Page 59 of My Fight

“She’s doing good, thanks to you,” he tells me, his compliment taking me by surprise.

“I’m glad she is doing well,” I say, expertly dodging the compliment. It is my job, after all. I am not a miracle worker and don’t claim to be.

I take a few steps in, and I spot Carter over in the far corner, his back to me, sitting on a table, Nico in front of him, wrapping his hands with white tape. Then I see who I assume is Sebastian Romano standing next to him, talking to him in hushed tones, and as he does he eyes flick to me, and there is no facial expression. Not a smile, not a scowl. Nothing. Before his eyes look back at Carter, ignoring me entirely.

I gulp. This is not my idea of a good time.

“Cat?” Carter calls out to me, turning. “Come here.” I don’t hesitate. I leave Benji’s side and go to Carter, wanting to be next to him.

“Hey,” I say with a smile, trying to appear happy to be here, the heat from Sebastian's stare drilling into the side of my face.

He jumps off the bed and pulls me close, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips.

“Cat, this is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Cat.” My heart is thumping so fast in my chest, I think the whole neighborhood can hear it.

“Doctor Wakeford, nice to meet you,” Sebastian says, extending his hand for me to shake, which I accept. It all feels a little too formal and not the warm greeting I was expecting.

“Likewise, Sebastian. Please, call me Cat.” As his hand grips mine, I feel like he is assessing me. I wonder if this is what it was like for Annie when she first met Dante. My eyes flick to Carter, and I see him looking at Sebastian curiously.

Carter wraps his arm around my waist, keeping me in tight as I pull my hand away from Sebastian’s grip, but he continues to stare at me.

“Hey, Doc,” Nico says as he joins us, and I let go of the breath I was holding as Nico gives everyone a grin. Then I finally start to relax.

“Hi, Nico, good to see you,” I say, feeling better now that the introductions are out of the way, and Sebastian steps over to stand next to Dante. My eyes flick to him again, and he is still eyeing me warily. My blood runs cold for a moment as I begin to think that perhaps he doesn’t like me.

“How are you feeling?” I ask Carter once Nico leaves his side, looking at the beast of a man in front of me, questioning how I am going to survive watching this fight. He looks amazing, his muscles on full display, glistening in the lights. I hope it doesn’t take too much of a beating.

“I’m fine now that you’re here. Can you hold this and keep it safe for me?” he asks, and I look down to his open palm. I see a small silver necklace, and I grab it from him before lifting and studying it. It is a half heart; a best friend necklace.

“Where did this come from?” I ask, looking up at him, surprised that he has such a thing.

“Your little cub. We have made a business deal, her and I. I need to wear this every day, but I don't want to lose it tonight, so I will grab it from you at home later.”

Home. He is now referring to my place as home, and I quite like the new love bubble we have created. And Ivy gave him this? If I wasn’t a ball of nerves, I’d be melting at his feet.

“Ready, Carter?” Nico shouts from across the room, and Carter looks at him and nods.

“Time to go. Don’t worry, I got this. Go with Benji straight home after the fight, and I will see you there, okay?” he says, his hand giving my waist a squeeze in reassurance. I am glad he is okay, because I feel like I need to vomit.

“Okay. Good luck,” I offer him with a small smile, and he pulls me close. His lips meet mine and his hands wrap my waist tight as I hook mine behind his head. My fingers grip into his hair, never able to get enough of this man.

A throat clears behinds us, and we pull apart, me wiping the gloss from Carter’s mouth.

“Good luck,” I whisper again before I step away from him and go back to Benji.

“Good luck, Carter!” Benji hollers, and then the two of us make a quick exit out the door. Sebastian Romano’s eyes don’t leave me the entire time.

Benji and I start to make our way through the crowd of people to find our seats. We are not sitting up the front, as I didn’t want to distract Carter with my gulps of fear or panicking breaths. I also wanted to remain as inconspicuous as possible, not wanting the fact that I attended an underground MMA fight to be reported back to work, or my father, which is exactly what would happen if I sit at the front row next to someone like Sebastian Romano.

We find our two seats a few rows back and settle in.

“What did you do to piss Sebastian off so much?” Benji grumbles to me, and my head whips around to look at him so fast, I make myself dizzy.

“I’ve never met him before… I’ve never even spoken to him before,” I stutter out, wide-eyed, looking at Benji for support.

“He was sure looking at you intensely. I thought perhaps you already had a run-in with him.”

“No, nothing. I could see he didn’t look overly welcoming, but I wasn’t sure if that is just the way he is or if it was me.” Benji shakes his head.