Page 71 of Reckless Soul

“As good as,” I shrug back and he smiles back at me.

“Guerro and his crew lookin’ out for ya?” he checks.

“Yeah, I’m covered,” I assure him.

“So, what’s with the call, you said you have something for me.” Jessie looks at me through the glass curiously.

“I do,” I confirm, leaning forward.

“Tommy,” I say his name slowly and watch shock find its place on Jessie’s face.

“Tommy, as in Chop’s Tommy?” he checks and when I nod back, he smirks the same way I had when I realized that we had him.

“He came in a few days ago, shares a cell with the buddy of one-of my cellys.”

“What’s he in for?”

“Hell if I know, I ain’t done no asking yet. I didn’t want to make it seem like I care. He’s in pretty bad shape though, barely been in a day before he got laid into by the skinheads.” I glance my eyes to a booth a few down from mine where one of the Nazi fuckers is taking a visit of his own.

“Just say the fuckin’ word and I’ll make that little cunt squeak. He has to know where his dad is, Jess.”

Jessie sits back in the plastic chair and gets that look on his face, the one he gets when he’s cooking something up.

“How many’s Guerro got in here?” he asks

“Twelve, maybe fifteen,” I answer, confused.

“Enough to outnumber the skinheads?”

“I guess, they have a few new recruits, but nothing useful.”

“Protect Tommy,” Jessie lowers his voice into the phone, shocking the hell right out of me.

“You’re kidding, right?” I slam my hand on the surface in front of me and earn myself a stern look from the warden guarding the door.

“No, make it your personal business to ensure no harm comes to him. You tell him he’s got Soul protection and you tell Guerro and his boys the same thing.”

“Have you lost your fuckin’ head, Jessie?” I ask him, seriously concerned that he’s taken a hard blow to his senses during whatever shit went down to cause those bruises on his face.

“No, sounds to me like Tommy is in an impossible situation and needs a friend. Someone who he can talk to.”

“No way, I hate him. He’s a sleazy little rat!”

“Exactly, and I’ll bet it won’t take him long to put his own ass before his loyalty to his papa. The club needs you to do this. Skid needs it.”

“Am I even a part of that club anymore?” I ask, thinkin' about how mad Prez had been the last time I saw him.

“You think we’d be workin' so hard out here to get you out if you weren’t?” Jessie asks me with a confused look on his face. I don’t want out. Out there is nothing but temptation. I’ve put Ella in enough fucking danger.

“Mads got the name of the witness from your police report. We’re thinking of a way to deal with her. Luke ain’t a problem, he’s still in hospital but he’s gonna make a full recovery. We got enough evidence on Luke. I’ve already spoken to his old man, and he doesn’t want his family rep ruined. So they ain’t pushing to make charges. It’s just the state you're up against.

“You're wasting your time,” I tell him.

“Nyx, we’re gonna get you out of here. Plenty of us been in worse scrapes than this and Monica’s managed to get us off. This Abby bitch won’t even make it into the witness box, some polite advice from Rogue should see to that.”


I repeat the name he just mentioned, hoping he’s made a mistake.