Page 97 of Reckless Soul

“Yeah,” I nod my head, looking her right in her terrified eyes so she knows I mean every word.

As long as I got a breath in my body I’ll take care of her, but judging from the way Prez’s eyes are drilling into the back of my head right now, I doubt it will be for very long.

“Me too,” I hear his low voice rumble from behind me. “I’m gonna take care of you,” he pledges, and my heart fills with relief.

“You hear that, darlin’?” Jessie tells Ella, his eyes looking past my shoulder up at Prez. “That there's the President of the Dirty Souls MC and if he makes ya a promise, I can assure ya it’s as solid as steel. You’re here now, you’re both under our protection. Soyou do what you need to do. Fear ain’t never been welcome on this compound. None of us would be here if we let that get in our way.” I notice how his eyes fall on to Maddy and a dopey smile sets on his face.

“Oh my God,” Ella screams. Her hand crushing mine, and her whole body tensing as she finally gives in to her body's demands.

“That’s right,” Maddy encourages her. “You’re doing it. Whatever you’re doingis working. It’s gross, but it’s working.”

“I’m so sorry, Ell,” I whisper, kissing her knuckles to my mouth, and watching helplessly as shescreams like her body’s splitting in two.

“The head and shoulders are out. Next push I think it could all be over if you make it a good one,” Maddy tells her, starting to sound a little excited.

“You hear that? One more. You got this,” Jessie tells her as another contraction rips through her. Ella howls like a fucking wolf and Maddy reaches between her legs. A hint of a smile on her focused face.

“You did it, it’s here,” Maddy tells Ella pulling this tiny, pink body up in her hands, a faint snuffling noise coming from its mouth.

“I thought kids are supposed to cry when they come out?” I look at Maddy, hearing the panic in my own voice. Something ain’t right.

“Here, pass him up here,” Jessie says calmly, reaching out his hands and taking the little slimy figure that still ain’t fuckin’ crying out of Maddy’s arms. He places it in Ella’s shaky arms, then hooks a finger inside its tiny mouth, pulling out a finger full of slimy mucus. And I finally exhale when I hear the loud high pitched screech release from its throat.

“There ya go, darlin’, looks like you got yaself a little boy. And being born here on the compound pretty much guarantees this little fella a patch, watcha reckon, Prez?” Jessie looks up at Prez, and when I follow his line of vision, Prez’s eyes are brimming with tears.

“Hey,” Ella, looks down at our kid with this huge beam lighting up her face, placing her finger inside his hand, and I dare myself to take a properlook at him.

He’s fucking perfect.

I catch Prez watching me, his eyes clutching rage now, tears still unshed. And a loud rap at the door pulls his focus from me. Grimm pokes his head around the door. Doing a double take when he sees the scene in front of him.

“Prez, doc’s here,” he announces, opening the door wider for the doc to step inside. Doc doesn’t ask any questions, he never does. He just goes straight to Ella and starts tending to her with the baby still in her arms. I move out of his way with Maddy, my whole body trembling like a leaf. I’m fuckin’ petrified, and not because ofPrez or the club. I’m scared for the tiny little person who’s just been born into the world, with me as his father.

Jessie hops up from behind Ella, popping a kiss on her cheek.

“Congratulations darlin’.” He smiles down at her and she grabs on to his arm and thanks him, over and over.

“You too.” She looks to Maddy “I don’t know what we would have done without you both,” she smiles.

Jessie nods me over to the other side of the room as he pulls Maddy under his arm. “We fuckin’ nailed that, babe,” he tells her proudly, landing a kiss onto her forehead.

“You were incredible, and so calm. The way you helped him breath like that, honestly, Jessie, you were amazing.” Maddy’s right. I can’t even think about what might have happened if he hadn't been here and thought so fast.

“You want the truth? I was fuckin’ terrified,” he blows out a breath before he looks at Mads and smiles. “But I figure it’ll be good practice.” He tugs her in a little tighter.

“Um, Practice for what?” she raises her head up at him.

“For when I knock you up.” He places a hand over her flat stomach. “You know we’re gonna have to let it happen sometime, darlin’.” He smirks.

“After seeing what I just saw, you’ll be lucky if I ever let you near me with your dick again,” she warns.

“You sure about that?” he checks, a glint in his eyes.

“I seriously need to wash this shit off my hands,” Maddy says, cutting the conversation, and quickly heading for the bathroom.

I take a look over at Prez, he’s standing and staring at his daughter and new grandson. I can feel the heat radiating off him as he gives Jessie a grateful pat on the back when he passes him on the way outside for some air.

“That’s the cord cut,” Doc says. “Does someone wanna hold this little guy while I deal with the mother.” Shit, that sounds weird, someone referring to Ella as a Mother. It’s another huge wakeup call. I’m about to step forward and hold my son for the first time. Hoping that it won’t be the fuckin’ last. But Prez’s voice stops me.