Page 63 of Battle Born for You

An intake of breath gives me the answer I’m seeking.

Alexander ispissed… and dare I say, quiteboggin’ (dirty). He is rank; smelling of stale ale and liquor, the dark gray bar shirt had stains from being in the kitchen, and there is wing sauce on his face and hands. Zander’s high and tight hair hasn’t seen a comb in more than a day, and his beard has grown scraggly.

A complete opposite person entered my flat just now.

Next question:How the bloody hell did he get here?He better not have driven, he knows I have a no bullshite rule about drinking and driving, especially after what happened to my dad.

I struggle to shuffle him inside then close the door. If I can shift him enough to get him to the sofa, we should be fine. Now to gain a decent hold on him and not lose him in the process. If he falls, I fear I will not be able to get him up.

“Zander, you need help me out here, ye’re too heavy to carry myself.” I instruct, battling to keep him upright as I wrap an arm around him, and we begin a slow shift to the main room.

He snaps his head up to answer me and in doing so, his crown connects with the underside of my chin. The taste of iron fills my mouth then.

Damn it.

Muscles burning from the strain of holding dead weight and the shock of being accidently struck, I can’t keep my grip.

I watch as he collapses and lands in a heap on the floor just before making it to the sofa.

Breathing harder than normal, I bring a shaky finger to my bottom lip and sure enough, it came away wet with blood. Sighing, I lick my lip to try and stanch the flow then bend down and give his shoulder a gentle shove.

“Oi! Wake up, Zander!”

No response other than a low groan. He is out cold.

Well, shite. How am I going to get him to the sofa?

It’s then I find a good-sized wet spot on his thigh and in his lap. I am thankful when I learn it’s spilt liquor and not the alternative.

Alexander said doesn’t drink much at all after purchasing his business, he told me of a time how his place was usually littered with bottles. At least until Emma and his mom came to his rescue.

A moment’s hesitation follows as I try and regain my barring’s and think of what to do. With Emma and Wyatt out of town until tomorrow, I don’t have any other choice but to give Ford a call to help me.

Checking his pockets, I find his mobile and grimace when I find it too covered in wing sauce.Yuck.

I swipe it and find the Uber app still open, answering my question of how he got here.Good, at least he wasn’t stupid enough to drive in this state. I’m surprised he made it up to my flat without hurting himself.

Opening his contacts I locate Ford’s number and tap the call icon. After two rings he picks up and a blast of loud metal music fills the speaker. He hollers over the background noise.

“You over your sour mood enough to meet with me? Seriously Corporal-”

“Ford, it’s Lili.” I interrupt his ranting.

Is that me stammering right now? I bite my lip in frustration then let out a curse at the contact of my split lip. I try soothing it as best I can with my tongue. It takes him a second to respond, probably flabbergasted at hearing from me.

“Lili? What’s up darlin’?” Ford moves away from the sound of Metallica’sMaster Of Puppets, Hank making his presence known with a growly howl.

It’s been too long since playing with the pup. I need some Hank snuggles.

“Alexander arrived a minute ago and passed out on my entry floor. I can’t move him.” Kneeling, I brush my fingers over Zander’s tousled hair, moving it off his dampened brow to better glance his beleaguered features etched there like granite even in this state. “I’m worried about him.”

The chime of a car unlocking sounds as he slams the door to the house. A disgruntled sigh mixed with a slew of Spanish curses leaves his lips.

“I was afraid of this.” He calls for Hank to hop in his vehicle then the door snicks closed, “Don’t worry, Hank and I will be right over. Sit tight until I get there, kay?”

“Right.” I say weakly then hang up and find the news explaining the weather for the next seven days. I get up to shut it off, not before noticing rain all this weekend. That will put a damper on the chalk art festival at the old silo buildings down the way. I was thinking of going to it so I could talk to a few local artists and connect with my kind of people.

Alexander is more important.