Page 66 of Then There Was You


Kat staredat the sheet of numbers she was working her way through. They blurred in front of her eyes as she pictured Sterling’s face, and the way he’d looked like the sky was crashing down when she’d left him on the beach.

No. Focus on work.

She checked the computer screen, then went on to the next page, doggedly wading through the dreaded finances and bookings until her head ached and she felt ready to scream. She headed to her room, warmed a facecloth under the hot tap and covered her eyes until the throbbing in her head receded. Then she sought out Susan, the cleaner, who was servicing the occupied rooms.

“Tell me how I can help,” she said. “I need to be busy.”

Susan, a fit woman in her fifties, nodded, her fluffy hair bouncing. She was used to Kat’s occasionally erratic behavior. “The room to the left of Brooke’s is empty. The couple left ten minutes ago. Do you want to make a start in there?”

“Yes, thank you.” Kat went to the room, pulled the sheets from the bed, folded the duvet, emptied the rubbish bins, washed the dishes, wiped down the sink, and was cleaning the bathroom when she heard Susan come in behind her to collect the laundry and vacuum the floor. The physical work was a blessing, but it was over far too soon.

“Where next?” she asked.

“No one else has checked out yet,” Susan said. “I’m going to make a start on the foyer, but that’s a one-woman job. Why don’t you rest, Kat? You look terrible.”

“I’m fine. Put me to work.”

Susan raised her palms. “I’d love to, but I’ve got nothing for you. Perhaps you can help Tione with lunch.”

“Yes,” Kat exclaimed. “Good thinking.”

But Tione didn’t want her help either.

“I’ve already prepared pizzas,” he said. “All I need to do is put them in the oven.”

“What about dinner?”

He crossed his arms. “I’m not even thinking about that for a few hours yet. I’m heading out to run the dogs on the beach. You should think about getting outside and burning off some energy. You’re going to wear a hole in the floor with your pacing.”

She stopped pacing. She hadn’t even noticed she’d been doing it. “You’re right.”

“I’m always right.” He cracked a crooked grin. “I am a certified genius. So what’s all this about? Did you talk to Sterling like we discussed?”

“Yeah.” She banded her arms around herself, suddenly feeling fragile. “I did, and I know it was the right thing to do, but now I can’t stop thinking about him.”

His expression softened. “I’m sorry, Kat.” He opened his arms, and she walked into them, welcoming his big bear hug. “You want to come with me and the dogs?”

Releasing him, she stepped back. “Nah, I’ll be fine. I just need something to do. Go run your mutts, brain-boy.”

“Okay.” He hesitated, then added, “I’m here if you need to, uh, talk about it or something.”

At this, Kat managed to smile. If she needed someone to empathize with her, she certainly wouldn’t choose Tione, but she appreciated the sentiment. “Thanks for the offer. Now, go.” She waved a hand, and he left with one final glance over his shoulder.

She fixed herself another coffee, eyed it, then poured it down the sink. More caffeine wasn’t what she needed. She was high-strung and fidgety enough as it was. Maybe she could surf for a couple of hours. The waves had been good that morning and the onshore breeze was mild. But no, she’d left Sterling on the beach. What if he was still there? She didn’t want to encounter him right now. But if she stayed in the lodge, she may see him when he returned for lunch, or to work on his laptop in the living area.

Her office was safe. She went there immediately, shut the door, and flopped into her chair, burying her face in her hands. How had she ended up in this situation? All she’d wanted to do was help Sterling get some much needed rest and relaxation, and maybe rack up a personal win. She’d never meant to make him love Sanctuary or the bay so much he wanted to live there.

God, what a mess.

Looking around the desk for something to do, her gaze fell on a scrap of paper with Jack’s name and a few notes jotted on it. She grabbed her phone and called him.

“Hey, Kat,” he said when he answered. “How are you keeping?”

“I’m good.” The falsehood tasted bitter in her mouth. “Are you free now? I wanted to continue our discussion about hiring you to do trips for my guests.”

“No can do, sorry. I need a bit more time. Sterling is helping me write a business plan, and I want that in place before we finalize anything.”