Page 60 of Battle Born for You

Contentment washed over us as we relax in each other’s arms.

“I love that sound.” Alexander states, brushing kisses along the apex of my neck.

I laugh lightly as his beard tickles me. “What sound would that be?”

There is a smile on his lips, I can tell, even though I cannot see.

He hums approvingly, “that, right there. Your laughter. It’s a piece heaven on Earth, right here in my arms.” He settles me in the crook of his arm, a contented sigh escaping us.

Sleep beacons as I close my eyes.

“It’s yours, I give you all of me.”

Alexander feathers a kiss to my temple, his words laced with the barest hint of fatigue, “my Lili. My siren. My love.”

I tilt my chin and gaze adoringly into his eyes, silently asking for his kiss, one he remarkably delivers.

Alexander’s mobile chimed back-to-back, then a firestorm of calls came in, one after the other. On the third round of hearingUnder The Seaby The Little Mermaid, Shark’s ringtone, I decided to get up and answer it. I forgot to ask Zander if Shark is aware of the song he picked for his marine mate. He only smirked and mentioned how it suits him. Shark did talk about Marine life whilst we were in London; I thought it his way to distract me from all the news, now I’m wondering just how far this story goes.

The man next to me doesn’t stir as I remove myself from his hold, not so much as a sigh of displeasure leaving him. Seems the multiple shagging sessions we had sapped my boyfriend.

*Blissed* I like the sound of that.Boyfriend.One could get used to saying that word.

Pulling the mobile from a pocket of Zander’s jeans I glance at the time at the top of the screen, finding it to be just after seven at night. It’s then I wonder how Zander got out of working on a Saturday night.

“Oi! This better be good! We’re busy!” I jest. Nothing like adding a little bite to have him question if I’m being serious or not.

“I bet you two areverybusy.” Shark’s tone takes on a guilty sigh, “my apologies, Lili. Is Corporal there?”

Music thumps in the background along with a few shouts from a group of females. Is he calling from a bar?

*Wickedly* “He’s rather – indisposed at the moment. What can I do for ye?” I glance to my man sprawled out on my bed, the sound of my voice coaxing a ghost of a smile on those talented lips of his.

A grunt fills the other end of the line, bringing my focus back to Shark, “well, hate to cut your festivities short, but we have a situation here at the bar.”

That doesn’t sound good. I’ve been yearning to sling some bottles. I wonder if they are shorthanded behind the bar.

“Just a moment.”

As if he sensed the change in my attitude, Zander sat up in bed, beckoning me to hand over the device. I was momentarily distracted by how the duvet rested low on his hips, barely covering his package.And what an exquisite package it is.

There’s mischief in his eyes as I hand him his mobile. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like we have time for another delightful shag. *Sigh* Such a pity.

Background noise flows through the speaker, Zander’s exasperation is shadowed by sleep deprivation, “what the hell did Ford do now?”

“That’s the thing, he isn’t here. Ford is AWOL, Corporal.” Shark held his mobile away to shout to someone, then he’s back, “your place is getting busy. Maddie called Gavin; he is on his way in. I’m helping ‘til then.”

Zander sighs and rubs at his eyes, “Damn it, Ford.”

“Hang on – I just got a ping from his phone.” Shark pauses then growls, “fuckin’ Ford.” He sighs, “you’re not going to like where he’s at.”

“Don’t tell me he’s –”

“Ford’s location is the police station.”

Zander deflates, “at least he’s not at the morgue,” he huffs, “sit tight, we will be there soon.” He ends the call then tosses his mobile none too gentle across the bed. His head thuds against the headboard, his eyes close as he heaves a weary sigh. I take his hand in mine.

Zander is concerned about his mate. I’m worried about Zander. A person can only give so much of themselves to others before they are completely drained; a shell of themselves.