Page 76 of Damaged Soul

Cattle shit, not just a waft, but an overwhelming stench, and I fear looking up and seeing who the smell belongs to.

“Evangeline… I heard you were hanging out here these days.” His smug grin hasn’t changed over the years, and his face is still as ugly as a bull's ball sack.

“What are you doing here?” I snarl.

“Got some business with Jimmer Carson, he’s lookin’ for some storage and there’s plenty of room up at the farm these days.” I shudder when I think back to my visits to the farm.

“Get out of here,” I warn him, I can’t take him being here.

“Or what, you’ll do to me what you did to Eddie?” he sneers.

“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” I brush him off, there’s no way I’m admitting to slaughtering one of his best friends.

“We know what you’re trying to do, Evangeline.” His dirty hand moves into my hair and he strokes it tight to my head. It makes my bones freeze and the pit of my stomach flip. “Look at you now, a biker’s bitch… and you used to be such a good little girl.” The way he chuckles to himself makes me want to rip his throat out.

“I suggest you put your little revenge plot on hold, you wouldn’t want these kinda people knowing what kind of a girl you really are, would ya? I imagine that if they did, things would change real quick for ya.” He opens the door for me like he’s some kinda gentleman and waits for me to pass.

When I come back out a few minutes later, I hope he’s left, but instead, he’s propped up against the bar giving Mel all his attention. I can feel myself starting to shake, and I don’t know if it’s out of fear or anger. I have to get out of here before I react, so I head straight for the door.

“Whoa.” Grimm places both hands on my shoulders, stopping me when I get outside. The whole gang is with him, and confused faces and hard eyes watch on as my arms wrap around Grimm’s waist. Clinging to him like a pathetic little girl. And when I feel his lips touch the top of my head, I breathe again.

“You okay?” He untangles my arms from around him and forces my chin up with his hand.

“I’m fine, I just need a drink that’s all.” I try to sound convincing.

Now that I have Grimm, I feel strong again. I won’t cower out of here because of an asshole like McAlister. Seeing him here just took me off guard, and for a moment I forgot who I am.

I have to find out more about this business he has with the club and make sure it doesn’t follow through.

“Come on then.” Grimm takes me under his arm and leads me back inside.

I can’t stop my eyes from wandering around the bar, trying to seek him out, and when I locate him, he’s sharing a drink with Troj and Prez over on the sofas. Laughing like he isn’t partially responsible for ruining my innocent years.

I can’t help thinking that the bottle he’s drinking from would look better wedged into the back of his skull.

Grimm keeps his hand in mine while he speaks with Jessie, but all I can think about is him, that smell, and how long it used to take to rid it from my clothes and hair.


“You like the baby ones?” He creeps up behind where I’m standing and watching the calves in the barn. Daddy used to come here and work on the machinery, I always liked coming with him to help. There are so many places to explore and things to see.

The place has lost its appeal now, Daddy only ever comes here to drink with his friends these days and he won’t leave me at home. Maybe he’s scared I’ll leave him too.

Since Mama went away, he hasn’t done much work. And I hate his friends. I don’t like Uncle Nick, Frank or Eddie and I don’t like this one either.

“They’re sweet,” I answer politely, hoping he will go away and leave me alone. Instead, he steps closer and places his hands on my hips. When I try to wriggle away, he holds me firm.

“It must be tough since your mama up and left.” He talks to me like he cares, and I nod my head, the tears are already starting to fall from my eyes because I know what comes next.

“Your daddy’s not been taking proper care of you, Evangeline.” He brushes my hair with his hand. “Pretty girls should always be taken care of.” His wet, sloppy mouth invades my mine and he forces my body onto his. I push him away. I’ve grown stronger these past few months. Chop taught me how to throw a punch when he saw the bruises on my arm. I told him I was getting bullied at school, and I’m happy for him to think that rather than have him know the truth.

McAlister’s grip on me tightens, and his voice turns vicious, “You know your mama left your daddy because he couldn’t take care of her. Your old man takes pleasure in things he can’t afford, and unfortunately, other people have to pay the price for it.”

“Please leave me alone.” I try being polite, even though I know it won’t work. Not with people like him.

“There are men who want to hurt your daddy, little one, you wouldn’t want him to disappear like your mama did, would ya?” The thought makes me panic. Daddy isn’t the best parent in the world, but he loves me, and I love him. He’s just hurting, he’ll get better. I know he will. He just has to get himself over losing Mama.

“I can protect him, make sure the nasty men leave him alone. I just need you to do something for me, Evangeline.”