Page 72 of Reckless Soul

“Yeah, the chick who was noshing him off when you went all cray cray on his ass. She was high when it happened, it even says so in the police report. Even if she don’t heed Rogue’s warning and decides to take the stand, Marcella will rip her a new asshole up there.”

“No,” I shake my head.

“What ya mean, no?” Jessie laughs at me.

“I mean no threats, you leave her out of it.”

Jessie leans forward, the look on his face turning serious.

“You listen to me, Nyx. That little slut running her mouth to a jury could cost you hard fuckin’ time. You don’t want that.”

“Who says I don’t want it.” I shrug.

“I say you don’t want it. In here, even the worse of ‘em got a chance of getting out. Nothing’s permanent. You go to prison where some men got no hope, you're playing in a different playground,” he tells me sternly.

“She’s a friend of Ella’s,” I sigh, I should reallylet rogue loose on the two-faced little whore for betraying Ella like that with Luke but I know it’s not what Ella would want.

“Can’t you get Maddy to talk to her instead?” I suggest, knowing Rogue will lose her patience too quickly with a girl like Abby.

“I don’t think it will have the same effect,” Jessie sneers.

“Ella wouldn’t want her to get hurt.”

“The club doesn’t make it their business to hurt women, Nyx, you know that. She’ll just get a warning.”

I nod back at him.

“I gotta get back, I got someone waiting for me downstairs.”

“The fucker who did that to you?” I tip my head towards his fat lip.

“Nah, that fucker’s six foot under in a place only Grimm knows. You just remember what I said, you cover Tommy’s back in here and get him to talk. We get Chop, then we get Skid’s focus back. That’s gonna go hella way of getting you back in Prez's good books.” Jessie goes to put down the phone back on the receiver and I manage to catch him just before.

“How is she, is someone…” I swallow the lump in my throat, “Has Prez got eyes on her?” I torture myself some more by asking.

“Prez’s doing what he can. Maddy too. There’s been no activity from the Bastards so that’s a good sign.” Jessie looks solemn and it makes me feel like such a fucking let down. Just the thought of her being out there unprotected makes me sick with worry. There have been nights I’ve wanted to rip the bars off the windows to go to her. I hate feeling so fucking helpless. All I can do from in hereis hope the Bastards saw what we had as a stupid high school hook up and have backed off her now I ain’t around.

“Stay outta trouble,” Jessie reminds me with a sad smile before he places the phone back on the receiver and leaves.

I get up from my booth and make my way back to the yard. What I’m about to do ain’t gonna be easy, especially since Tommy knows how much I hate him.

When I first arrived at the club he tried bullying me, just like the boys in the foster homes. I dealt with it the same way as I dealt with them. By going in hard and with no mercy. I kicked the shit out of him before I knew he was the VP’s boy. Even if I had known, I doubt it would have made the difference.

I find Guerro first and tell him Jessie’s orders.

“Any excuse to wet up a skinner,” he smiles at me showing his grills, and I nod back before I make my way over to the bench where Tommysits alone.

He looks in a bad way, the bruises in his face out in full color now and his cuts starting to scab over.

“Ya good?” I ask, taking a seat beside him.

“What do you fucking care.” He shifts away from me, I can smell the fear in him though. Tommy always did make a shit job of trying to act tough.

“I don’t,” I shake my head, leaning forward and resting my elbows in my knees. “But for some reason the Souls do.”

“I don’t need the Souls,” he mutters under his breath.

“Your funeral, I’ll let the others know.” I go to leave him alone, and just as I predicted, he stops me.