Jessie let me ride home on the back of his bike. Me… I’ve never seen anyone ride with him before, not even the skank who he let suck him off. It’s every bit as good as I imagined it would be, my arms around him, breathing in his leather while my cheek rested against his cut.
Again, Jessie had been there when I needed him, and not even the world’s worst ever hangover ruins that moment for me.
Two weeks later, I’m sat on one of the benches outside the club, still daydreaming about it. The growl of engines, along with the dust cloud that travels up the track from the main road signals they’ve returned from their latest run, and my stomach flips with excitement. Jessie may have only been gone for three days, but I’ve missed him terribly. The yard fills up quickly, club sluts appearing out of nowhere and lining themselves up by the club doors, ready to be dragged away and used. Chaos has returned, and I have to admit it feels kinda nice.
Loud whoops and jeers call over the yard when the guys park their bikes and head inside. Some of them pick themselves up an eagerly waiting play thing on the way in.
I want to follow them inside too, especially when Jessie winks at me before he follows Chop through the doors. I have a feeling I wouldn’t be welcomed though, even if it is daytime.
I’m about to get up and make my way back up to the lodge when I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, and when I turn around, it’s Carly's warm smile that beams back at me. It’s easy to see why Skid adores her so much. Not only is she beautiful, but she has a big heart too.
“You coming inside for a drink?” she asks.
“I don’t think my daddy would like that,” I tell her.
“I don’t think your daddy would know about it.” She has a twinkle in her eyes as she gestures her head over at the parked bikes. I didn’t notice it before, but Daddy’s isn’t here.
“Skid called from Nebraska, said Prez is hanging back for a few nights to discuss business. Come on, I’ll look out for you.” Carly takes my hand, leaving me with little choice but to follow her.
She walks me inside, straight through to the main bar at the back. Club whores are already behind the bar serving up drinks as if their needy little pussys depended on it. Carly heads straight for Skid, who smiles as soon as he sees her. She flings her arms around his neck, and he tips her back and kisses her, ignoring cheers and whistles from all the brothers.
Chop climbs up on to the bar, bringing his fingers to his mouth and whistling so loud that it hurts my ears.
“It’s been a long ride brothers. Eat, shower, sleep, and fuck in whatever order you need to, but tonight, we fuckin’ party,” he announces. Everyone cheers, holding up their drinks, and Chop jumps off the bar and snatches a glass from Tommy’s hand.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Jessie’s voice comes from behind me, and I quickly spin around. My arms instinctively move around his waist, and he pulls me in tight.
“Hey yourself.” I smile, so pleased to see him. I hate it when he goes away. It always feels like a part of me is missing, now he’s back I hope he has some time to hang out with me.
“Prez had some loose ends to tie up, Troj stayed behind with him. So I thought maybe you could celebrate with us tonight?” he says barely able to hide is grin.
My head is nodding before he’s even finished the sentence, and Jessie laughs that playful laugh that always makes me giddy happy.
“Okay then, pretty girl, go get yourself ready, and I’ll see you down here a little later on.” When he leans in closer to my face, his breath tickles my ear as he speaks again, “Best behavior, ‘kay?”
I don’t stick around to wait for a lift from Nyx or Tommy. I’m happy to take a walk up to the lodge. On the way up, I pull out my cell and surprise myself when I automatically scroll to Maddy’s name. Over the past few weeks, she’s become my go-to person. I’m always calling or texting her if I feel lonely or have gossip.
I’ve pretty much gotten everything out of her that would be interesting to Jessie. But he doesn’t seem to care anymore. Before he left for the run, he’d told me that the whole plan was a stupid idea and that I should forget it. As predicted, it hadn’t taken him very long to figure out that I’d been right. Maddy Summers was not cut out to be with a guy like Jessie. Deep down he’s hurting about it, but he’s never gonna admit that to me, and I can happily live with that.
Tonight, is the perfect opportunity for me to show Jessie the difference between her and me. Prove that he doesn’t need Maddy and she would never fit in here. Then he can move on and stop pining over her.
When Maddy answers the phone, one of her upbeat Fleetwood Mac tunes is playing in the background, and I picture her, sat on her bed, studying hard for the calculus test we have on Monday.
“You are gonna toss your tits when you hear this,” I squeal. I’d somehow managed to keep a lid on my excitement back at the club, but now there was no one for me to embarrass myself in front of I’m unable to contain it.
“What now?” she asks, and I can almost hear the smile in her voice.
“Jessie said I’m allowed to go down the club tonight, they’re having some party because they just got back off a run.”
“No way! Wait… what’s a run?”
“I don’t really know, it’s where they all ride off together for a few days, they always seem happy when they get back. Anyway, that’s not what's important. Did you hear me? I AM SPENDING THE NIGHT AT THE CLUB.”
“That’s awesome, Hay.” Maddy sounds genuinely excited for me.
“I know, right? I think it’s gonna be low key, Carly’s going, and she doesn't usually go to the club at night, perhaps that’s why I’m allowed... I don’t even care. I’m just so glad to be included.”
“You’re so lucky. I can’t wait for you to tell me all about it on Monday.”