Page 66 of Reckless Soul

“Prez is hurtin’ he just needs time. It’s a good sign that he’s sending you to another Charter, it means he wants to keep you in the club. Who knows, you might even end up coming back here.”

“I don’t think so.”

Jessie didn’t see how mad Prez was.

“You care about her, don’t ya?” he asks looking a little uncomfortable, brothers don’t usually make a habit of talking about their feelings around here. I nod back without looking at him, there’s no point denying it. Not to Jessie, you can’t lie to that fucker.

“Then, getting out of town is the best thing you can do for both of you,” he says sadly.

“We could bring her in, protect her like we do Mads,” I suggest, if Jessie sees the sense in it, as VP he may be able to convince Prez.

“Yeah? And who's gonna protect you. You know club rules, you’re lucky Prez hasn’t picked up on your real feelings and just thinks you’re a fuck up. He respects you enough to think you wouldn’t be that stupid.” He smirks at me.

“Ask yourself honestly, would you really want that for her?” His face quickly turns serious again. “I’m not ashamed to admit how much I love my girl, but I feel like shit every day for what she’s had to sacrifice. Go to Utah, Nyx, make the best of what you can, and forget about her.” Jessie slaps my back and offers me a pity smile before he moves back to his cabin.

I make my way over to my bike and tie my duffle on the back, then just as I’m about to kick start the engine I hear a female voice call out to me. Maddy runs off her porch, surprising me when she throws her arms around my neck.

“I’ll keep an eye on her while you’re gone,” she whispers. I pull back and look at her. “Prez isn’t gonna risk anything, Nyx. He’s gonna want to keep an eye on her discreetly. I can do it without even leaving my cabin. We got a track on her car thanks to the judge.” She holds her hands between us and wiggles her fingers, somehow managing to pry a smile out of me. And making me jealous that Jessie gets to be with the girl he’s crazy about. “Trust me, Nyx, I’ll do everything I can for her.” I nod back at her gratefully, believing every word she says. “Take care, Nyx.” She kisses my cheek before dashing back inside.

I pull away from the cabins, down the dirt track, and past the club. Then I ride the windy roads that lead into town and when I get to the fork on the road, I don’t hesitate, pulling back my throttle and heading for Pines Peak.

It ain’t hard to find him, his shiny red jeep sticks out in the empty parking lot on top of the hill like a dog’s nutsack.

I park my bike a good distance away so I can move closer on foot. I see the silhouette of a girl next to him, no doubt some ditzy cheerleading bitch he brought up here to suck him off while she gets high. I should put a bullet in the back of his skull, make sure he can never hurt Ella again. Any jackass who’d get pleasure out of causing her pain deserves to meet his maker.

I take my hand off my gun, deciding that it wouldn’t be enough. Luke Robinson needs to hurt, he needs to feel pain in a way he’s never experienced before. And I need to be the one to serve it to him.

I hear them laughing, not a care in the fucking world. And that’s when I feel it snap, all the anger inside me that’s been festering since the first day I saw him be cruel to Ella, releasing in one powerful burst. I charge forward so fast that the asshole doesn’t see me coming, and take him by surprise when I drag him out of his jeep and lay my first punch deep into his throat, with any luck I’ll crush the fucker’s windpipe, he can choke on his own breath and his little slut can watch him fucking suffer.

He falls to the ground, and I block out the screams that are coming from the bitch behind me as I lean over him and pummel my fists over and over into his face. The pussy doesn’t even fight back, his hands trying to make a shield of his body as he tries to shuffle away from me.

“Stop! Please stop. I’m calling the police,” the girl screams, but she doesn't stand a chance of getting through to me. I don’t even let the voice in my head telling me that Ella wouldn’t want this stop me.

Luke’s blood splats my face as my knuckles dent his flesh. I’ve lost any control I had, all I can focus on is all the hurt this son of a bitch has caused Ella. Reaching down, I grab his throat in the arch of my hand before lifting him up and slamming him down into the ground. Smashing his head against the parking lot curb. I hear it crack, but it still doesn’t stop me. I think about the asshole’s constant jibes, the shit he wrote on my girl's locker, and all the stuff I know this slippery fucker has thought about doing to her.

I straighten up and stamp my boot hard into his face, over and over, and still the pain inside of me doesn’t go away. Not even when his body turns limp and his blood runs onto the ground around my feet. One final hard blow of my foot into his face sends two of his teeth flying out of his mouth, and I know he’s not gonna get back up. He won’t ever hurt Ella again.

I back away slowly from the sorry fucker, ignoring the sobs and cries coming from the girl in his jeep, I don’t even panic that she just witnessed the whole thing. I hope the cops fucking come for me. Locking me up and throwing away the key is the only way to guarantee keeping me away from Ella.

Every single part of me hurts when I think about being apart from her, in a way that makes me want to tear my heart out of my chest and stamp it into the curb just like Luke Robinson’s head.

I pull out a smoke, and smell the blood on my knuckles when I bring it to my lips, then when I get to my bike I think about where I’m heading next and instead of heading towards the freeway, I turn my bike and head in the opposite direction. I drive towards Castle Rock because I’m selfish, I’m reckless and I can’t leave without seeing her one last time.

I park three streets away to be extra safe, taking off my cut, and tucking it inside my bag. I walk through the backstreets to get to her house, climbing the tree one last time and hopping over her wall. When I step through her balcony door, she’s fully clothed, and sleeping soundly on top of her covers. I realize that I'm covered in Luke’s blood, I didn't think about that while I was on my way here. I didn't think about anything on my way here except having to let her fuckin’ go.

I don’t want her to wake up and see me like this, I can’t face having to tell her this is the last time she’ll see me. So I keep my feet as soft as possible as I step into her room. I watch her chest as it gently rises up and down, and how her lips twist into a sleepy smile. This is exactly how I want to remember her. Peaceful, and so damn beautiful that it cripples me inside.

I reach out my finger and brush away a strand of her hair from her face and she takes comfort in it. Her soft skin so close to the bloodstains on my hands remind me of how stupid I’ve been. How did I ever convince myself that she could be mine?

My head automatically leans towards hers, my lips feel fucking starved of her and I allow them to touch against hers, hoping it might heal the pain ripping at my chest just for a few seconds.

She stirs a little and I quickly pull away, scared that I’ve woken her.

“Nyx?” Her fingers reach up, and she strokes my lips, her eyes still shut.

“Yeah baby,” I keep my voice soft and low, managing a smile against her soft fingertips.

“It’s late,” she moans sleepily.