"Yes I am, I hoped and prayed it would happen again. It was the most wonderful and intense moment of my life. I felt as if we had made a magical connection. I have to admit I’m devastated that you didn't feel it too."

"I did feel it, I just didn't know how to handle it because I was sure that I was taking advantage of you at that moment. I never had a feeling like that before. Never." I couldn’t help the blush that was heating my cheeks again. I rarely dated and only concentrated on filling my parents wishes to be the best doctor I could be. It wasn’t what I wanted but then my wishes were rarely considered important.

"Did you like it?"

I nodded as I looked into his eyes. "Oh, yes! I did. I loved it, but it scared me, too.”

His hand reached up and held my cheek tenderly. “It scared you? Why?”

I looked down at our joined hands. “My family would be horrified if they knew what just happened. It made me feel so vulnerable. It overwhelmed me. I felt as if my whole soul was opening to you and wanting you to join me and be one with me. I just couldn't resist the need to touch you. Touch all of you. As soon as I saw you hurt, I felt as if I was drawn to you. What is happening to me, Cal?"

His hand on his cheek pulled me closer as he softly placed a kiss on my temple, on my nose, and then finally my lips. I sighed as I leaned closer to him. Letting myself just feel.

"I’m feeling the same thing happening to me, beautiful Nicola. How about we go at a pace that feels right to you? If you agree I would like to go somewhere with you for dinner tonight. I need, really need, to be with you and to learn everything about you. What you like, what you don't like. I want you to find out everything about me. There are a few things I am not exactly proud of but I want you to know them too. I need this. I can't help it. I feel I can tell you everything and that you won’t judge me too harshly. I want to be your friend as well as your soul mate.”

I watched as he smiled, and found myself blinking as his cheeks became pink. He was blushing. This gorgeous man who could have any girl he wanted was blushing while talking to me.

“Damn, excuse me, listen to me, I don't talk like this. What are you doing to me, Nicola?"

"This feels like one of those stories of the couples falling for each other at first sight. I guess I have limited experience with men because I’ve always been that girl who did as her parents wished, not allowing herself to dream. Loneliness is soul crushing. Then I saw you. My heart broke when I realized I was the cause of your pain. The longer I spent with you the more this pull to you seemed to grow stronger. I’ve never felt like this before. I don’t know if you feel exactly like I do, but I think I could see myself falling in love with you."

"God, you nailed it. I didn’t think I’d ever want this but I can't help it."

"I don't want this to go too fast though. I don’t want it to burn out before it could burn so bright the stars would see it."

"Me too.”

“If I helped you, how about instead of dinner out, you join me in the living room and we can just order take out. You can rest and we can just get to know each other?”

He nodded and slowly stood up, favoring his injured leg. Step by slow step we walked into the living room where we sat close to each other on the comfortable sofa. He turned toward me after moving so that we were touching, "I have to do this." He pulled me towards him and leaned over to me until their lips met. It was a long sweet kiss. He looked at me as I could only blink at him in a daze, "Wow! Okay I’m gonna put a bit of space between us or I won’t stop doing that."

I smiled gently at him, "One more kiss first." We kissed again before he moved away a bit but still held my hand. She giggled, "I don't think we can get very far apart. I want to be touching you. I need to be touching you."

Chapter 4


I looked at her and loved what I saw, her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Her green eyes sparkled with her inner light. Her nose was small and her lips were sweet and soft. She was so very beautiful. I wanted to touch and kiss and taste all of her. I was afraid I would scare her off if I went too fast for her.

I looked at her and smiled, "I want you to get to know who I am, the good and the bad."

She looked at me and nodded. "Before you start, I must tell you how I feel. I’m not perfect. I have always done what was expected of me, until lately. I realized I wasn’t happy and wouldn’t be until I started living for me and not for what others expect of me. I come from a family of money and expectations. My parents aren’t the most loving but they’re mine. My biggest dream is to be happy and enjoy life with someone who truly loves me. As we drove to my house I had an overwhelming desire to be with you. My heart and soul are calling to you.”

I reached up and felt the softness of her cheeks in my hands. “I don’t think I could be without you now that I’ve found you. I want to sleep where you sleep. Live where you live for as long as you want me. I just met you. These feelings and thoughts sound insane." I smirked at her knowing I sounded nuts as I ran a hand through my hair.

“If you’re insane then so am I.” She wrapped both her hands around one of mine and brought it up to her lips kissing it tenderly. “So tell me about you, Callum Murphy the Third.”

"I’m a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps. I’ve reached a crossroads in my career. I recently retired and became a civilian. I get a retirement payment but I’ve never worked in a regular job in my life. I’m highly trained as a squadron commander of fighter jets. Not much call for people like me anywhere else."

Nicola smiled at me, a wicked twinkle in her beautiful eyes. "I know the perfect job for you. I’ll take you as my personal love slave. All you have to do is love me."

"I don't know if I am qualified for that position."

"My heart is saying you’re the only man in the world who is qualified for that job."

"You want me to be a househusband?"

"I just want you, anyway I can get you. I want you to discover what makes you happy. Move in with me, I have plenty of money. You have your retirement, so you don't have to work. I know you can not just sit around the house. SO do what makes you the most happy. Go back to school if you want. Learn what you would like to do. I know that is what you would tell me if the situation was reversed, right?"