Page 105 of Reckless Soul

“Yes sir, he didn’t know until last night. I didn’t find out until after he was arrested, which was all my fault by the way. Luke Robinson was bullying me and Nyx just wanted to protect me. I get that he took it too far but that's Nyx.” I shrug.

“And Nyx had no clue about the situation you were in?” he checks

“I thought it was best to hide it from everyone. Nyx disappeared after he got released. I would have told him if I had any way of finding him. But now I just want to put it all behind us and be a family, and I know that’s what he wants too. I trust him. I can’t lose him again, not now.” I manage the whole sentence before I break into a helpless sob.

“Don’t cry,” Prez commands, a little softness breaking through his harsh tone.

“You have to understand that this club has rules. Nyx broke a fundamental one of those rules. I trusted him with something. Something real fuckin’ special to me, and he betrayed me,” Prez explains, giving away a whole lot more than I expected him to.

“Nyx is a lot of things bad, sir, but he’s loyal. I don’t know what happened to make him leave me, but it must have been important. Since the day we met, he’s protected me, he’s made me feel safe. I need that right now and I want it for my son too. Please.”

Prez scratches at his beard.

“And what do you think the rest of my members would think of me as a leader if I let him get away with what he’s done?” he asks me thoughtfully.

“The people who I’ve met from your club so far have been so kind to me. I’m sure they’d understand that sometimes we get forced into situations beyond our control, we make mistakes. And that good men can sometimes forgive.”

When he doesn’t answer me, I think it’s a good time to leave. He looks lost in thought, like what I’ve said might have actually struck some kind of cord inside him. But then, the man doesn’t seem the type to back down from a decision. I’ve heard some pretty ruthless things about the Dirty Souls and if they’re true, the man who leads them can’t have much of a conscience.

“I should get back to the baby.” I stand up and make my way towards the door before I actually throw myself at his feet and beg him not to take Nyx away from me. I doubt he’d be very tolerant to that. I see myself out of his kitchen and make my way back to Jessie’s truck.

“So, how’d it go?” he asks me gritting his teeth.

“It went okay, I guess,” I shrug. “I just wish I knew what Nyx had done that was it so terrible.”

“Nyx didn't do anything that we all ain’t been guilty of,” he tells me cryptically, starting up the engine and making the journey back to the cabins.

When we step inside Nyx’s, Maddy has already laid the table for breakfast and there’s no sign of Nyx and the baby.

“They’re still asleep,” Maddy looks up from the grill, and Jessie goes straight to her and hugs her from behind.

“How’d it go?” She gives me the same hopeful look Jessie had when he’d asked me that question.

“I just wish someone would tell me what Nyx is in trouble for.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Nyx’s voice comes from behind me and when I turn around, he’s standing in the doorframe, our tiny son resting over his shoulder, and cradled in one of his huge hands.

“I think someone got hungry again.” He makes his way over to me and carefully places him in my arms. Something is comforting about having him back, I couldn’t have been gone very long, but I’ve felt like a part of me was missing. Stroking my finger over his soft little cheek, I make my way over to the couch so I can feed him.

“Listen, I don’t want you worrying about me, okay?” Nyx tells me. “Just focus on you and this little guy.”

I nod back at him, hoping that Jessie or Maddy won’t bust me about going to see the Prez, something tells me Nyx wouldn’t be happy about it.

“So is someone gonna give the lil’ guy a name?” Maddy says as she blows the steam off her coffee.

We all look at the door when it bursts open, and I recognize the guy covered in tattoos who barges through it.

“Nyx, what the fuck!” he roars.

“Tac, right on time, we’re trying to think up a good name for my son. You got any ideas?” Nyx asks cockily.

“Maybe you could name him after his Pappy, it’ll be a good fucking tribute,” Tac bites back. Nyx suddenly senses how anxious that makes me, and tries soothing me by stroking my arm. I still don’t miss the look of worry that’s settled on his face. I’m missing something massive here and I can’t stand everyone being so secretive.

“Tac, a word.” Jessie shoves the man back out the door, and Maddy looks at me awkwardly. “I’ll give you guys a minute,” she says before quickly following them out.

“Nyx, what did you do?” I ask him as soon as the door closed behind her. “You need to tell me right now how bad this is.”

“I broke club rules,” he says, dropping his head.