Page 65 of Reckless Soul

“I’ll call up the Utah Charter, they need an extra pair of hands.”

“What?” I rage. “You can’t send me away, this is my home. I have a job here, Tac needs me at the studio.” This can’t actually be happening. I can’t be losing my club too.

“I’m the god damn Prez of this club, boy, I get to do what the fuck I want. You are a threat to my daughter. I can’t risk her coming and trying to find you. At least this way if she does, you’d have fallen off the face of the earth. And trust me when I say it, you’re really lucky you fucking haven't. This is the only way to stop them from sniffing around her.”

He’s right again. Ella won’t give up on me, or on us. She found me at the studio, she’d find me here too.

“So that’s it, you’re done with me, you’re exiling me to another Charter?”

“Pack your shit, say goodbye to Tac, and get the fuck off my compound,” Prez answers coldly andI back away from him. Heading towards the door with my body fueled with anger, some for him, but most of it for me and my stupidity.

“And Nyx…” he calls out to me. “You go anywhere near my daughter ever again. I’ll kill you myself.” Prez warns before I kick open the door and storm outside to my bike.

Rogue is practically skipping her way across the yard towards the club, she’s dressed up more than usual and looking pretty smug with herself.

“Jessie in there?” she asks as she gets closer.

“No, he’s up at home. Squeal shot him in the ass,” I growl back, not in the mood for a conversation. How am I supposed to leave town and trust that Ella’s gonna be okay when I know the Bastards have been watching her?

“Shame. I got something for him,” Rogue grins wickedly. She keeps her ears to the ground for the club, keeps us updated with a steady list of the people dealing nearby.

“If you’re heading up there, you mind giving him this?” she pulls a folded up scrap of paper from her back pocket.

“Give it him yourself,” I shake my head, straddling my bike.

“Wow who’s yanked at your dick?” she bites back at me.

“Nobody,” I shake my head. “Fine, just give me the fuckin’ note. I’ll pass it on.” I hold out my hand to take it. I got to speak to Jessie before I leave anyway.

“This one's a real piece of work,” Rogue grins as she hands it over. “He deals up at pines peak on a Saturday night. If Jessie rides out fast enough, he might even catch him in the act.”

“How you know about this?” I question her, already hoping that Jessie will let me go with him. He’s injured, he might need an extra set of hands. I could really do with kicking the shit out of someone before I head off to Utah, that’s even if I bother going. Utah ain’t far enough away to keep me away from Ella, I’ll convince myself that I can be unseen and come back, even if it’s just to watch her.

“Frankie sacked a girl for turning up wasted. So, I did a little digging,” Rogue answers the question I forgot I’d even asked.

“Frankie. Black Pearl Frankie?” I check. Not many people know it, but the club have shares in the strip joint on the border of town, I can only think of one reason why Rogue would know inside information from there.

“The one and only.”

“How would you even know this shit?” I stare at the folded up piece of paper in my hand.

“Show up on a Friday night and you’ll find out. Look but don't touch, sweetie.” She flicks my nose with one of her long pink nails before she heads back to her car.

I open up the piece of paper she’s handed me, and all the blood rushes to my head when I see the name scribbled in front of me.

Luke Robinson.

“Rogue,” I call after her. “You sure this is the name of the one supplying the girls?”

“They all gave me the same contact name and number when I asked where I could get a fix. Some cocky college kid who likes to get handsy apparently.” She shrugs before getting in her car and speeding out of the yard.

I stare at the paper in my hand and feel all the heat in my blood start to simmer. I thought I was gonna be leaving Manitou Springs feeling completely helpless, but this right here is the one last thing I can do for Ella. Luke Robinson just became official club business, and hell if I’m about to let Jessie take this one.

I ride up to my cabin and stuff some clothes and my sketchbook into a duffle bag, then I slide my gun into my holster and clip my knife to my belt. I ain’t gonna go be a club bitch in Utah, not when I’ve worked so hard to belong here. I’m gonna do what needs to be done tonightand then I’m gonna ride as far away from Ella Jackson as I can get. I slide my prospect cut back on ready to do one final job for the club, and the only thing I can for Ella. If kicking the crap out of Luke Robinson and getting away from her is all I can do for her now, then I’ll make sure I do both properly.

“Guess you won’t be joining us for dinner, huh?” Jessie catches me as I’m leaving my cabin.

“I fucked up.” I kick my boot hard at the wood rafter that’s holding up my porch roof.