Page 95 of Reckless Soul

“It’s gonna be okay,” I try my best to reassure her, despite the crushing panic in my chest when she clutches at the handle of the door and screams as I start pulling away. I swear whatever it is she’s feeling, it’s crippling me just as much, because I have no idea what I can do to make her feel better.

“I’m gonna get you to the hospital. They can help you,” I tell her, my hand stroking her thigh while I drive, as if it’s gonna make any fuckin’ difference to the pain she’s in.

“No!” She looks up at me, her pretty eyes full of fear. “No hospitals, please. My father can’t know about this. He’ll kill me. Please Nyx.” She should know I’d never let that happen. But the fact she’s scared enough to be distracted from the pain she’s in, makes me swallow the lump in my throat.

“’Kay darlin’. No hospitals,” I promise. Lifting my hand off her leg and holding it out so she has something to squeeze when I notice her face tensing with more pain.

“Where you taking me?” She throws her head back against the seat when her pain passes again, and I hadn’t even realized where I’m headed myself until I have to give her an answer.

“Home, Ella… I’m taking you home.” I lean over and press my lips against her sticky forehead.

“I’m so sorry, Nyx,” she sobs, “I thought I could sort something out. I had money saved, I was gonna run, and then he caught me.”

“Wait… what, who are you talkin’ about?” My fingers grip tight at the steering wheel.

“My dad, he flipped when he found out I was gonna leave home. I tripped over trying to get away from him and then he hit me.” She fights to hold back her tears, so she can finish what she wants to tell me. “Do you think it’ll be okay? The baby I mean…” I look down to where she’s stroking a hand protectively over the neat little bump. “…Ithought I had at least a few more weeks before it came”

“Your dad did this?” I check, my blood boiling under my skin.

“It was gonna happen at some point, Nyx,” she says reaching out and gripping my arm, as her body gets attacked with more pain.

“Ell, I should really get you to a hospital, he could have hurt you, or the…” Fuck, I’m too much of a pussy to even say it out loud.

“I’ve managed to hide this from him for all this time, I’m not gonna have him find out now. Please,” she pleads me with her eyes, and there’s no hope of me saying no to her. Even knowing that a huge shit storm is about to hit.

At least at the club I know she’ll be safe. We can call the Doc, he’s always fixing people. He’ll fix this.

When we get to the compound there’s no one outside the clubhouse,so I head straight up to the cabins, parking the truck outside mine and rushing to help her out.I barge open my door and hurry us inside. We don’t even make it to the couch before she bows over in agony again. I ease her on to the floor, do my best to comfort her while she cries out in pain but I’m useless to her. There’s no way I can do this by myself. I need help. And I know exactly who to get it from.

“Stay there. I’m gonna get help,” I tell her, prying my hand out of hers.

“Don’t leave me, Nyx, please, not now.” She tugs at my arm when I go to get up, and I quickly grab her face in both my hands, anger rushing through me all over again when I see the mess the judge has made of her.

“I am going next door to get someone to help us. I. am. not. leaving you. I’ll be right back. I promise. Just stay here.” I slam a kiss onto her forehead, and just about manage to stand up on my wobbly legs.

“Well, it’s not like I’m gonna fucking run anywhere, is it?” she calls out after me as I rush out the door.

I race to Jessie’s cabin and hammer on his door, calling Prez from my cell while I wait for him to open. Prez sounds groggy when he answers. I yell at him to call the doc and get to mine, hanging up before he has the chance to ask questions. It seems to take forever, but Jessie eventually opens his door, his hand ruffling through his unruly hair. “Someone better be fucking dying,” he tells when he sees me.

“I need you and Mads, at mine, right the fuck now,” I tell him, already moving to get back to Ella, and Jessie must see how panicked I am because he doesn’t question me, just calls out to Mads, who comes out of the bedroom, wearing one of his band shirts.

“Get some bottoms on, Nyx needs us,” he calls over his shoulder, jogging out behind me.

He halts in my doorway when he sees Ella on the floor. The look on his face, similar to my reactionwhen I first saw her.

“What the fuck?” He turns his head to me, and if he hadn’tquite been awake before, he sure is now.

Ella is doing her best to steady her breathing, her face red and scrunched up in pain.

“Jesus Christ, Nyx, tell me this ain’t your problem,” he says sliding another hand through his hair and scrubbing at his face.

“Holy fucking shit,” Maddy’s shocked voice screeches from behind us.

“Great, you’re here,” I sigh in relief when I turn around and see her standing in shock. “You need to do something.”

“Do what?” She looks at me as if I’ve lost all senses. “I’m a hacker not a frickin’ midwife.” Maddy gives herself a few seconds to process before she steps around me and Jessie to get closer to Ella.

“I’m Maddy, Jessie’s old lady,” she speaks soothingly, slowly crouching down in front of her.