I wait until she’s thrown up just about everything other than her internal organs, and she snuggles into my chest before I carry her back into Maddy’s room. When Hayley’s big eyes find mine, and when she sighs with relief, I finally convince myself that she’s gonna be okay.
“You came,” she whispers.
“Course I fuckin’ came,” I tell her, lying her down in Maddy’s bed and tucking her underneath the covers. I stroke her face and wait for her eyes to close and her breathing to slow before I turn around to Maddy.
“You take anything?” I look her up and down. My voice comes out sterner than intended, but I have to know that she’s okay too. Maddy shakes her head, her eyes full of tears and her face still wide with shock. And despite everything that’s just happened, I can’t help think she’s never looked more fuckin’ beautiful.
“You sure about that?” I question again, and she nods back at me slowly.
“I wouldn’t lie to you,” she whispers. I believe her.
“Who gave her the shit?” I ask, plucking up enough courage to look her in her eyes. When she doesn’t reply, I start to walk towards her and she backs up against the wall cowering like a scared puppy.
“Who?” I ask her one more time, watching her long neck as it swallows nervously. I want to punish myself for the way it turns me on.
“Kid called Cobie, I think. I asked him to take us to hospital but he wouldn’t. So he brought us back here instead, bailed as soon as we got inside.” Her lips quiver as she speaks, and I imagine stilling them by closing my mouth over them.
“Cobie who?” I get even closer, taking in her sweet scent, and watching her eyes flick from side to side as she searches her brain for an answer. I try not to be distracted by her frantic beating chest. So close now, that if I move even a fraction, I’ll feel it against mine.
“Cobie… um...” She squeezes her eyes shut tight as if scanning her brain. “Turner. Cobie Turner.”
I nod at her, backing away just enough to take out my phone.
Troj answers on the second ring, and I keep my eyes on Maddy while I speak to him.
“I need you to pick someone up for me.”
“Who’s the lucky fucker?” Troj asks.
“Cobie Turner. Some kid from town. Bring him in, I’ll meet him downstairs tomorrow morning.”
“It’s done, brother,” Troj assures me before I hang up.
When I slip my phone back in my pocket I see the fear in Maddy’s eyes, fear that I’ve put there, and it makes my heart feel heavy.
“I’m sorry,” I breathe, the disappointment in myself making me sound like a bird with a broken wing.
“Its fine.” She fakes a smile as she pushes herself off the wall.
“Where are your parents?” I ask looking over at Hayley, who is now snoring comfortably.
“Just my mom, and she’s at work, won’t be home till later tomorrow.”
“You should get some sleep. I’ll watch her.” I sit down in the chair at the corner of the room.
“You’re staying?” she asks, sounding shocked, and maybe a little relieved at the same time.
“Ain’t going anywhere,” I tell her, eyes still fixed on hers.
“Okay,” she nods back. “I’ll sleep in Mom’s bed.” She’s halfway out of the room before she stops, and when she turns to look back at me, she’s already chewing that bottom lip.
“Night, Jessie, and… thank you.” She looks as though she’s about to cry again, and I don’t want that to happen.
“Hey…” I stand up, walk towards her, and she doesn’t back away from me this time. I’m not even thinking when I take her head in my hands, her soft blonde hair slipping between my fingers, as I tilt it back enough for her eyes to reach up to mine.
“You did the right thing, Maddy. She’s gonna be okay,” I tell her as softly as my voice will allow me to.
“I was so scared.” She tries hard to hold back her sobs, but they blurt out anyway.