Page 15 of Reckless Soul

I glance back at Ella and see the shock frozen on her face.

“You shouldn’t let him speak to you like that.” The words come out of me much harsher than I intended them to and her mouth hangs open. She looks like she’s about to say something, but a shrill voice comes from behind me before she has the chance.

“Nicolas. My office. Now.” I ignore it at first, forgetting that thanks to Jessie’s old lady, Nicolas is actually me. Maddy is good at what she does, Prez assured me she’s made everything tight, fixing me up with fake IDs and making me up a school history report.

I turn around and look down at the stern-faced Principal I met on my first day. I’d known within a few seconds of being in her office that she didn’t like me.

Looking back at Ella, I hate how guilty she looks as she watches me follow Principal K back inside the building.

Sharp clips from her heels echo off the corridor floor as she escorts me back through reception into her office. Then making an over-exaggerated gesture with her arm, she shows me to the seat in front of her desk, slamming her door shut as soon as my ass sits down.

With her cold blank stare fixed on me, she moves towards her filing cabinet and takes out one of the brown files. Mrs. K has a ‘not to be fucked with’ type face, and despite her five-foot fuck all frame I can see how some might find her intimidating.

Sitting behind her desk, she clears her throat before her bony fingers begin flicking through the pages.

“Nicolas Anderson,” she speaks my name like it tastes sour, and the way her eyes peer at me over her glasses makes me paranoid that she might have figured me out.If she hasn’t already, she’s about to… Prez told me to read the file Maddy made up for me, but I haven’t. I have no idea what background she made up for me.

“Transferred from Utah.” She nods her head looking surprisingly impressed. “Good grades.” I shift in my chair when her eyes widen even more. “With a keen enthusiasm for… drama.” She looks at me like she expects an explanation but I lift up my shoulders and fake her a smile, internally cursing Jessie’s old lady for showing that she’s got a sense offuckin’ humor at a time like this.

“This is only your third day here, and you already seem to be causing trouble. There’s nothing in here to suggest you had this problem at your last school. So, tell me what makes you think violence is acceptable in mine?” She slams the file shut. There’s a long silence, and I wait until her forehead has stretched so high that the creases in her brow disappear completely.

“Guess I just lost my cool, Miss,” I respond, with another shrug.

“Well, if you plan to get on here, you’re going to have to find a way to keep a lid on that cool, Mr. Anderson. Do you understand?”

I nod my head to satisfy her, and she lets out an aggravated sigh.

“I’m happy to issue a warning on this occasion. Don’t let yourself down again.” Her peephole eyes shift to the door in a silent dismissal and I waste no more of our time, standing up and leaving.I storm back through reception and onto the corridor. I shouldn’t have let Luke get under my skin. The last thing I need is to draw attention, me and my hot head could have just blown this whole fuckin’ cover-up.

The corridors are empty, everyone already back to class. I go straight to my locker to take out the chemistry textbook I need before I get to mine. Slamming the door shut I rest my forehead against the cool metal, hoping it might take some of the heat out my blood.I close my eyes and try to focus, to figure out a way to carry out this shit without fuckin’ forgetting why I’m here.

“I’m sorry.” The softly spoken voice forces my eyes open, and when I twist around. Ella is standing in front of me, teeth digging into her bottom lip guiltily and her hands fidgeting like she doesn't know where to place them.

Undoubtedly, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

“What ya sorry for?” I ask, not meaning to sound so agitated, but my voice is the last thing I worry about controlling when I’m around her.

“About what happened… I’m sorry you got in trouble for me.” Her eyes fall from mine and settle on the floor, and I miss their contact instantly.

“He had it coming,” I tell her, using my shoulder to push myself off my locker. I need to get away from her before I grab at that chin, force those eyes back on to mine, then bite down on that peachy lip myself.

“Thank you,” she calls out when I’ve gotten a few steps away from her. The desperateness in her tone causes me to stop, and I take in a deep breath while I fight the urge to turn around. If I do it will only make me want to go to her. To take her hand and walk us both the fuck out of the door, put her on my bike, then ride until I come up with a way to have her.

I quickly shake that thought away and keep walking.

It unnerves me how in such a short time, one girl has the potential to ruin every dream I’ve ever had. At the same time, it makes me understand a little better why Jessie always seems so obsessed over his old lady.

A whole week has passed since Nyx punched Luke, and it seems Nyx has barely looked in my direction since. I miss his icy stares—the ones that make my bones shudder and cause heat to pool in my stomach—the way he defended me, gave me a little hope that he might actually like me. Although it’s much more realistic that he just really hates Luke, and took an opportunity to prove how much.

Father is in a terrible mood at dinner, I get that vibe from his stern expression and the fact he poured himself something strong the minute he arrived home from work.

Mom is trying her best to make conversation over the table, while he arrogantly ignores every single one of her attempts. I ask to be excused as soon as I finish eating, heading straight up to my room and away from the atmosphere. I have more homework to catch up with than normal as I’m finding it impossible to get anything done in the classes I share with Nyx. He has a habit of unwittingly sending me off topic and into a dreamy haze.

I get started on my English assignment, throwing myself into it for a good few hours, and increasing the volume on my iPod as the argument downstairs becomes louder. I call it an argument, but considering Father's voice is the only one I hear, it seems much more like a scolding.

Vincent Jackson is a bully, he does a great job of hiding that part of his personality, and I really hope Mom isn’t getting blamed for something petty that I’ve done. This week I’ve been so distracted by Nyx, I haven’t done much to piss him off. I may have swapped over a few documents from one file to another in his cabinet, but surely he couldn’t be blaming her for that…

I wait for the shouting to stop before sneaking down to the kitchen for a drink. Trying my best to stay quiet as I creep across the landing. I almost leap out of my skin when I bump into Mom coming up the stairs.