Page 44 of Back To You

epilogue #1

six months later…

There are a few moments in a man’s life that shape him. Turn him into the best version possible, and right now is one of those for me.

Mila is walking to me in a sinful little swimsuit reminiscent of the one she wore the day I met her. It’s tiny. Blue. A wicked delight I plan to peel from her soft skin later today.

In exactly fifteen minutes, if I have it my way.

Her family and mine are standing close by, just beyond a few palm trees and pretending to be talking. All of them are enjoying the scenery and the few ice-cold beers the men brought back with them from lunch.

God, her father is a trip. Her entire family is.

They’ve taken me in as if I have always been a part of their tribe.

After waking in the hospital and being kept there for over two weeks, I was released, and we came home. Our home, where she was moved in within twenty-four hours with the help of her parents who arrived one night before we did.

And it was that same night that I spoke to her father and explained my intentions. Face to face, I let him know that his daughter will always be taken care of. Loved and cherished.

To be honest, I’m still in shock at how easy the transition for them has been. My family adores her, respects her as my chosen partner in life. What more could a mother and father ask for than a woman that rushes to her love’s bedside when he’s ill? That takes care of him while he recovers from something that’s left her with a small emotional scar.

To my mother, Mila walks on water, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. So what if they gang up on me from time to time, that sweet sparkle in my Mimi’s eyes is worth the extra roll of mine.

“Hey, Champ,” she croons, crawling up the towel and over my body. Her long, beautiful hair cocooning over us. There’s a sinful smile on her lips, lips she licks while staring deep into my eyes.

Fuck, I love her. “Hi, baby.” Wrapping my fingers at her nape, I bring her face down to mine and kiss her. It’s slow and sweet, a soft reconnection that I stop before we get carried away—before I forget once more that our parents aren’t that far off in the distance. “Feel like taking a walk with me?”

“Nope,” she mumbles, nipping my chin. “I’m content to stay right here forever.”

Forever. God, I love that word.

“Is that so?” Turning us so we are lying on our sides, I take her hand in mine. Slowly, I rub the tip of a finger over the place my ring will remain for the rest of our lives. Just a soothing caress that brings a warm sigh to her lips as I slip a sign of my devotion there.

Mila doesn’t notice, and I grin like the deviant motherfucker I am.

Her eyes narrow, but there’s no real heat behind the look. “Why do you suddenly look like the cat that ate the canary?”

“Maybe because I still remember how decadent that sweet cream is. Because I can still taste you on my tongue from this morning when you rode my face.” My words have their desired effect and she blushes, a sweet pink that sweeps down her face and over her breasts. “The way your tight little pussy—”

“Nick!” she squeaks out, and I laugh. Mila brings her hand up to smack my arm and then pauses. Her gorgeous grey eyes settle on her left hand and the new addition there. “Champ?”


“What is this?” she asks softly, her voice trembling as tears gather at the corner of her eyes.

Flipping our positions, I hover over her. “That, my love, is the start of our forever.”

Mimi brings her hand up and cups my cheek. “I’m really going to need you to be more specific.”

Nuzzling the palm, I kiss my ring on her finger. Eyes on her soft ones, I let her see my love. “Marry me, Mila.”

“Oh my God,” she breathes out, her hand trembling. “Are you serious?”

“Baby, please let this man live the rest of his days, and those beyond, walking with you by his side. Marry me. Make me the happiest motherfucker to have ever known love.”

“Yes! A thousand times, yes.” Her mouth crashes to mine, and this time I don’t try and keep from being inappropriate. From a distance, I can hear our families cheering and the loud whistle only Evan can achieve.

They’re happy for us, but right now I could give a flying fuck where they go. I’m taking my woman back to our hotel room, the same one she rented that weekend all those months ago.

Within seconds, we are off the sand and she’s thrown over my shoulder. Mila’s giggling and waving while they protest, but I don’t stop. It’s time I make love to my soon-to-be wife.

My cock gives a harsh jerk inside my board shorts at the thought. Wife.

My motherfucking wife.
