Page 167 of Saving Soul

“Did Bryce take you out for dinner?”

“I took him out.” She puffed out her chest. “He’s been working so hard lately. He deserves a little TLC. He’s already passed out on the couch.”

I winced. “Still working twelve-hour days?”

“And some.”

“He needs to find a new job. It’s not healthy to work that much,” I said, shooting Adam a glance.

Tash ran her hand down her belly. “It’s not that easy.”

I sighed. “I know.”

Tash’s gaze moved to Adam and narrowed. “You look familiar…”

“Well, we better get Finn to bed,” I interrupted, making Adam snigger. “He’s going to be exhausted tomorrow.”

“Of course.” Tash smirked. “And you need your rest, too. I don’t want you sleeping through the fireworks tomorrow.” She panned her mischievous grin back to Adam. “Did Cassidy tell you about the party? You’re more than welcome to join us.”

“Oh, he already has plans,” I said before he could open his mouth.

Tash pouted. “Well, if they fall through, the offer stands. Bryce makes a mean burger.” She gave me a hug before nodding at Adam. “Good night, guys!”

Adam was quiet the entire trip home. He kept his eyes glued to his phone, not once engaging in a mere glance or conversation. I wanted to believe it was because he didn’t want to wake Finn, but this felt different.

“Is something wrong?” I asked once Adam carried Finn to his bed.

I leaned against the door jamb, waiting for his answer, as he tucked him in.

“I’m just tired,” he said as he passed.

I followed him into the kitchen, where he rummaged through a cupboard.

“Do you have a headache?” I asked as he unscrewed a container of pills. “You should have said something. We could’ve gone home earlier.”

“I don’t have a headache.” He popped a tablet in his mouth and swallowed without water. “It’s a sleeping tablet.”

My eyebrows drew together as I moved toward him. “You’re having trouble sleeping? I can help with that.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you could.”

“With Reiki, I mean.”

“I think it would be wise to keep your hands to yourself.”

I recoiled at the harshness of his tone.

“I’m sorry.” He dropped his gaze as he shook his head. “I’m…I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Cassidy.”

Without a backward glance, he marched to his room, rendering me speechless.


Icouldn’t sleep after that. Adam’s personality flip shook me. He was so happy and relaxed before meeting Tash, and now he was cold and distant.

Moments before I finally drifted off, my phone chimed. I wanted it to be Adam. Even if it was full of sexual innuendos or an invitation to his room, I didn’t care. I needed something to loosen the knot forming in my stomach.