I smirk when I think back to last night.

The girl was eye-fucking me while Squealer was splitting her over one of the speakers.

“I know how to read you, Troj. You didn’t want pussy last night. I could tell that from your body language. But now…” Her head tilts sideways and her eyes drop to where I’m resting hard in her fist.

This is my fuckin’ reality, a long stretch away from pretty girls who bathe in rivers.

“Point made.” I snatch the rubber from her fingers and tear it open with my teeth, following her sassy ass as she moves over to the fighting ring. She smiles at me over her shoulder as she lifts up her skirt and presents her sweet round ass for me. Pulling down my sweats, I make sure the rubber’s covering me before I step up behind her, pressing my hand into her back and bending the front of her body over the edge of the ring. Then kicking her legs apart, I let my dick slide between her thighs.

Krissy is a grade fuckin’ A around here. She’s got a banging body, pretty blue eyes, and considering how long she’s been hanging at the club, her pussy’s pretty tight too. She deserves to be more than a man's distraction, but it's all she'll ever be to me. I’m starting to think that’s all I’m ever gonna have… fuckin’ distractions.

Leaning my body over hers, I take both her wrists in my hands and guide them onto the middle rope. “Hold tight,” I whisper inside her ear, nipping her lobe at the same time as I sink my cock deep inside her. A relieved moan sings from her throat as her warm, wet pussy clenches around me, and when I look across to the mirror on the other side of the gym, I see her blue eyes already fixed on mine.

I watch us in the reflection as I fuck her sinfully, slamming myself hard against her ass. The girl looks hot with my cock inside her, but then, she’d look good with anyone’s cock inside her. It's just not her who I want to see staring back at me. How can I have feelings so strong for someone I’ve never spoken to? Why does it bother me so much that she belongs to someone else?

I can feel how close Krissy is, her drenched snatch slips over my cock with such ease, and her skin slaps hard against mine as I fuck all the tension out my body.

“Fuck. Troj… I’m gonna come.” Krissy’s fingers grip the rope tighter, and her tits slam hard into the canvas when her body tumbles forward.

“Yes… Troj… Fuck yes.” She goes full fuckin’ rigor mortis on me, every muscle in her body stiffening as she comes hard around my cock.

I pull out of her, quickly flipping her body and wrapping her legs around my hips. She uses her arms around my neck to cling to me as I slip my cock back inside her, and because I’m one of the good guys around here, I decide to let her come again.