Page 13 of Capturing Love

Security merely nodded their heads before lifting the red barrier for us. Grayson didn’t even have to speak. I wanted to ask him more questions, but the bass became too loud to talk at a normal level and we had to resort to sign language. I motioned towards the ladies’ room and left him at the bar to order our drinks.

Instantly intimidated as I pushed through the crowd of beautiful people, I glanced down at my outfit and grimaced. I don’t fit in here.

Hiding away in the first available cubical, I ran my fingers through my tousled hair, adjusted my bra, and loosened my shirt until my dismal cleavage peeked out. All while listening to the constant chatter of drunken women as they primped themselves in front of the mirror.

“Oh my god, do you really think that’s William Harlow?” one woman said.

“He looks just like his brother. It has to be, right?” her friend gushed.

“I don’t know. I heard he’s not into the party scene, and that clearly isn’t his fiancé.”

“You’re right, maybe it’s not him. Fucking hot though…”

As their conversation faded away, I realised the whole place must’ve been rolling in celebs and socialites. It was wasted on me though because I had no interest in them. I had better shit to do with my time.

Washing my hands, my eyes grew wide at the array of fragrances on offer. I lifted a few to my nose and breathed them in. Settling on a zesty citron and floral aroma, I applied it to my neck and wrists, hoping to freshen myself up before hitting the dance floor.

When I returned, Grayson was sitting in a private booth, not far from the dance floor, sipping a drink. I eyed the bottle of champagne on the table, next to the reserved sign, and shook my head with a laugh. This guy had some sweet connections, and I didn’t even care to know why. I wasn’t going to see him again, so why not enjoy the perks?

“You wanna dance?” he yelled over the music that was already triggering my body to move to the beat.

“Um…yeah, yes!” I stammered, blinking multiple times in surprise. Pete never danced with me.

I quickly sculled down my drink before Grayson grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the crowded dance floor.

* * *

Stumbling out of the club well into the early morning, I laughed hysterically as Grayson impersonated the dance moves of the fifty-something-year-old man who had been trying to hit on me for the past hour.

I hadn’t had that much fun with someone in years. Perhaps it was because we both had partners and lived on opposite sides of the country, but it made it easier to relax. It was freeing not to have expectations on each other. It was just what I needed, and what I preferred.

“What time is it?” I asked, glancing around at all the people still wandering the street.

Grayson lifted his sleeve to reveal a super flashy watch. He held it ridiculously close to his face so he could read it without his glasses and I giggled.

“Three am.” He peered back at me. “Tired yet?”

Adrenaline was still pumping through my veins. “No, you?”

He shook his head. “Nope.”

We looked at each other and smiled bashfully, and I felt oddly relieved our night wasn’t over just yet.

“So, what’s next on the list?” Grayson reached into his back pocket, but came up with nothing.

I held the napkin in my hand and waved it triumphantly. I had managed to steal it back mid-move on the dancefloor. “I’m like a dancing ninja!” I held up my arms in a karate pose and robot danced them away.

Grayson burst out laughing. “You’re such a dork. Come on, show me what’s next.”

“Nope, that’s it! It’s all done. Thanks to you I’ve completed my top five, well, minus the Grand Canyon that is.”

“Wait, was that number one?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. “The Grand Canyon?”

“Yeah, I told you it was impossible.”

“Difficult, yes, impossible, no. You should have told me.”

“What were you going to do? Hire a helicopter in the middle of the night to fly us out there?”