Page 61 of Battle Born for You

“Come. We are going to shower, then – we kick Ford’s arse.”

The next two weeks went by in a blur of planning, painting, and love making. That last one,well, needless to say, Alexander loves when I’m in charge, but it’s like he can see right through my mistress, and he takes control when it matters most. He can sense what I secretly crave. It’s a give and take that matters most. There is no greatness in one person having all power. It should be shared.

*Evil thought* Maybe next time I’ll introduce him to a bit of back door play, not on me, on Zander.

My mistress is fond of taking men to their limits, she relishes in subtle experimentation, and takes pride in the power she upholds.

It’s a thrilling sensation.

Even with all the constant rain plaguing the area on a daily basis, I couldn’t be any happier. Life seemed to be missing puzzle pieces, only now the pieces are coming together. It’s tremendous how creativity can blossom when someone’s mood changes. My works of art have gone from capturing darkness, to basking in the light; the whole of my color pallet has changed and instead of using blues and blacks, I now use yellows, pinks, and whites.

“I am my own muse. The subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.” Frida Kahlo.

This woman’s art career is an inspiration to me; her surrealism and magical realism are two types of art that have transformed me into the artist depicted before you. Most of my portfolio is based on tragedy, nightmares, and pain, with only a handful of warm pieces scattered throughout my short history. Recently though, my creations have taken on the representation of the natural world, wellness, and most important of all,love.

So much love.

One afternoon whilst tucked away in the office atHarbor’s Edge, I relaxed on the tiny sofa and sketched as Zander caught up on paperwork, a blossoming playlist of love songs croons through the speaker nearby. Never did I imagine I’d have a collection of songs that would tell such a story.

Zander added Mayday Parade’s,I Swear This Time I Mean It, and Eric Clapton’s,Layla, saying these are just the beginning to what he has up his sleeve for us, hinting he might write me a song.

My heart melted.

To show my adoration, my additions for him were Sonny and Cher’s,I Got You Babeand Alison Krauss’s,When You Say Nothing At All.

Other than using fine arts to convey my emotions, I often use songs, forming them into playlists and telling my story when words fail.

Fair warning though, it be best to steer clear if you hear death metal. I’m in a mood and do not want to be disturbed.

Those days seem far a few now with a certain man by my side.

Tamara flew home to aid in the final touches on the gala preparations and also to assist Shark’s new international team with intel on Isaac. I can only imagine what tales she will tell Gran. Our conversation next time will be a lively one.

Ford landed himself in hot water the night he went to the police station, shark had to go get him. He did something he’s been told on countless occasions not to continue pursuing. It finally came to a head and bit him in the arse, so to speak. Hopefully he will learn from his mistakes and stay away from married women.

Zander is just glad he didn’t overdose.

Speaking of my boyfriend.

Something is off with Alexander these past days. He seemed cloaked most of the time now and will not talk about it. He’s shutting everyone out. I sense his change, do others as well?

Keeping close to him, I let him know I’m here whenever he’s wanting to talk, not pushing the subject. We know how badly that can play out.

Maddie and I connected as we decorated every inch of the bar forCinco de Mayoin a few days’ time. It was a way to distract her from everything happening with her mom’s cancer battle. I learned more about Ford’sMadre, how she taught him special recipes and secrets in the kitchen. Ford is an excellent cook, now if only he would turn his focus to food and take a break on the hen hunting.

Zander seemed to snap at the slightest upset, often slamming his office door and hiding away inside the four walls like it be his incarceration. When asking Ford about it he stated it wasn’t his place to tell, reassuring me it’s nothing I did, and that he would talk to his brother. He said Zander would come out of it in a day or two.

If Zander needed space, then I would give it to him to a point. He’d eventually come around and all this would blow over. I wouldn’t be far, for I am just as stubborn.

Alexander has met his match, in more ways than one.

The day or two Ford mentioned it take to turn Zander around flew into being now a week and a half without any change. He wouldn’t come over, barely responded to my text messages with more than a one-word answer, and through his locked office door he blared an ominous playlist of darkness, war, and despair.

This is not the man I came to know. I was afraid of losing him. There is a dark cloud over his head, an evilness tinging the air, and a haunting plaguing his every move.

Still he will not speak.

Now I know how he felt when I wouldn’t tell him my secrets. How the tables have turned.