Page 96 of Reckless Soul

“That’s nice,” Ella nods her head trying to be polite. “Can you make the pain stop?” she begs

“Get her some vodka or something, that should take the edge off.” Jessie rushes over to my cupboards and pulls out a bottle.

“She’s pregnant, Jessie, you can’t drink when you're pregnant,” Maddy reminds him, already trying her best to get Ella to relax by breathing with her.

“Well by the looks of things, she ain’t gonna be for much longer,” Jessie points out, unscrewing the top and knocking back a mouthful himself.“Here darlin’.” He steps closer and hands Ella the bottle.

She takes it from him and launches it at the wall before clutching at her stomach and screaming again. Seeing her like this, so scared and in so much pain fuckin’ kills me.

“You need to look down there and see what’s going on,” Jessie says pulling an awkward face at Maddy, his head nodding to the space between Ella’s legs.

“Why do I have to look?” Maddy argues back, her voice all high pitched and panicky.

“What in the hell is goin’ on here?” We all turn when we hear Prez’s voice. And Jessie marches straight at him, forcing his palms into his chest and holding him back.

“The girl called Nyx ‘cause she was in trouble, and as you can see… She needs our help.” Jessie throws Prez a look that begs him not to react the way we all know he wants to, and I’m surprised that my head was still attached to neck when Prez nods back begrudgingly in a silent agreement.

Maddy pulls the throw off my couch, draping it over Ella’s knees before she helps her out of her leggings, and all I can do is stand out the way, useless, as it finally dawns on me that a person is about to come into this world. A tiny helpless person that I’m 99.9% sure is half mine.

“Oh my god, I feel so sorry for you.” Maddy holds her hand over her mouth and looks at Ella sympathetically after she’sfinally braved the looking between the leg situation.

“Babe, I don’t think you’re helping much,” Jessie points out. “Ain’t you supposed to be boiling water and getting towels?” He steps around Ella, avoiding looking down.

“What the fuck is that gonna do?” Maddy asks, looking up at him confused. “Boiling water is not gonna help what's going on down here. Just take off your shirt.” She holds out her hand.

“I don't think now’s the time, darlin’.” He winks back at her, then quickly drops the cheeky grin off his face when Ella cries out in more pain.

“Just take it off, Jessie. The baby is literally coming. Where’s the doc?” Maddy looks over her shoulder at me.

“Grimm rode out to get him, he should be here soon. Just try keepin’ it in a bit longer,” Prez answers, his face failing to mask the concern he has for his daughter.

“I don’t think she’s gonna be able to do that,” Maddy snaps at him. “Oh Jesus, there’s something protruding out of it.” Maddy starts to gag, and Jessie steps up bravely, placing his hand on his old lady’s shoulder and cautiouslycheckin’ it out for himself.

“Right darlin’, you listen to me.” He looks up at Ella, his skin turned pale but somehow holding it together. “Women all over the word been doin’ this shit for years. And without doctors. You’re gonna be fine. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you on my watch.” He takes the black band from round his wrist and uses it to tie back his hair before he slides down behind her. Placing a leg either side of hers, he pushes his arms under hers, and grabs hold of both her hands. I look over to Prez, and I’m certain that we’re both thinking the same thing. That we should be the one comforting her right now.

“Now I got up here covered,” Jessie speaks to Maddy over Ella’s shoulder. “And well, you're just gonna have to pull your shit together down there. ‘Cause I can’t fuckin’ deal,”he tells her.

He turns his attention back to Ella, who’s gripping his hand so tight her knuckles have turned white.“You listen to what my girl tells you and we’re all gonna be just fine,” he assures her.

“I feel something real heavy down there. Like I need to push,” Ella strains.

“It’s the baby’s head, sweetie.” Maddy looks up, trying to hide the disgust from her face. “I think you should push.”

“I can't, I'm too scared,” Ella shakes her head in protest.

“Ain't no use being scared, this baby is coming. Think you gotta just do what your body's tellin’ ya,” Jessie tells her, and I have no idea how he’s being so calm.

“But my dad. What if he takes it away from me?” she wails through tears. My eyes flick over to Prez again and I watch his stare turn cold as he focuses on his only living daughter.

“Your daddy ain’t gonna do shit. I’ll promise you that. Listen to what Maddy tells you,” he says, his authoritative tone a little softer than usual.

“I can’t… I can’t even take care of myself. I can’t do this on my own.” The pain doesn’t seem to be affecting her anymore. She’s so fuckin’ scared and I can’t stand back here and watch her fall apart a moment longer.

“You ain't gonna be alone,” I tell her, stepping forward, and crouching beside her. I take one of her hands from Jessie and hold it tight mine, hoping she doesn’t feel how unsteady it is.

“I’m here, and I’m gonna take care of you. Of both of you,” I promise, the thumb from my other hand wiping away the tear from her cheek.

“You promise?” She snuffles a tiny smile,