Page 104 of Reckless Soul

“Please tell me you haven’t done anything stupid,” she picks up, and I feel a little guilty when I hear how tired she sounds, it's still really early.

“Um not yet,” I whisper.

“Ella, I thought you were Nyx, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Nyx and the baby are still sleeping. I just need to ask a favor.”

“Sure, what can I do?”

“I need you to take me to that Prez guy who was here last night,” I tell her, getting a long silence as a response.

“It’s early. Prez ain't really a morning person,” she tells me.

“Please Maddy, I need to talk to him before he sees Nyx,” I beg, then after another long pause she gives in.

“Fine, I’m on my way around now. I’ll get Jessie to give you a ride up to the lodge.”

“Thank you,” I say gratefully before hanging up the phone.

Maddy walks in the kitchen a few minutes later, an oversized Dirty Souls T-shirt, covering her thighs as she heads straight for the kitchen.

“Jessie’s waiting in the truck. I’ll take care of Nyx if he wakes up,” she smiles, before heading straight for the coffee machine.

I waste no time heading out to the yard. I’d been so preoccupied with pain when we arrived last night, the place looks so much bigger than I remember. There are at least sixteen cabins all set next to each other in a horseshoe that curves around a lake. It’s actually really beautiful here.

Jessie smiles at me from the truck as I make my way over to him as quickly as my sore body will allow.

“Mornin’ darlin’ how ya feelin’?”

“I’ll feel better when I’ve talked to Prez.” I smile back at him, managing to pull myself into the passenger seat. The ride up to the lodge is bumpy, and as much as I can tell Jessie is trying to drive steady, I can’t help wincing at certain points of the journey. Luckily, the drive is short and a few minutes later I findmyself standing on the Prez’s doorstep while Jessie waits propped up against the hood of the truck.

“Good luck,” he nods at me before I knock and nervously wait for an answer. The door flies open and I can tell by the look on Prez’s face that he’s shocked to see me.

“Morning, I hoped you and I could talk about something,” I smile awkwardly, trying my best to hide my nerves.

“Should you be up? Where’s the baby?” he asks, scratching at his chest. It’s obvious I’ve dragged him out of bed, he’s still only wearing a vest and some boxers.

“Come in,” he pulls open the door and steps out of my way welcoming me into his kitchen. I look around the room, surprised at how brightly decorated and clean it is.

“You want a coffee or summit?’” he growls at me, switching on the coffee machine.

“I’m good thanks. I haven’t got long. I’ll need to get back to…” we really needed to come up with a name for the little guy, I can’t keep referring to him as the baby.

“So what brings you up here?” he asks, gesturing for me to sit at his table.

“I came to talk to you about Nyx.” I don’t take the deep grunt he makes under his breath as a good sign but carry on regardless.

“I don’t know what kinda trouble he’s in, but I came here to ask you not to hurt him… See what you don’t understand sir, is that Nyx is all I’ve got.” I feel tears building behind my eyes, but push through, determined for this man to hear me out.“I can’t go back to my family. Not after the things my father did to me, and my mother… well, she’s a wreck. My father has hurt her for so many years I don’t think she knows the difference between right or wrong anymore.”

Prez scowls at my words but remains silent, allowing me to continue.

“Nyx is the only person in this whole world I can depend on. And I know that I’m nobody to you, sir, you and the people here have been so kind to me I shouldn’t ask any more of you. But I’m begging you to cut Nyx a break because…” I sniffback more tears and swallow the lump in my throat. “…because I love him.”

The man wears an odd expression as he listens to my rambling plea, surprisingly he looks sympathetic, maybe even a little sad himself.

“You love him, huh?” he narrows his eyes and I nod back at him enthusiastically.

“And the kid, it’s his, right?”