Page 166 of Saving Soul

“N…no,” the man stammered before racing off into the crowd.

“What the hell was that?” Luckily, Finn and Tristan were too preoccupied at the counter to witness the altercation.

“Fucking paparazzi.” Adam took off his cap to run his fingers through his hair. “They’re everywhere.”

“Paparazzi? But wh—”

“And this is Bruno, my bodyguard.” Adam nodded to the huge man scanning the crowd.

“You have a bodyguard?” I gasped. “I didn’t even notice him.”

“That’s how I prefer it.”

“Sorry, Boss. He didn’t look the type.” Bruno shook his head with a scowl. “I suggest you make your way to your seats before more show up.”

Adam placed his hand on the small of my back and directed me to the boys while they filled their arms with food from the counter. “Need some help with that?” he asked, like no altercation had just occurred.

“Nah, we got this!” Finn giggled with his cousin as they precariously balanced hot dogs, hots chips, and sodas all the way to our seats.

“We’re sitting here?!” Tristan’s eyes grew large. “But this is where the celebrities sit.” He glanced up at Adam before whispering in Finn’s ear, “Is Adam famous?”

Finn shrugged. “I don’t know. His family is super rich, though.”

I smiled awkwardly, hoping Adam hadn’t overheard their hushed conversation as he took the seat on the aisle.

“You boys ready?” he asked, leaning around me to see the kid’s faces.

“Hell, yeah!” they both cried.

Our eyes met as he straightened, and his smile took my breath away.

“What?” Adam asked, watching me curiously.

His energy captivated me. I wanted to drown in his depth. “I…” The siren stole my words, and my face shot forward. I didn’t even know what my heart was trying to say.


“Let’s go, Lakers!” I yelled, ignoring Adam’s eyes searing my profile. “God, I hope we win.”

Adam exhaled to the heavens before facing the game. “Yeah, me, too.”

After the game, we all piled into the limo to take Tristan home. The boys chatted non-stop about the win until they passed out, while Adam and I threw each other heated glances from across the limo.

As we slowed at Tristan’s house, I nudged him until he stirred. “Tristan, you’re home,” I whispered as the driver opened the door.

I helped his wobbly body out of the car while Tash emerged from the house.

“Hey, baby.” She gave her son a kiss. “Did you have fun?”

“So much,” he mumbled in a sugar-crash daze. “Thank you, Aunty Cass. Thank you, Adam. I’m going to bed.”

I drew in a breath at the realization that Adam was standing behind me. “Night, Tris.”

Once my nephew disappeared into the house, Adam stepped forward. “You must be Tash.” He held out his hand. “I’m Adam.”

Tash shot me an approving smirk before shaking his hand. “Lovely to meet you, Adam. I hope my boy behaved tonight.”

“Both kids were great.” He met my gaze as he smiled.