Page 14 of Reckless Soul

I want to be the one to make Luke pay.

I want to be the one who keeps Ella safe.

I’mfucking pathetic.

Aside from PE, Art is the only subject I’m actually any good at, and I manage to relax a little once the lesson gets started. Ella’s friend, Abby, takes the same class, and that girl can chat. In fact, she never stops chatting. Annoying as she is though, I see what Ella likes about her. She has good energy. Granted a little too much for me, but I’m glad Ella has someone like her in her life.

“That’s real good, ya know.” Abby leans over my shoulder to get a better look at my sketch. “What is it?”

“It’s just something I’m drawing up for a friend,” I tell her. Skid asked me last night if I’d draw him some wings to have put on his shoulder. I know they’re for Carly so I wanna make them perfect for him

“Oh, so you do have friends then?” Judging by the sudden look of embarrassment on her face I’m guessing that her mouth just ran before her brain had a chance to filter.

“Yeah, I got friends.” I smirk to myself, still focusing on the sketch I’m doing for Skid.

“So where are you from?” she asks. In another attempt at starting a conversation with me.

“Right now, I’m from here,” I answer, unsure what to say. I didn’t think to make up a backstory because I hadn’t intended on talking to anyone.

“Okay…” she trails off, and for a moment I think I might actually get some peace.

“Your ink’s kinda cool,” she starts up again. Christ, the girl’s persistent.

“Thanks.” I put a stop to the conversation by putting my headphones in and burying my head back into my sketch.

There’s something about drawing that calms me, it takes me out of the real world. I don’t think when I sketch, not about anything important anyway. I zone out, my only focus being to get the image in my head onto the paper.

Once Abby has shut up, the lesson seems to go faster. I don’t have the chance to finish up Skid’s tattoo, but I’ve managed to get a good start on it. The lunch bell rings, and when I step out of class the corridor is already busy. Everyone’s eager to rush and meet their friends, while I’m just desperate for a smoke. I manage to locate Ella without realizing I was looking for her, she’s walking straight to me, more than likely on her way to meet Abby. And striding towards me she looks so fucking beautiful.

She’s my calm among the chaos. A calm that quickly snaps when Luke passes her, his hand flicking up under the pile of books she’s carrying, sending them crashing to the floor. Throwing his head back he roars out a laugh, turning himself around and walking backward so he gets full pleasure from her reaction. His friends laugh, and cheers follow him as he moves on.

I tense my fists to prevent myself from making a Luke shaped dent in one of the lockers, and when he steps past me, he gives me a side glance that confirms he knows exactly how much his actions get to me. I swear to Satan if I wasn’t trying to keep a low profile I’d tear the skin right off his face.

Ella flushes pink, ignoring all the cruel jibes as the group travel towards the canteen. She quickly stoops down to her knees and starts picking up her books. I think about going over to help, but don’t trust myself to be that close to her. I can’t promise myself that I won’t touch her again.

When she’s done gathering her books, she stands up and pulls her dignity back into place. Keeping her head held high as she carries on walking towards me.I’m weighed down to the floor, my eyes unable to pull away from her and Ella does everything to avoid looking back at me. Her feet rushing, and her gaze remaing on the floor as she passes. I have to clench my fists even tighter when the temptation to reach out and grab her becomes even stronger than my desire to cause Luke Robinson severe pain.

I stomp away in the opposite direction, towards the quad. There’s a quiet spot under one of the trees where I can get some more drawing done. Taking a seat against the trunk, I pull out my pad and get back to working on Skid’s sketch. This time I can’t lose myself. There’s no zoning out from my frustration. I’m too mad that Luke gets away with treating Ella like trash, and that she does jack shit to defend herself.

My cell vibrating in my pocket distracts me from thinking out all the things I could do to fuck him up. When I pull it out, I see a message from Tac asking if I can spare him a few hours later. I don’t want to refuse, I’ve spent no time at the studio lately. So I reply, telling him I’ll stop by around four.

I’m slipping my phone back in my pocket when I hear Luke’s voice again, and when I look up from my pad I see him standing in front of the bench where Ella and Abby are now sitting. How did I not notice them come out here?

“What's up, Ella, you look sad?” Luke goads.

“Do one, Luke,” Abby snarls at him like a mamma bear protecting a cub. It makes me like her a little more.

I’m not sure how much more of Luke Robinson’s shit I can tolerate, especially with Ella sitting there, staring at the ground and looking so helpless.

“That pretty little mouth of yours not got anything to say?” Luke ignores Abby, aiming straight for his target. I stand up and step closer. Close enough to see how repulsed her face looks when he speaks up again.

“Maybe you should put those lips around my cock, and show me that you’re good for something.”

The light tap his fingers make against her cheek is the final trigger to me losing my shit.

I make the three strides that are left between us so fast the fucker doesn’t see me coming, and Ella’s disgust turns quickly to shock when I pull back my elbow and land my fist hard into Luke’s jaw. His cheek wobbles against my knuckles, and a mouthful of bloody phlegm shoots from his mouth landing on the concrete path before he falls back and lands on his ass.

A sharp gasp from Ella is the only sound among everyone else’s silence when I reach down and grip the collar of his shirt. I use it to drag him back to his feet, then throw him into the gang of people that follow him around like he’s some kind of god.