Page 16 of Reckless Soul

By the looks of it Father has gone all out tonight, her right cheek is burning red and her eyes are swollen from tears. She quickly moves her hand to her cheek, attempting to shield me from my asshole father’s handy work.

“You surprised me, darling.” She swallows back any pain she’s feeling, painting on the ‘everything's okay’ smile that over the years I’ve come to know better than her genuine one. “How’s that essay coming along?” The tears are still in her eyes, and I want so much to hug her, but if she senses that I see right through her act I know she’d hurt even more.

It seems ironic that she works so hard to protect me from what she goes through, and that my only way to comfort her is to play along with it.

“It’s going good, almost finished.” I manage a false smile for her.

“That’s terrific, sweetheart. I’m going to get myself an early night. I have another headache.” She rolls her eyes like it’s no big deal, her hand still trembling as she taps me lightly on the arm and carries on towards their bedroom.

“Mom…” I don’t turn around, but I know she’s stopped when the floorboards stop creaking beneath her feet.

“Those headaches seem to be coming a lot more often lately. If you keep getting them, maybe you ought to speak to someone.”

Without waiting for her to respond, I continue to move down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, I pour myself a glass of water, then stare out the window across the back lawn that Father pays a gardener to keep looking pristine. It must have been freshly cut today, I can smell that cut grass scent lingering.

Needing some fresh air, I step out the back door, making sure to turn off the automatic light on my way out. Last thing I want is to disturb Father in the mood he’s in. His office may be on the other side of the house, but he doesn’t miss a thing.

The evening is chilly, but I sit out on one of the patio chairs anyway. Other than the occasions when I sit out here with Penelope on her breaks, our garden rarely gets used.

Our patio stretches the whole width of the house, and the outdoor dining table beneath our veranda could seat at least fifteen people. I can’t remember a time when it’s ever been used for socializing like it should be.

We also have a pool which I’d probably use more often if it wasn’t located right outside Father's office window.Too many times I’ve caught him glaring at me coldly through the glass. The man seems opposed to me having any kind of fun while he’s working. Or at any other time for that matter.

I gave up a long time ago trying to understand him, he’s incapable of emotion. The upstanding family man people see outside this house is a complete stranger to me.

Sitting back in my chair, I inhale the fresh evening air and enjoy the silence for a while.

Some movement in a tree on the other side of the wall catches my attention. At first, I suspect some kind of night creature, an owl perhaps. But the loud, heavy rustles of the branches suggest something much larger.

My heart crawls inside my throat when a frame becomes clearer, and I realize what I’m seeing is a human shadow.

I always figured the massive wall Father had built around the perimeter of our house was for privacy. Pretty naïve of me, considering I know what my father does for a job. Being a federal judge, he’s responsible for sending a lot of people away. There would of course be people who held grudges against him.

Confident that the veranda is providing enough shadow for the intruder to be unable to see me, I watch the huge figure settle itself between the trunk and a thick branch that hangs over our wall. They sit motionless, so still, that if I’d come out here just a few moments later I would have never known they were there.

For a while, I sit and watch out of curiosity, and slowly a sick thought enters my head. One that I try to dismiss yet can’t help being attracted to.What if whoever this is, is here to hurt my father? If this someone has come here to serve him a taste of his own justice?

My bedroom light is still on, shining above me and illuminating a patch of lawn. It highlights the different shades of green the gardener has taken time to stripe to perfection. As soon as I go upstairs, the person in the trees will likely be able to see every move I make. But I know from up there I’ll be able to get a much better look at who it is. Quietly, I creep back inside the kitchen, making my way up the stairs and to my room. Then making sure I’m nowhere near my window, I change into my pajamas.

I do my best to act normal, settling into bed and turning off the lamp beside me. My room turns black, and I dare to glance out at the tree.

I’m still too far away to make out anything clearly, so I keep my eyes open and wait.Hoping that the figure will move out of the shadows so I can catch a glimpse of them in the moonlight.

Eventually, the branch shakes, and the figure stretches out from the tree to clamber over the top of the wall.

I realize too late that my balcony door is still open, and I wonder how the hell I could forget to close it knowing that a creepy stranger is watching the house.

The figure rushes out of sight, and a sound of movement just below my window tells me they’re closer. Panic hammers in my chest while l helplessly lie and wait. I hold my breath in my lungs when the tall frame climbs onto my balcony and freezes me to my mattress with fear.

It never once occurred to me that this person might be here to hurt me, and my thoughts immediately go to Luke.

Gripping hold of my blanket, I close my eyelids enough to make it look like I’m sleeping, leaving a tiny gap for me to peek through my lashes. The figure steps towards my door and my pulse beats, fast and uncontrollably, the urge to scurry from my bed suddenly taking over my limbs.

From the height and broadness of the shoulders, I’m certain it’s a man. One who wears black jeans and a dark hooded jumper. And now, even with limited vision, I realize who they belong to.

There are no shadows for him to hide in up here, and when the moonlight shines on the large hand that wraps around my balcony door. I almost choke out loud when a rose tattoo confirms my suspicion.