Page 84 of Lost Soul

“I gotta speak to Prez.”

“Jessie wouldn’t want you wondering alone down here at night,” he tells me.

“I’ll be fine.” I struggle out of his grip, and he surprises me when he smirks back at me. Seeing Nyx smile is rare.

“I never said you wouldn’t be, but Jessie would still tie me in the basement if I didn’t make sure you got home safe.”

I roll my eyes at him and let him lead me outside to one of the trucks. I notice that a light is still on over at the garage, and I know it can’t be Skid, especially not in the state he was in when I left him.

“Who’s working this late?” I ask Nyx, curious.

“Rogue, she’ll be making up the work in the garage for Skid.”

“Who’s Rogue?” I’ve never heard anyone mention her before, not even Hayley.

“Just some girl who helps out.” Nyx shrugs, he’s not a big talker so I don’t know why I actually expected a decent answer out of him.

When Nyx takes a right at the fork, I figure he’s taking me back to the cabin instead of Prez’s lodge and when we pull up outside I thank him for the ride and head inside. It’s late, and it’s been a long, difficult day for everyone. At least I know where to start tomorrow.

I keep checking the clock, it’s been hours since Jessie left and I can’t help but worry if he’s okay. Before I’d met Hayley, Mama had been the only person that mattered. Since then I’ve become so much weaker. I’ve lost people I really care about, people who just a few months ago weren’t even in my life. I miss Mama, I know it’s for both our safety, but I wish I had more than a weekly phone call.

And now there’s Jessie. What I feel for him is different to anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s as if he holds the control to my heart and keeps it beating. I know what he does is dangerous, that he is dangerous, but I’ve never felt safer than I do when I’m with him.

Hearing his bike when it pulls up sets off fireworks of in my belly. I count the seconds in my head until the door opens, then spring onto my feet to go to him before the door that keeps us apart has even opened. When it does and he’s standing in front of me, nothing else seems to matter.

The dark red stains on his jeans, the crusted blood on his knuckles, are all irrelevant as I launch at him. He catches me and I wrap my legs around his waist, pressing soft kisses all over his face. There’s a metallic taste when I touch them over his lips, and when I pull back I realize it’s because it’s split. He doesn’t give me the chance to check if he’s okay. Fisting at my hair he forces me back onto his mouth. I hear him kick the door shut behind him then he turns our bodies so my back hits against it.

“Fuck, I’ve needed you,” he tells me, burying his head into my neck. His lips deliver sparks with every touch they make against my skin, and my hands grip to him afraid he might let me go.

He is all I have left and all I ever want. I’m in love with him, there’s no denying it. Every single part of him, even the savage side that he tries so hard to protect me from.

“Fuck me, Jessie,” I whisper, causing his head to hold off its journey down to my chest.

“What you say?” he asks looking up at me, unsure.

“I said I want you to fuck me,” I repeat. “The way you were going to when I was tied up in that basement.” His face suddenly drops, so does my stomach when I realize how angry he looks.

“Mads, what went on down there should never have happened, at the time I was really fucked up.”

“Then maybe I’m a little fucked up too, because I wanted it then, and it’s what I want now.” I bite my lip, and not because I’m nervous this time, but because I love the way his jaw tightens up whenever he notices me do it. I love affecting him no matter how small the reaction is. The pulsing between my legs is becoming unbearable, and the way his hips press me into the door is doing nothing to make it stop. I can feel him, hard through his jeans, and all I want is him inside me.

“I don’t have to be that person, not with you,” he tells me, gently tucking some of my hair behind my ear then uses his thumb to rub my cheek.

“No, not all the time. But maybe now… For me,” I dare him, taking his bottom lip between my teeth and giving it a gentle tug that makes him exhale heavily.

“You’re pushing my limits, darlin’,” he growls a warning into my lips.

“I went down to the club by myself,” I taunt, trying my best to provoke an angry reaction out of him. His nose slides up my cheek and his warm breath sends shivers down to my spine as it covers my ear.

“I know ya did,” he whispers, taking my lobe between his teeth and clamping it tight, forcing that shiver to travel straight to my center.

Fucking Nyx, I knew he’d rat me out.

My hips start to rub against him.

“Please, Jessie,” I purr like a needy kitten. I’m rewarded when his hips crush me tighter to the door and frees both his hands to grip at my vest, pushing it up over my body. He lifts it over my head and tosses it aside, then slides his hands behind my back, pressing me tighter against him. My exposed nipples brush against the tough leather of his cut and I wriggle my hips against him some more, desperate for him to fill the emptiness between my legs. He snatches at my ass, his fingers indenting my skin so hard I’ll bruise as they line me up with his rock solid cock.

Wedged between the door and his body, I feel like I’ll explode from frustration, and I moan when his hand moves between us delving into the front of my shorts. His middle finger skims through my pussy lips, making every single nerve in my body tense as he teases my entrance with the tip of his finger.