Page 65 of Then There Was You

“—and I really like you, but Ihad a man in my life, and I killed him. I don’t deserve another chance at happiness because Teddy will never have one. Thanks to me, he’s gone, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life alone.”

“His death was an accident. It wasn’t your fault.” Just like his mum’s death hadn’t been his fault. He accepted that now. He’d only been a teenager, the situation out of his control.

Kat’s arms dropped to her sides and he could see she’d started crying. Her tears struck him harder than her rejection had. He stepped toward her, desperate to hold her, but she evaded him.

“It was!” she cried. “The other driver ran a red light, but I was a professional, I should have been paying attention. I should have seen him coming and gotten the hell out of the way, but I was stupid and complacent and Teddy paid the price.” Her shoulders rose and fell, and her chest heaved as she tried to regain control of her breathing. “I wish you all the best, and I hope you get the success and happiness you deserve, but it won’t be with me.”

When she started to walk away, he followed, but she picked up the pace, and then she was running across the beach—away from him. He stopped chasing her, sank to the ground and stared out at the water.

What was he supposed to do now?

Just fifteen minutes ago, a world of possibilities had been open to him. His expectations of life had expanded beyond the edge of his known universe and he’d been ready for whatever came his way. He picked up a pebble and tossed it at the sea. It landed with barely a splash.

What a difference fifteen minutes could make.

He’d ruined everything, and Kat had left him. Not that they were ever really together, except for in a beautiful fantasy he’d concocted. He felt bereft. He’d found what he’d been looking for all his life, only to have it snatched away because of misplaced guilt. Or was her guilt just a convenient excuse? Could she truly never fathom loving anyone other than her late husband?

He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. He lowered his forehead to his knees and groaned. What good was it to finally know what he wanted from life if he didn’t have her to share it with?