“I won't have to, because you're coming too,” I tell her.
“You’re inviting me to a biker party?” she giggles infectiously.
“Sure the fuck am,” I laugh back at her, picking up on the excitement.
“I’m there. Just as long as I can get there.”
“I’ll call Nyx and tell him to pick you up when he’s finished in the studio if you want?”
“You sure he won’t mind? He’s always running us about lately, I get the feeling he doesn’t exactly enjoy it.”
“You’re like five minutes out of his way, and that’s just the way his face is, guy’s got a permanent scowl. Besides, there's got to be some perks of my daddy being in charge. I think he finishes up about 6ish, be ready. Any problems I’ll call you, and we’ll come up with a plan B.”
“Sounds good, I can’t wait,” she says, before I hang up and quickly text Nyx instructing him to pick her up after his shift. He won’t be happy, but he can’t exactly say no to the Prez’s daughter. Daddy had been the one to give me his number in case I needed him, and in my opinion, this qualifies.
I’m a little conflicted about my reasons for wanting Maddy to come tonight. I really do need to hammer the final nail in so Jessie can bury the idea of him and her. He may have realized, that for too many reasons to count, it would never work. But she still asks about him every time I see her. It pisses me off.
Seeing him and the world he comes from, would surely be enough to put her off for good.
But another part of me, the part that’s actually starting to like the girl, actually wants to hang out with her.
I’ve obviously been hanging around with her too much and I’m turning soft. But after tonight, everything will be how it should be. Maddy will want to be as far away from Jessie as possible when she sees who he really is. And I won’t have to be her friend anymore. No more pretending I care about her, no more listening to her crappy music and hanging out in that frilly bedroom. Everything can go back to how it was before Jessie noticed her.
I should be relieved. So why does the thought of not hanging out with her anymore make me feel so sad?
Our run couldn’t have gone better. The guns we’d stolen from the Bastards’ lockup are now safely stored under the protection of one of our other Charters.
Prez and Troj, his Sergent at arms, stayed behind to see a deal through and if it comes off they’ll be coming home tomorrow with a good cut for us all.
Of course, I asked Prez if Hayley could come tonight before I’d invited her. He wasn’t happy about the idea, but I reminded him that there’s always a real good vibe after a run, how it used to be when kids and old ladies joined in.
Now it’s friends of the club or whoever the guys are fuckin’ that we party with. Club sluts hate nights like these, they see the women that get invited as a threat to them, but everyone always behaves themselves. It’s a family thing after all.
Hayley deserves to be a part of that, and Carly made a promise to Skid that she’d keep an eye on her, so what can go wrong?
I take a quick shower and manage a few hours’ sleep before I get dressed.
We’ve all earned a good night. It’s been a while since the club had anything to celebrate. But the Bastards seem to have got the message about fucking with us, and our latest deal has gone without a hitch, so things are looking up.
I ride down to the club, where the firepit has already been lit, and the smell of BBQ smokes filling the air… among other things.
My eyes skim the yard for Hayley, but there’s no sign of her yet. No doubt she’s still flapping over what to wear. Grimm hands me a beer as I pass him, tipping his chin at me.
“Cheers,” I nod, managing to finish off the bottle in three mouthfuls.
“Squealer and a few others are doin’ flake in the members lounge,” he mumbles at me, before walking over to the firepit and taking a seat by himself on one of the logs. Then he tilts his head sideways and watches the flames dance in front of him.
It doesn’t take a professional to see that Grimm has issues, but then there aren’t many of us around here who don’t. If he wanted to tell us what his deal was, he would. All we need to know is that he’s loyal to the Souls. And he’s proved that more times than I can mention.
I play pool with Screwy while I wait for Hayley to show. It ain’t like I can get smashed with everyone else, not when I’ve promised Prez I’ll watch over her. I can’t take my eye off the ball like I had a few weeks ago.
Mel tries her hardest to catch my attention from the bar, but I’m not interested tonight, in fact, my dick has been pretty much redundant ever since I’ve been trying not to think about Maddy. Mel shamelessly pressing her tits together while she shakes her ass all over my brother's laps isn’t doing fuck all to stir it back to life either.
As hard as I try, Maddy won’t stop invading my head. Images of my fists spilling full of blonde, wavy hair, while my cock buries deep inside her innocent little pussy, still taunt me despite all my attempts to block them out.
I needed some fucking air. Nodding at Screwy that we’re done, I put down my cue and push past anyone in my way to get outside.
Hayley should have turned up by now, she’d been so excited when I told her she could come. I can’t imagine her wanting to miss anything and I need her to distract my thoughts away from Maddy.