Page 48 of Battle Born for You

I’d like to see them try.

Unknown-*British*Zander, it’s Tamara.

It might not be Lili, but it’s the next best thing. Lili’s mate.

Message two came in not even a minute later.

Tamara-I’m in town. Call me when you can. I have a plan that will guarantee you win Lili back.

My heartbeat thrummed wildly as I hit the call button.

Tamara, you are a Godsend.

Tamara answers after the first ring and I can’t help at displaying my concern.

“How is she?” *Choked up* “I know I fucked things up, butTamara,I can’t be without her.”

“She’s sleeping right now,” Tamara whispers, “I need you to know, she had a nightmare the other night. This one scared the living daylights out of Harrison, me too if you can believe it.” She paused as I heard liquid pouring in the background, “this one was different; she called out for you. She wanted you.”

I’ve watched Lili go through one of her nightmares, I know exactly how scary that shit is. To sit there and do nothing but watch as the person you care for battles their inner monster, all alone, afraid, and helpless. It’s fucking torture.

“Tell me how I can fix this.”

I hear the giddiness in her tone, and I perk up the slightest bit.

“Oh, you’re going to love this.”

A half hour later and a plan in place, I feel confident in winning Lili’s trust and affection back. It may take time, but I don’t care. It can take years, I will wait, as long as I know she will be with me.

There is something undeniable about my siren.

“So, are you on board with my plan or do you have something better?” Tamara asked.

This plan of hers is one-hundred times better than anything I could have come up with. For once these many days and sleepless nights, I have confidence.

“This plan is amazing –you’re amazing. I will see you at the harbor around one.” Shark saunters in and makes himself a cup of coffee as I wrap up our conversation. “Thanks, Tamara. I owe big time.”

Her tone is full of assurance, “You’re quite welcome. I know this will work. *Sing-song* See you soon.”

My mind is more at ease as we hang up. Tamara’s well thought out plan might just work; In a few short hours Lili should be back in my arms.

“I’ll admit, Tamara’s good at what she does.” Shark mentions as he sipped from his mug, “that chick takes planning to a whole new level. She puts me to shame, and you know how fricken OCD I can get.” He downs the hot coffee in a few gulps then sets his mug to the side and smacked his lips, “I slammed an energy drink on the way here. Let’s get to work before I lose my boost.”

I grunt and give him my less than impressed stare down. He knows what could be in store as my payback; it might be given now, or I might wait. A Marine never knows for sure.

I’ll make him sweat a bit.

“Awe, c’mon man – whatever you’re devising just do it now and get it over with.”

I get a good look at him and see just how out-of-it and disheveled he is. A semi-rumpled blue button-down, slacks adorned with a sauce stain, and hair stuck-up on one side signaling he slept some part of the plane ride.

This isn’t my Marine. Has he actually had any R&R these past weeks? Doubtful from the looks of it.

Shark has probably had less sleep than me these past few days. He might’ve gone against my orders, but I don’t want to think about what could’ve happened had he obeyed me.

“Thank you.”

Shark’s brows draw together, his arms crossed as he leans against the counter, “I’m sorry – what?” He asks, a bit baffled.