Page 58 of My Fight

“And be your best friend,” I agree, watching her dig into a small pouch she has inside of her notebook.

“Here, you need to put this on to signify that our agreement is confirmed,” she says, handing over a small silver chain.

“What’s this?” I ask as I grab it from her and dangle it in my hand so I can see it clearly. It is one half of a heart with the letter ST and ENDS on it. My eyes flick back to Ivy.

“I have the other half. See!” She pulls out the other half of the heart from under her top, showing the letters BE and FRI on it. When put together, it spells out Best Friends. My chest constricts with pride.

I take the dainty necklace in my big hands, but I can’t open the clasp. So, jumping off her chair, she walks around to me, plucks it from my hand, opens it up, drapes it around my neck, and clasps it together.

“There. Best friends forever,” she exclaims, giving me her hand to shake.

“Best friends forever, Little Cub,” I grunt out, trying to keep my emotions in check. I shake her hand, sealing the deal.

As she runs off back down to her room, I lift the half heart in my hands, knowing that even though it is pink and glittery that I will never take it off.



I am a nervous wreck when Benji finally pulls up to the front of my place, and I jump into his big black Escalade. Carter has been training like a madman, and I have been busy at work, so I haven’t seen a lot of him the past few days. But he spends every night with me, and holds me until morning. With Ivy staying with Maggie tonight, I continue to fidget in the front seat, trying to not have a panic attack about watching Carter’s fight and also potentially meeting Sebastian Romano.

If anyone had told me that this was the turn my life was going to take, I would have laughed in their face. I should be worried about bringing Ivy into this life, but she is happy, healthy, and has a bigger smile on her face than she ever has. Carter continues to bring us joy, and we haven’t laughed so much before in our lives.

“Are you okay?” Benji asks, turning to look at me as we drive down the street.

“Fine. Why?” I reply too quickly, looking out the window to where we are headed. A side of town that I am not familiar with and have never been to before.

“Ahhh… because your leg is bouncing, you’re wringing your hands together, and I feel like you are about to take off the minute the car stops,” he says honestly, and I pause.

“Sorry,” I say with a wince, taking another breath to calm my racing heart. “I’m just nervous.”

“Nothing to be nervous about. Carter will be fine. You might actually enjoy it!” Benji says, trying to encourage my excitement.

“Have you met Sebastian before?” I might as well try to get to know the man who I am so scared to meet.

“Yep. He’s cool. No need to worry. And Carter is not going to let anything happen to you. Neither will I.” His face grows serious, giving me a look that tells me that there is no question he would protect me with his life.

I nod in response, appreciating this new friend I have made, as I look back out the window and get lost in my thoughts.

Before long, we drive down a dark street in what looks to be an industrial district. I wore jeans and combat boots with a black jacket, so at least I look badass. There is warehouse after warehouse, roller doors, and even though there are streetlights, they seem few and far between, a light glow the only indication they are even on. There are cars around, a few people standing in small groups smoking, and we park and make our way inside. I keep my head low, not that I expect to see anyone, but if this ever got out, I would definitely need to explain it to the medical board.

“This way.” Benji leads me, putting his hand on my back and moving me through the small industrial door and into the warehouse, where I nearly trip over myself as I try to take it all in.

It’s big, really big and full of people. Mainly men, many scary looking, but some in suits, which is surprising. I stand on a cement floor, and I look beyond the crowd to see a ring marked out with ropes, surrounded by rows and rows of plastic chairs and people standing, talking, and yelling at a fight that is currently happening in front of them. There appears to be a makeshift bar over on one wall, and I see a man waving money nearby, calling out bets, the hundred-dollar bills flapping as he speaks with his hands.

“Keep moving, Doc,” Benji grits out, his head down but his eyes wide, so I follow him as we move in tandem to the side of the large space and down a corridor. There are less people in this area, but a few still milling around, with more females who are scantily clad, looking me up and down.

“Here,” Benji says and bangs on the door, which opens swiftly, and Dante Luciano stands solidly in front of us.

I gulp as he shakes hands with Benji.

“Hey, Doctor Wakeford,” he says, a small smile appearing on his face, and I feel a little more at ease.

“Hi, Dante. Just Cat, please,” I say, probably needing to be less formal now. I watch as he smiles as he stands back and opens the door for us to enter. I can’t say that we are friends, more like acquaintances, but I feel better that there is a familiar face.

“Good to see you.”

“Thanks. How’s Annie?”