Page 77 of Damaged Soul

“What?” My lips tremble as I wonder what this one will want to do to me, will he be gentle like Eddie, will he want tears like Derek.

It turns out quick and rough is his style, and I prefer it that way because it’s over so fast. I don’t even have time to distract myself by counting all the cows in the pen as I squeeze the metal bar in my hand and McAlister makes one long final groan into my ear. Both of us twist our necks around when we hear a sound come from the other side of the barn. Daddy stands swaying against the doorframe, and my heart explodes into a million pieces. This is going to crush him, he can’t lose his friends too. No matter how much I hate them. He stares back at us like he can see right through me. He’s emotionless and when he turns away and stumbles back out onto the yard, I want to chase after him, explain that I’d done what I did for him so that the bad men won’t hurt him now. But by the time McAlister’s released me and I get outside, he’s already gone back into the house to be with the others.

The smell still surrounds me even though we’re a whole room of people apart. And I want to make him hurt, the same way I did Eddie. When Grimm loosens his arm from my waist to lean across the bar, I make my escape without a word of explanation, rushing toward the door and out into the fresh air before I take the gun that I know Grimm carries in his holster and shoot that mother fucker right between the eyes.

Sucking in clean oxygen, my skin still prickles with the thought of him touching me. My hair still feels infested by his hands, and I shake my fingers through it because I can’t fucking stand it.

“Rogue, what’s the matter?” Grimm chases after me, and as soon as his palms touch the outside of my arms, it instantly makes it easier for me to breathe.

“Rogue, you okay?” I can hear the panic in his voice and I quickly spin myself around to rest my cheek against his chest. His heart is thumping almost as fast as mine, and I listen to it for a while, trying to remind myself that I’m not a scared little girl anymore. Somewhere along the way, I got strong. Or at least I thought I had.

“Tell me what’s got you freaked?” Grimm whispers, scrunching my hair between his fingers and forcing me to look up at him.

He’s so beautiful, it almost distracts me, Grimm is my very own dark angel.

“I just want to go home, you stay and hang out. We can fuck when you get back.” I take a step back from him, and when he releases me he looks hurt.

“I don’t wanna fuck, I wanna talk about whatever that shit back there was about. That guy you were looking at, did he hurt you?” Grimm looks like an animal ready to tear something apart.

“No… not tonight,” I say quietly, then only just manage to grab hold of his cut before he spins on his heels and starts heading back inside.

“Please, I don’t want trouble tonight. I just wanna go home.” Grimm freezes on my words, anger still flickering in his dark pupils, but when I beg him with my eyes, he takes a long, frustrated breath.

“Then we go home,” he tells me, finding his calm. Taking my hand, he moves us over to his bike, and once he’s settled on the seat, he reaches his arm behind my back and guides me on behind him.

“Rogue, is there a reason why that man shouldn’t be breathing?”

“Please, Grimm, just take me home,” I beg, resting my cheek on his back and feeling my body relax when he starts up the engine.

I can’t let her see how fucking angry I am. Not while she’s so frightened. I know my girl, she’s confident, strong, and sassy. The girl that just ran out the club looking so petrified isn’t her.

She heads straight for the shower without a word when we get back to the cabin, locking the door behind her. She’s never, not once in the whole time she’s been staying here, locked herself away from me. And I want to rip the damn thing off its hinges for the distance it puts between us.

I pace the wooden floor, pulling my fingers through my hair, and trying to think of what could have gotten her so spooked. My feet tap against the floor while my fingers stretch and curl. There’s too much tension building up inside me, I can’t cope with it and I have to figure a way to keep a lid on it before talking to Rogue.

She comes out of the bathroom a little while later with a towel tied around her chest and her hair soaking wet. She’s been crying, I can tell that from her puffy eyes, and it makes me fuckin’ savage.

She gives me an unconvincing smile and makes her way straight to the bedroom. So I quickly follow her before she can try trapping me out again.

“Rogue, you need to tell me why that man got you freaked tonight.” My voice comes out firm, despite me intending it to be soft, but I can’t control my anger.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Rogue continues to get ready for bed, pumping some moisturizer on her palm and rubbing it into her legs. She’s refusing to look me in the eye and it makes me even more furious.

“There’s a lot of shit you don’t want to talk about, Rogue, but I’m fed up of you keeping that shit from me, especially when it’s clearly important.”

“Well, he ain’t important so it don’t matter.”

“It matters to me.” I step in front of her so she can’t avoid me with her eyes anymore. Her secrets are making me feel so out of control. I can’t protect her if I don’t know what she needs protecting from.

“Grimm, I’m warning you.” She flicks her eyes up at me.

“Tell me,” I push.

“If you wanna know if he fucked me, the answer is yeah, he fucked me. Now, will you just drop it?” Her words feel like a sledgehammer to the guts, but if she thinks that trying to hurt my feelings is gonna make me back off, she’s wrong?

“No, I won’t fucking drop it, why you being like this?”

“You should understand better than anyone why people keep secrets, Grimm. Secrets spread like poison, you can’t rid them from your blood no matter how much you cut. They travel inside wherever you go. You’re already riddled with your own, why do you need mine too?”