Page 67 of Reckless Soul

“I know, go back to sleep,” I whisper, wrapping her hand up in mine and pressing her knuckles against my lips.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, still not properly awake.

“I got to go away for a little while, princess.” I feel the cords of my heart snapping, I wanna drag her out of this bed and take her with me but I know that ain’t an option.

“Okay.” She nestles her head into her pillow. And the thumb from my free hand strokes her cheek.

I’m sorry Ell.

I can’t say the words aloud, can’t risk her hearing them. Leaving her is gonna be hard enough, without her trying to stop me.

I meant every word back at the studio. I’ve never been in love before but I know this is it because of how much it hurts. She’s changed my life. And I wish there was a way for us to be together without sacrificing her safety.

Yesterday, I told her I’d always fight for us and I hate that I can’t keep my word.

“Mmmm… love you Nyx,” she sighs into her pillow. Whispering those words, like she’s been saying them her whole life. She won’t ever know how much it means to me that I was loved by someone like her. That for some crazy reason this beautiful, smart girl in front of me thought I was worthy of that.

Cupping her cheek in the arch of my hand I take her mouth and I pray to fuck knows who, that by some miracle it won’t be for the last time.

I let my lips linger over hersfor longer than I should, absorbing her taste and stealing her softness. And I wonder how the hell I’ll be able to stay away, knowing that such perfection exists in the world.

“I love you back, Ella Carson.” I make sure I use the name she should have been given. I got a lot of anger for Prez right now, but he ain't a bad man.As it turns out, we ain’t so different. He gave Ella up eighteen years ago because it was what was best for her, I’m giving her up for that very same reason tonight.

Finding the strength to pull myself up from her bed is the toughest thing I’ve ever done, and turning my back to walk away from her feels like stepping into flames. I stop at her balcony door and torture myself with one last look, I’d never have been able to give Ella Carson the world, but I’d have given her my life and that’s exactly what it feels like I’m doing when I leave her, closing her balcony doors one last time behind me.

I head towards the studio, Tac’s bike wasn’t at the club earlier, so he’s either working late or fuckin’ in his apartment upstairs. The shutter is up and the lights are on. So I get off my bike and nervously fill my lungs with air before I walk inside.

I open the door and freeze when he comes firing out of the back room, his skin pale under his ink and a real scared look on his face,

“What the fuck you doin' here, kid?” he asks, racing towards the door and pulling down the blinds.

“Guess you spoke to Prez, huh?”

“Colorado Springs’ police department got a warrant out for your arrest,” he says sounding panicked. “Danny just called with the heads up, and Roswell's working on it but it looks like there ain't shit he can do about it. You need to get out of town.” He opens the till and grabs a fist full of cash slamming it into my chest.

“I’m sorry I let you down,” I tell him calmly, knowing that this was coming. Recklessness was bound to catch up with me sooner or later. The sound of sirens ring in the distance, getting louder and louder.

“Sorry, for what?” Tac shakes his head. “Kid, you need to split, use the back entrance and take my truck.” He tosses me the keys from under the counter and I catch them in my fist before slamming them back on the desk surface. He looks at them, then back up at me, shock and confusion etched all over his face as the studio lights up red and blue and two patrol cars skid to a halt outside.

“Run,” he screams at me as the door crashes open and a team of armed officers pile inside, their guns drawn and aimed at me.

“This is the only way,” I tell him, I don’t even know if he hears me over the sound of the policescreaming their commands, but he looks betrayed when I place my hands behind my head and drop down onto my knees.

This really is the only way. Ain't nothing in this world gonna keep me coming for Ella if I’m free. I see that now. I still went to her tonight despite Prez’s warning of the danger I could have put her in.

“Nixon Anderson.” An officer steps up from behind me, grabbing at my wrists and snapping a set of metal handcuffs around them. “You’re under arrest for the attempted murder of Luke Robinson.” He pulls me up onto my feet and starts reciting me my rights. I pay no attention to the shit he’s saying, just stare back at Tac and hope he knows how much I hate myself for letting him down.

Damn Nyx Anderson, it’s bad enough that he’s in every single one of my thoughts during the day, without him teasing me in my dreams during the night.

Last night’s dream was kinda beautiful. He’d come to me through my balcony doorslike always and touched me with that gentleness he seems to reserve especially for me. His lips were soft as they brushed over mine. His words just whispers, and it had all felt so real that his taste still lingers on my mouth.

Just a vision of him in my sleep soothed the bitter memory of what Father had done in his office last night, but it soon comes flooding back to me and has me running for the toilet.

Nyx probably partied hard with his friends last night, so I doubt I’ll see him until this afternoon. I make no rush to get up and go downstairs, for that reason and the fact I’m trying to avoid my parents at all costs.

I take a long cold shower, the stream of water stinging my bruised backside as it sprays my tender skin. I take ages deciding what I should wear today and in the end, settle on the pretty white summer dress that I’d been wearing when he came for me at Father’s club and took me to his secret hideout.

I haven’t figured how I’ll get past Father yet, no doubt he’ll protest at the idea of me leaving the house. So, all I can hope is that he and Mom have something planned for this afternoon.