Page 46 of Heart Set on You

Now it’s my turn to be shocked. There’s no way. It’s not possible, not with a girl as beautiful and funny and sexy as Rylee. How were there not guys lining up for a chance to be with her? I can’t wrap my head around it.

“How do you feel about commitment?” I ask her.

She turns her face to the ocean as we walk hand-in-hand and I find myself praying that she’s not about to tell me that she’s not the relationship type. “Honestly, it’s not something I was looking for. But I won’t let past experiences stop me from giving my heart to someone.”

My heart just about cracks in two. Rylee is open and honest, never afraid to tell me how she feels. It’s so damn attractive. Bringing her hand to my lips, I kiss her knuckles. I’ve never really dated anyone long enough to call them my girlfriend so I’m a little unsure of how this all goes.

The question I’m about to ask her next kind of makes me feel like I’m in high school again, but fuck it, I don’t care. I need to be as open as she is, to tell her exactly how I feel. I stop in the middle of the pathway and turn to face her. “I want… I know I really want us to be together. I want to be your boyfriend. I want the label. You and me. Does that sound okay?”

She reaches out and cups my cheek and a slow smile spreads across her face. I swear my heart beats out of my body.

“It sounds more than okay, Miles. I’m good with that.”

I fucking smile like I just won an Artist Award. It feels like I’m flying. “Good.” I kiss her temple and relief fills my chest. It feels good to know we’re both on the same page. But it’s just the start. I’ve decided I want to take her home to Reed Point. I want her to meet my parents. I know it’s soon and there’s the definite possibility that she’ll freak out and say no, but everything with Rylee feels like it’s unfolding the way that it’s meant to.

I only hope she feels the same.

I’m about to find out.

* * *


Standing just off set, I watch Miles as he reads through his lines. He’s sitting in the black chair with his name printed on the back, his legs stretched out in front of him. I stare a little too long because Miles eventually glances up at me, his expression breaking from total concentration into the smile that I know is only for me. It always makes me weak in the knees. It’s sublime. All I can do is smile back and watch as another familiar look takes over his eyes – lust. But that will have to wait. We still haven’t told anyone about us, and I’d like to keep it that way for a little while longer. The room is busy, so I do my best to reign in my hormones, which have already started to spin out of control. I move through the crowd of techs to where he’s sitting.


“Hi, you. Everything go okay with the tour?” he asks, sitting taller in his chair.

Miles invited his brothers, Olivia and Ellie to set today and I offered to show them around.

“Yes, everything went fine. They are waiting for you in your trailer.”

“Great. I should be 15 more minutes. Do you want to-”

He doesn’t have a chance to finish his sentence before he’s abruptly interrupted by a voice I know all too well.

“Umm,” Violet says, looking me up and down like my mere existence is ruining her day. Her PA is right behind her, juggling her iPad and two iced coffees. She looks afraid. I don’t have to wonder why. Violet motions with her fingers to the PA to scram, as though she’s shooing away a mosquito. I have no doubt I will be next.

“What’s up, Violet?” Miles asks, and at the sound of his voice she turns her attention to her co-star.

“I should go,” I say to no one in particular. This feels awkward. I don’t know where to look. I’m afraid if I make eye contact with Miles, Violet will see the spark that is always smoldering just under the surface with us. But I’m afraid to look at her as well, as much as I hate to admit it. I’ve never let anyone make me feel inferior, so I’m not sure why I’m starting now. With no good option, I shift my eyes, feigning interest in something happening off set.

“Or you could stay,” Miles says to me.

Violet frowns. I inwardly smile. I don’t care to stand here and take this woman’s crap, yet I can’t quite bring myself to leave.

“Listen, Miles,” she says with sex in her voice. Gross. She looks over at me again like I’m a carrier of the plague. I don’t get paid enough for this. Meeting her stare, I part my lips to speak but she beats me to it. “Can I have a second with Miles? Without you around?”

She has no right to talk to me the way she does, to treat me like her human punching bag. It makes me furious, but I don’t stop her.

“Whatever you want to talk to me about, it can be done in front of Rylee. Have you two met? Violet, this is Rylee.” I could hug Miles on the spot for making me feel important. Forget hugging him, this man deserves to be worshipped with my mouth.

Violet nods at me. I flash her the best fake smile I can muster and wait for whatever it is she has to say.

“Emilio’s not happy with me, Miles. He thinks there’s something going on between us,” she sighs, referring to her race car driver boyfriend. The one she seems to forget all about whenever Miles steps in the room.

“And that would involve me how?” he responds.