Page 62 of Battle Born for You

Doesn’t he realize how many people there are in his corner? We are ready and willing to lend a hand, or an ear, he need only to ask for help. But that is not a Marine’s way, I should know, my father is just as tenacious and set in his ways.

Even though he be out of the military, the everlasting desire, no,mandatehe holds himself to, that calling to protect others, bear the burden for them, he places himself last and gives everything until he can no longer stand. When you think he cannot give any more, he drags himself to continue, beating his body, and worrying his loved ones.

Would Zander confide in the one person he felt closely relatable to? Has Ford tried reaching out? Is there a group I can get in contact with? Ford promised me he’d get to the bottom of things. I have to trust he will follow through.

I’m certain this all pertains to his time in Afghanistan. When I asked Ford about the men in the military photograph behind the bar he clammed up and wouldn’t talk about it. It’s a rough subject for more than one.

If nothing changes, I will have Emma come for tea, she will assist in this plan I have brewing.

After a week of non-stop tasks keeping my attention, such as catching up on gala details, shipping paintings from New York to London, and planning a visit to the recreation center in town, this lass was ready for a time out.

The Thursday afterCinco de MayoI thought I’d take a visit and check on dad. We spent the greater part of the day together, the only thing upsetting him is his leg brace being a nuisance in this heatwave. Summer is barely upon us, and the poor lad has to wear it for quite some time yet. It’s best I prepare for one cranky man.

He sat in the shade and watched as I paddle around in the pond on the kayak. Soon after, I hopped on his riding mower and went about trimming his garden for him. I enjoyed the mindless task.

He insisted he’d do it, but I beat him to it. The man can’t run, how did he think he’d win this battle? Of course, I made sure to rub it in.

Two stubborn peas in a pod we are.

Fresh air and time away from the things plaguing my mind seemed to do the trick. With no updates from Ford about his progress on the task I set him to, I decided tomorrow I’d show Alexander a side of me he thought maybe he’d never see again.

This lass needs her man back. He and Tamara are not the only ones who can plan. One way or another, he will tell me what has him this way, even if I have to coax it from him.

Back at my flat I find my nose, cheeks, and shoulders were a bit rosy from the days sun. It gave a nice sun-kissed glow, but it also made me drowsy. Too much sun and an overdue workout can make for one knackered lass.

Tamara insisted I have a photoshoot on Monday; this should be interesting. Tamara and tan lines do not mix. She will be on a warpath to find a local makeup artist to fix it then yell at me for not using a better sunscreen.

After taking a shower, I curled up on the sofa with a nice cuppa and an episode or two of Lucifer.

Still not a word from Alexander today.

My last text I sent him this morning shows he read it.

Me:I’m here for you. I love you.

It’s then I realize Alexander has not sent his usual morning greeting text in two days. This confirms there is something amiss. He was adamant he wouldn’t break his promise.

It shouldn’t hurt, but it does.

I tell myself he is busy with the upcoming festivals in the area and is short-staffed. Deep down I knew differently.

His darkness is suffocating him, from the inside out.

A week and a half of distance will end tomorrow. Heed my words, Alexander, I’m coming for ye. This lass is ready for battle.

Blinking, I find I’m curled up on the sofa, a blanket wrapped around me. The tele plays the beginnings of the local news, the room cast in dim lighting. A loud round of thumps came from my entry door, giving me a start.

At first, I thought it just a figment of my imagination, still placed in a sleep haze, but then it sounded again. My heart leapt into my throat.Was someone trying to break in?

Heart racing, I blinked vigorously and rubbed at my eyes, then threw the blanket and sprinted to the door, making sure to turn on every light I could. Now bright as day inside, I bolstered my nerves and checked the peep hole.

What I found surprised me. A disheveled Alexander leaned against the door, grumbling something under his breath.

“Lili?”He slurs.

Elated to find him here, I turn the two locks, throw open the door then shriek with surprise. Zander stumbles inside and I barely have time to ready my arms to catch him. His body crashes into the entryway and I have to lock my knees to stop us from toppling to the floor.

“Feckin’ hell, love– what’s the matter with ye?”