“Jesus, Jessie,” she moans, slapping her ass even harder against my thighs. My phone rings in my jean’s pocket, and I stand up, managing to keep Mel still attached to the end of my cock. I slam her ass on to the basin unit, and take control of the thrusts as I pull my cell from my pocket. When I see it’s Hayley calling, I crush my hand over Mel’s mouth to stifle the whimpers she’s making.
“Now’s not a good time, pretty girl,” I answer, trying to ignore Mel who’s already started gnawing at my fingers like a rabid dog.
“Jessie, is that you?” The voice on the other end throws me off, but I recognize it straight away, I may have only heard it a few times but was I fuck about to forget who it belongs to.
Words fail me as I thrust deeper and deeper into the drenched pussy sucking hungrily at my cock.
“Jessie, are you there? It’s me… Maddy.” My mouth dries up, and then in one single sentence, she finishes me.
“Jessie, please I need you.”
Her voice is panicked and needy, and it sends me right over the edge. My cock juts and I offload. Mouth open, I only just manage to hold in the long moan as I empty out.
There isn’t time for easing down, not when her voice blurts so desperately at me down the phone.
“Jessie… Please.”
“I’m here,” I say, pulling out of Mel and ripping the rubber off my still solid dick.
“Thank god. Jessie, I need you to come to my house. Right now.” There’s a shiver in her voice that has the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention. “It’s Hayley. I don’t know for sure, but I think she may have taken something.”
None of what she’s saying makes any sense. But I don’t question her, rushing out of the room and down the stairs. I keep the phone pressed to my ear hearing Maddy’s panicked little breaths.
“I’m on my way, okay?” I hang up when I get to my bike, I hear a voice calling out from behind me, someone asking where I’m going but I ignore it. I don’t have time for explanations, especially when I don’t know what the fuck’s happening myself.
I speed out of the compound as fast as I can. Not sure if I’m feeling more angry or worried as I make the journey to Maddy’s house in record timing. Parking my bike on her drive, I storm straight inside without knocking.
“Hayley,” I call through the house.
“We’re up here,” Maddy’s shaky voice guides me upstairs, and I take them two at a time.
As soon as I see Hayley, I know she’s taken something. Her eyes are practically rolling in her head, and the dopey smile on her lips is completely vacant.
“Fuck, what’s she taken?” I barge past Maddy and scoop Hayley into my arms, her body a dead weight slouching against mine.
“Hayley, it’s me, Jessie.” I tap her cheek gently. “Hayley, what you take?” I shout, my taps becoming harsher when she doesn’t answer me.
“How long’s she been like this?” I look up to Maddy who’s hand covers her mouth, terror sketched on her pretty little face. “Maddy, you need to tell me what she’s taken.” I don’t mean to shout at her, but the girl is losing it.
“I… I don’t know,” she cries, her head shaking from side to side.
“Fuck’s sake.”
I take Hayley’s limp body and throw her over my shoulder. “Where’s the bathroom?” I ask, already moving towards her bedroom door.
“Next left,” Maddy answers, following me out into the hall.
“I’ve tried getting her to drink water,” she tells me.
I rest Hayley’s back against the bath panel. Her head rolls, and she smiles as she tried to focus on me.
“Jessie,” she says playfully reaching her fingers out to my hair. “Whatcha doin’ here… wait, where is here?” She absently looks around the room.
“I’m real sorry, darlin’,” I say.
“Sorry? What you sorry fo—” I don’t give her chance to finish her sentence, ramming two of my fingers towards the back of her throat, pushing far enough for her to retch, then managing to pull her across to the toilet just in time for her to chuck her guts up.
“For that,” I tell her, holding her hair off her sweat-soaked face while she flushes whatever crap she’s taken out of her body.