They were raised in Calhoun’s main house, but he treated them almost as if they were his daughters.

Quinn had been angry, rebellious. She partied, acted out.

Not Payton. She withdrew.

She learned that Quinn had begun working for Calhoun. She was taken from the home and she didn’t see her sister for two years.

“Where did you see your sister again?”

“In California.”

The DA’s head straightened at that information.

Even the judge looked shocked.

Payton continued, “I was sent to live with her, but Calhoun asked me to watch her.”

A chair scraped against the floor over at Quinn’s table. There was a hissing sound, and the judge fixed them with a glare. “Silence, Ms. Callas. Counsel, control your client.”

He gave Payton another nod.

“She—uh—Quinn was different when I went to live with her. She was more smooth, I guess. More seductive. We lived there for a few years, and that’s when she met Peter Francis.” She stopped, a sudden stricken look coming over her. She jerked back in her seat.

“Miss Callas?” This from the DA. “How was your sister when she met Peter Francis?”

“Um, my relationship with my sister was almost nonexistent once she married Peter. I remained behind in California and she moved to Chicago to be with him.”

“Miss Callas, weren’t you instructed to watch your sister for Mr. Bastian?”

“I was, but Quinn wouldn’t let me come with her, and Calhoun never contacted me. I don’t think he really put much stock in me.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because he never did. He only gave Quinn attention.” Her cheeks got red and her head ducked down briefly. “She’s prettier than me. That’s mostly all Calhoun cared about, a woman’s looks.”

No one commented on that, though to be fair to Payton, she wasn’t not pretty. She was. She just wasn’t stunning like Quinn, but if she’d said this in a room where I could’ve spoken up, I would’ve told her it was more than that. Payton looked submissive. Shewassubmissive. Someone like Calhoun Bastian would’ve disregarded her as anyone or anything useful to him.

“Miss Callas, I’d like to ask the reason the defense called you as a witness today. What were you supposed to say for them?”


“Overruled.” The judge’s tone was flat and final. He wasn’t messing around.

“I—” A sheen of tears came into her eyes, and she searched me out. Me? I felt zapped by her look, not understanding it. An almost apologetic look flared before she looked at Quinn, the same sheen of tears just thickening then. “I’m sorry, Quinn. I know you thought I was going to come in and testify for you, but I can’t.” Her voice grew hoarse. She looked at the DA. “Quinn’s team wanted me to testify that I’d seen Bailey Hayes abusing her mother.”

Shock spread through me, piercing me in the chest.

I couldn’t breathe for a second.

A whisper went through the room, but Payton was continuing. “Since Chrissy Hayes was found alive, I was given orders to discredit anything Chrissy Hayes would say. I was supposed to talk about how I saw her daughter hit her on three different occasions. I was supposed to talk about the language Bailey would use with her mother, how I had overheard Bailey blackmailing her mother into being a loving and doting mother.”

The DA didn’t respond at first. She was just as stiff as I was. Then she coughed, and her voice came out strangled. “And for the record, have you observed any of these events?”

“None. Not one.”

“And what was the reason you were given for providing those lies to the court today?”

“I wasn’t told the reason, just that that’s what I was supposed to say.” She flinched, her eyes so bleak for a moment, before she turned to her sister and said, “I can’t do it, Quinn. I can’t say it. I can’t incriminate Bailey or Chrissy because you and I both know that youdidtry to kidnap Bailey Hayes. Calhoun was upset with you, I get that, but he also doesn’t know the truth. You shouldn’t have lied to him, and you shouldn’t have underestimated a mother’s love for her son.”