Page 14 of Capturing Love

He shrugged. “Well, yeah.”

I scrunched up my face before bursting out into laughter. “You’re hilarious. I almost believed you for a second.”

Grayson looked away with pursed lips. “We don’t have enough time now.”

“It’s fine, Gray. I’ll do it when I come back.” In fifty years.

Grayson stared at the list in my hands, like he was trying to figure something out. “Are you sure there wasn’t another item on there? I may have shitty eyesight, but I definitely counted six.”

My eyes grew large. “Nope, that’s all of them.”

Grayson moved towards me and pointed. “No, there is another one. I just need my glasses to read the ridiculously small handwriting.”

I stepped backwards and hid the list behind me, cheeks heating up.

“Look, there’s no judgement here. We barely know each other and we’re unlikely to meet again, so come on, hand it over.” He held out his hand, palm up.

I grimaced and shook my head.

His eyes lit up. “It must be something sinful,” he said, tapering his gaze. “Is it drugs?”

I scoffed. “No! I’m not stupid.”

“So it must be…sex? You want to sleep with a prostitute? Become a stripper?”

“What?! No!” I laughed.

Grayson chortled. “Not sure how you’d go as a stripper though, now that I’ve seen your dance moves.”

My mouth flew open and he seized the opportunity to snatch the list out of my hand.

“Argh, you’re so sneaky!” I shoved his arm and frowned. “And my dance moves are awesome.”

Grayson grinned as he slipped his glasses back on.

I exhaled in defeat as he read my scrawl. “It’s just a silly bonus one.”

He chuckled quietly and cleared his throat to read it aloud. “Meet a devilishly handsome man and get married by Elvis in a Las Vegas chapel.”

“It was meant to be a joke,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

He rested his hands on his hips and sighed. “I don’t think I’ll be able to help with that one.”

I nudged him away. “Well, of course you can’t,” I agreed with a smirk. “You’re not devilishly handsome.”

“Oh, buuurn.” He clutched his chest. “Well, it’s sounds better than what I have planned in a couple of weeks.”

My heart dipped. Why did the thought of him getting married bother me so much? I had only known him for a few hours. A few amazing hours.

“Big wedding?” I asked, not really wanting to know any more about his relationship.

He snorted and dropped his gaze to the ground. “Just four hundred of our closest friends.”

“Holy shit!” My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “How on earth do you even know that many people?”

“I don’t. They’re mostly friends of my parents, business associates, that kind of thing.”

My eyes narrowed. “Is that what you and your fiancé want?”