Page 49 of Battle Born for You

“I’ve had a few days to consider and realize now if you hadn’t done what you did, we wouldn’t know Lili could be in danger. Thank you for defiling my order. This is your one and only pass. Don’t do it again.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” He sighs, “we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. We still need to figure out who hacked into Raymond’s sealed accounts”

With today’s technology, anything and anyone is a target.

“Is it possible there is someone on the inside at Raymond’s office instead of at the police force?” He’s more than likely already ran through employee files and connected anyone who has ties to Lili’s pedophile. Hopefully that list is a small one so we can narrow our search and catch this bastard.

Shark shrugs, “that’s what we’re trying to figure out.”

I tilt my head, hesitant in wanting to include more people in this case. “We? Is Tamara aiding in this?”

He shakes his head, “she’s only helping minimally. I’ve brought on Miles Weston, twenty-nine years old, adopted, a strong-willed decorated Army soldier. He’s someone I’ve wanted on my team for a while now. I gave him a call asking if he wanted a more fulfilling job rather than working warehouse security.”

I open my mouth to protest. Shark held up a finger.

“Before you go on a rapid-fire tangent, you of all people have known I’ve wanted to go global with Axis Security.” He waits for my nod before he continues. “Given Lili’s dual citizenship and her interest in you, she will be traveling more. That is a cause for concern. There needed to be teams in both countries. Weston is collaborating with me in this expansion project and assisting in finding highly qualified team members.” His energy drink is kicking in; Shark likes to ramble when he’s consumed sugar. “As much as I would love to have the technology of teleportation, I can’t be in two places at once. I’ve given all my U.S. assignments to other qualified members in my homebase so I can devote my focus on this case. Rest assured, whomever is behind this will be brought down. You have my word.” He takes a well needed breath and rakes a hand through his disheveled hair.

“Sounds like we’ve got our work cut out for us.” I push off the counter, “let’s get crackin’ before you crash.”

“Let’s do this,” Shark smirked, a devious glimmer in his eye, “before we get started, I think it’s time we wake up our gunner. Is it too early for an air horn, Corporal?”

I chuckle and shake my head, “well, wouldn’t you look at that,” I check my imaginary watch, “you haveoutstandingtime, Shark.”

“Hell-to-the-yes.” Shark woops as he runs to his duffle and pulls out a small air canister, “payback never felt so good.”

I pat him on the back and open the door to the basement.

It’s times like these I miss deployment; I’m in need of a good laugh. Shark is the king of getting away with pranking. Ford isn’t an easy target, in yet he will never see this one coming.

Rude awakening, here we come.


According to a text from Tamara, everything is in place.

I hope this works.

One o’clock on the dot I crossed the street and preceded down the bike path along lake Erie’s edge. Skimming over the growing number of people walking, biking, and roller blading along the pathway, it took me a minute to locate her, but once I found her, I couldn’t tear my gaze away.

For the first time in days my demons were silent. Were they just as stunned at her beauty as I?

She sat on a bench next to a tall thin woman who bobbed her afro and danced in place to a song playing on a speaker nearby. This must be the lively Tamara. From what I gathered after my time talking with her over the phone and what Lili has told me about her, I’ve concluded she and my sister Emma are two peas in a pod; always telling it like it is, needing to control the moment, and live life as positive as can be.

Lili had her hair done while away, no doubt a demand by Tamara for her to relax and be pampered. Her hair is a shade lighter, blonde, and beautiful, and is straight rather than her typical waves.

Even from this angle she is spellbinding and captivating.

It seems I have a bounce in my step as I grow closer.

Target acquired. Locked and in position.

She’s dressed in a bright yellow tee and frayed jean shorts that give only a peek at her thigh tattoo. I love her in yellow, it reminds me of the dress she wore to her family’s get-together. Ever-so cheerful and free spirited.

It was the happiest I’d ever witnessed her to be. There was not a single frown crossing her features that day.

Focus Zander. No time for slacking on this mission. No time for failure.

It’s time I win her back.