"I concur in all respects."

"Okay, I do have some pain killers in my first aid kit in my truck. I don't think I need it though. Get on with it. If I need it I'll let you know, okay?”

Nicola looked at my dad and asked, "Do you want to do it?"

"No, go ahead, I'll assist."

I felt her gentle hands wiping around the brow, she put a cloth over my eyes and suddenly I felt her soft lips brush mine. "That's for being so brave."

Almost immediately I felt a sharp pain in my forehead. I inhaled rapidly and held my breath. I kept my eyes closed as I felt the tugging as she pulled the cut together. Shortly after I heard her say, "Cut it." I let myself exhale as I waited for what was next. I felt her feather light touch, then the sharp pain again. I felt her tug a little and then say, "Cut."

"No fair! I didn't get a kiss before that time."

I heard my father laugh, "Sweetheart, I think my boy would let you do an Appendectomy without anesthesia if you kissed him enough."

The sound of her giggling as the cloth was pulled from my face led me to opening my eyes. Her face was only inches from me. Once again, she pressed her lips to mine. "There. Do you want a lollipop, too?”

“Only if it tastes as good as you do.” I loved her blush. I was determined to see how often I could make it appear. I knew it went down her body and all I could think about was finding out how far down it went.

With a steadying breath she instructed me as she stood up straight, “You need to grit your teeth on this next one, there is dirt and gravel in this cut. I’ll have to clean it out. I will try irrigating it first, but I may need to scrape it some."

"Kiss me again and give it your best shot." This time I got a quick kiss on the cheek before she got to work.

The warm water stung as it washed over my knee. I grit my teeth and held on to the table edges as she rubbed places with a Q-tip doused in alcohol. Trying desperately to ignore the pain, I heard her say, "That looks good, the blood is bringing out a little more dirt. I think we should just go for it."

"I agree."

I felt the first stitch go in causing me to jerk slightly. "I’m sorry, Cal. I really hate hurting him, he’s been so sweet about everything."

"Kiss him again and he'll be okay. He’s a tough marine."

I felt a sweet tender kiss as I reached up and caressed her cheek before she went back to work. The next two stitches were not too bad. She started putting bandages on all the wounds as my eyes never left her as she worked.

I knew she felt my eyes on her. She would glance at me as her fingertips caressed my skin. My eyes stayed locked on her as I heard my dad say, “I’m going to run and grab a change of clothes while you finish up, Nicola.”

We were finally alone. Grabbing her hand, I pulled her close as I wrapped my hand into her shoulder-length brown hair and captured her lips in a proper kiss.

Chapter 3


I felt myself get lost in this man’s kisses. He was so gorgeous and wonderfully sweet. I was embarrassed that even his dad was picking up on our sexual tension but it couldn’t be helped. It felt like a live wire connected us and I knew I wanted to see where it led.

I knew my panties were going to have to be changed very soon as he deepened the kiss even further. I couldn't believe this man was affecting me this way. I pulled away briefly as I glanced around the room. Realizing we were indeed alone, it seemed as if my heart stopped for a second.

I leaned down and kissed him again. I felt his warm tongue touch my lips. I opened my lips and my tongue met his. It was a heavenly kiss. It seemed to last forever. His big gentle hand was behind my head. As I pulled away, I was dazed as I raised up, knowing Dr. Cal would be back soon.

I looked down at his body. The towel had slipped to the floor and his erection stood like a flag pole jutting up from his loins. I moved toward it as if I was in a trance. I just had to touch it, simply had to. I could feel his eyes watching me and he held his breath.

I touched it with the tips of my fingers. I leaned down close and softly rubbed it over my cheeks before I brushed my lips tenderly over the head. I heard the screen door open as I jumped back, startled at what I was doing. I never treated a patient or any other man like this before. Embarrassment filled me as I felt fluids running down my legs. With a quick glance at Cal, I turned and ran to my room.

I listened carefully as I heard Dr. Cal came in and asked Cal if he felt ok. I couldn’t hear Cal’s response but I knew his dad brought him fresh clothes. I quickly changed and cleaned myself up as I overheard Cal asking his dad if he could go back to the accident scene and recover his bike. With a relieved sigh, I listened as Dr. Cal chuckled before leaving again.

I gave him time to change into his clothes before I walked back into the kitchen and smiled at him, "I am very embarrassed by what I did, Please forgive me. I don't know what came over me. I just don't do things like that."

Cal took my hand in his and held it as his thumb caressed my pulse point. "I’m sorry too. Very sorry. I should have paid attention to how uncomfortable you were."

"You are?"