“When he came here, he was looking for something. Maybe if we can figure out what that something is, we can find him. Is there anything missing?” Skid shrugs his shoulders, unmotivated. “Come on, think. Is there any family he could go to? Where’s that trunk, maybe there’s something in there, an address, anything would be a start.”
“What trunk?” Skid looks at me puzzled.
“There was a chest full of old photographs and paperwork. Carly was looking at pictures with me that day…” And suddenly it clicks. “That’s what he wanted. The chest, that’s what he came back for.” Skid sits forward and scratches his head.
“So you’re telling me my brother risked coming back here, then raped and murdered my wife, all to pick up some chest full of old pictures?”
“Well is the chest here?” I ask, not meaning to sound quite so sarcastic.
“I told you before. I don’t know jack about any damn chest. Grimm cleared the place up after…” He pauses, taking in a painful breath. “Maybe you should ask him.”
“And where might I find Grimm?”
“Same place you’ll find everyone this time on a Friday night. Down at the club, probably getting his dick polished.” Skid laughs bitterly, taking another mouthful from the bottle. Before I turn away to leave, I reach down and wrap my arms around his wide shoulders.
“Carly wouldn’t want you pushing people away, you need to let people help you through this,” I tell him, feeling his body tense while I hold him for a little longer. I start making my way towards the door to go find Grimm.
“I’m sorry,” Skid’s voice comes from behind me, and I turn around. “I gave you a rough time when I thought it was the Bastards that took her.”
Skid’s apology is sincere, I know this because his eyes warm ever so slightly as he speaks it. I give him a grateful smile before I leave, closing the door behind me I head towards the club.
The music coming from the club is so loud I hear it right from the top of the track. Nerves root deep in my stomach as I walk closer and the music gets even louder. I know Jessie wouldn’t want me to be down here without him, but I open the doors and walk through the foyer anyway. Following the noise through to the back room.
My heart thumps heavy as I step in among the chaos. The women dance for the attention of Jessie’s friends while they sit at the bar drinking, some touching, others just watching. I catch Nyx in the corner of my eye, and decide he’s my best bet. He may not be the friendliest, but I’m more familiar with him than anyone else around here. I head over and ask him where I might find Grimm. Despite him looking pissed at me, he tips his head to the corner of the room. Grimm sits on a stool with his back facing the room, looking like he’s staring at the wall. I collect myself together and make my way over him.
He’s wearing his cut with black jeans, his hair cropped tightly at the back and sides, but tonight the longer, almost black hair on top that usually flops over to one side is slicked right back. I get closer, and realize what it is he’s so intrigued by and it stops my feet from moving forward.
There’s a girl on the floor in front of him, maybe a little older than myself. Brown hair flows around her bare breasts, and her index finger hangs from her mouth while her other hand plays between her legs. She’s completely naked except for her black heels, and her eyes are staring right into Grimm’s.
I step to the side, watching how intensely he concentrates on her. Like he’s desperate to touch her himself. He chews at his bottom lip the way I do on mine when I’m nervous, but this isn’t the same. Grimm isn’t nervous, he’s holding himself back. Almost like the girl’s a test and he’s torturing himself by watching.
I realize that Grimm is his own unique kind of beautiful. His lips are naturally colored rose pink, and despite being thin have a natural pout. He wears a ring through his slender nose like Nyx does, and his dark eyes are rimmed by thick, even darker lashes. His skin is pale and would be flawless if it wasn’t for the small tattoo under his left eye that looks like a cross.
A tilt of his head to the side and the slight tightening of his eyes is the only sign that he’s turned on when the girl starts bucking against her fingers, his tongue slowly rolls over his lips as she comes. She scurries herself up the wall and starts to walk towards him when she’s done. He warns her away by shaking his head and she takes his rejection like a pro, shrugging playfully and walking on past him.
Grimm stares at the wall for a while longer before spinning around on the stool, and just as he’s about to stand up I step in front of him.
“Hey,” I open with a friendly smile, and his face creases together suspiciously. “I’m Jessie’s, um…” I suddenly don’t know how to label it.
“I know who you are,” he says sternly.
“I was wondering if you could help me with something.” His eyes look me over. I get the sense he’s judging me, and it bugs me how much I want to know what his conclusion is.
“When you cleared up Skid’s place, was there a brown chest on the table next to my laptop?” I continue. I’ve wracked my brain, and that’s the last place I can remember seeing it. Grimm’s eyes narrow as his brain works to remember.
“Yeah,” he nods, and my heart sinks, if the chest had been what Chop wanted he would have taken it. I’ve fallen at a dead end.
“Where’s the chest now?” I ask, not wanting to take up anymore of his time.
“Gave it to Prez.” He pulls a cigarette from his cut and lights it. Drawing back on it he clicks his jaw from side to side to release three perfect smoke rings, each one larger than the one before.
“Thanks, Grimm,” I smile. “Do you know where Prez is?”
“Probably up at home,” he tells me, cutting the conversation by walking away.
I head straight for the doors that lead out of here. It’s stuffy and the room smells too much of smoke and sex. I need fresh air to cleanse my lungs and my eyes. Before I can reach the door a hand grabs at my shoulder and makes me jump. When I roll my head around, I realize it’s Nyx. I forgot how huge he is, especially for his age.
“Where ya heading?” he asks.