Page 45 of Back To You

epilogue #2

three years later…

“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Nick asks. His large hands encase my face, thumbs rubbing my cheeks. “Do you need anything? More ice chips?”

Before I can answer him, another contraction rolls through me, causing me to close my eyes. “Christ,” I grit out after a minute, the pain ebbing just enough that I can breathe. “It hurts so bad, Champ.”

His facial expression says it all. If he could, Nicholas would trade places with me in a heartbeat. There’s nothing he hates more than seeing me in pain, even if he knows every second will be worth it to hold our little one.

Women say—all that I have spoken to over the last nine months—that childbirth is the worst kind of pain one can experience, and while I agree, men go through their own trauma.

They’re helpless, counting on someone else to take care of the ones they love.

A loving man protects, and standing back isn’t in Nick’s nature.

“They’re on their way up to give you something for the pain.” Leaning down, he kisses my dry lips. “I’m so sorry you have to endure so much to bring our miracle into this world, Mimi. Please know that I couldn’t love you more than I do at this moment. This gift…our life together is more than I could’ve ever hoped for.”

A loving sigh passes through my lips a second before another sharp pain rushes through me. “Fuck.”

“You’re so strong.”

“God, I love you, Champ. But never again…I am never having sex again.”

His eyes widen at my statement, but he’s smart enough not to argue. Our fathers gave him all the warnings he could ever need. “Whatever you say, Mila. As long as you’re with me, that’s all that matters. You and our baby.”

“Knock, knock,” Dr. Bron walks in then with her ever-present sunny disposition, and it annoys me. What is she finding so funny? My hoo-hah hurts. “Let’s see how far along you are?” Walking to the cabinet near the wall, she pulls out a pair of gloves and comes to a stop between my thighs. Pushing them a bit further apart, she checks me. It hurts a tiny bit as she prods, but I keep quiet. Poor Nicholas is freaking out enough for the both of us. “You’re about six centimeters now and should progress rather quickly within the next few hours. This little one wants out and into Mommy and Daddy’s arms.”

“How fast?” I ask, wiping the small mustache of sweat over my upper lip. Not sexy in the least.

“Be over before you know it,” the nurse, who’s been quiet up until now, says while coming to help me sit up. Between her and my man, they situate me, legs over the side of the bed. Next, they pull the back of my gown open. “Hold her hands and keep her calm. She can’t move.”

“Look at me, baby. Focus on me.” Nick’s voice is soothing, his hold on me gentle.

On our next nervous breath, the anesthesiologist comes in and preps me. We keep our eyes locked while needles and catheters are put into place.

Before they insert the needle, though, he cuddles me to his chest. Both arms wrap around me, a shield of protection that helps calm my nerves, his every exhale is my inhale, and after a minute, I lift my head just enough to reach his lips.

Just press them there while the worst part follows. Once everything is in place, there’s a rush of cold fluid running through my system and I…relax. The change is instant, and his relief, along with mine, is palpable.

Our mothers come in and out of the room over the next few hours, while the dads just poke their heads in to say hi and rush back out, afraid of seeing something they shouldn’t.

They’re words, not mine.

Evan and Crystal are here, too, one crying, and the other wearing a happy grin each time they come inside my room.

“Nicholas, I need to know the sex,” I hear his mom whisper a little while later, trying not to disturb me since they think I’m still asleep. “Tell me.”

“Nope.” Good Champ.


“Yep.” You can just hear the amusement in his tone. He loves to fuck with her. They’ve been warned; only my man and I will know until our child is born. Asking over and over again will not change our minds.

“I promise to not tell a soul.” Sneaky old woman.

“Not happening.”

“You suck.”