“But what, Miss Callas?”

Payton’s eyes were glued to Quinn now. “But…” She blinked rapidly and her head raised up. “But I think she did it somewhat to protect me.”

Quinn’s lawyer had started to stand, but hearing the rest, he sat back down.

The DA glanced over, her eyebrows up. “Protect you from whom, Miss Callas?”

“From the men who were there where we were staying.”

Oh no.

I got it.

It was all coming together, and I slid down in the bench.

I didn’t think I wanted to hear this.

My stomach began tightening up, knotting.

“Miss Callas, whose place was it that you and your sister were staying at?”

She didn’t answer.

A look came over her. It was a slow slide, and her eyes closed, but I saw it. Everyone saw it. Terror. I knew who she was going to say, but for a moment I didn’t think she was going to do it. It was all leading there, to him.

“Calhoun Bas—”

“Objection! This line of questioning has nothing to do with Ms. Callas’s case. I move for the entire line of questioning to be stricken and tossed out.”

The DA didn’t waste time, either. She shot back, “Miss Callas was brought as their witness. They opened the line of questioning by asking about her relationship with the defendant. I think it bears exploration, Your Honor.”

The judge was silent, taking in both lawyers before his gaze searched the room.

He found me, his eyes narrowed. His head raised. He was scanning the entire room.

Matt leaned over, whispering, “I think he’s looking for Kash.”

Right. My lover, who was now “on the run,” though I hadn’t had time to digest that, either. I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t respond.

“I’m going to allow it.”

“Your Honor!”

He raised his hand up, silencing the defense. “I want to see where this goes.” He nodded to Payton. “Keep going, Miss Callas, but bailiff, I’d like more security guards added to the room.”

Two men left the room and Payton closed her eyes.

“Miss Callas.” His tone was gentle.

She opened her eyes.

He nodded, his entire demeanor softening. “You’re safe. You can say what you need to say in here.”

Her head dipped in an abrupt nod back, her eyes glistening. She closed them, then reopened them, and she swiped at her cheek quickly before leaning forward.

She started, and once she got going, she told everything.

She and Quinn were “sold” to Calhoun when they were young.