Page 47 of Heart Set on You

“Well, I thought you could talk to him. Just to set him straight. Let him know there’s nothing going on with us.”

“With all due respect, Violet, that would be a no. This is between you and him. I want no part of it.”

Her mouth falls open then closes just as quickly. “I just thought that-”

“Then you thought wrong. I’m sorry, Violet. I won’t get involved,” he says in a tone that I’ve never heard him use before. It says I’m done with this. This hard-ass side of Miles is a serious turn-on.

“Okay. Forget I asked. I’ll figure it out myself. Sorry to interrupt.”

Then as quickly as Violet arrived, she turns and walks away.

Before Miles and I can talk about it, he is called to set for his last scene of the day, and I need to go review Mr. Lucas’ calendar for tomorrow.

An hour later, I’m walking by Miles’ trailer when the door swings open and Parker, Liam, Olivia and Ellie file out. I stop to say hello, and offer to escort them through security. Miles catches my eye before I go and asks me, quietly, to come back to his trailer when I’m done.

“Thank you for everything today, Rylee. We appreciate the VIP treatment,” Parker says as we walk towards the gates. I flash my pass to the security guard and usher them through.

“I was happy to show you around. And I know Miles loved having you all here.”

“So will we see you before we leave?” Olivia asks. “Our flight is tomorrow afternoon.”

“I’m not sure what Miles has planned, but just in case I don’t see you, I’ll say goodbye now. I really enjoyed meeting you all. I had so much fun.”

Olivia’s hand moves to my arm. “We loved meeting you too.” I hug each of them, feeling thankful that meeting Miles’ family has been so easy and wonderful. He really is lucky to have these amazing people in his life. I can’t help but feel a bit sad, knowing I may never see them again.

After saying our goodbyes, I walk back to Miles’ trailer with a pang in my chest. It’s stupid, to feel this way about people I met just days before. It hadn’t taken long for me to grow attached to them.

Miles is waiting for me when I open the door. I know this, because I barely have one foot inside when he says, “I want you to come home with me to Reed Point.”

I stare at him. “What?”

Miles leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his hard chest, his biceps flexing. He knows what he’s doing to me. He’s such a flirt.

“You heard me. I want you to come home with me. It’s only three days. You have the weekend off, and there’s the holiday on Monday. So there’s really no reason you can’t come… I already checked.” He lays out his case with a sparkle in his eyes to match his cheeky grin.

“I can think of a few reasons, Miles! Meeting your parents is a big deal.”

He doesn’t hesitate. “I want them to know you. I want to show you Reed Point and take you to my favorite restaurants and introduce you to my friends.”

Just thinking about meeting Miles’ parents and being inside the home where he grew up makes me nervous. But despite that, part of me really likes the sound of it. It would be nice to see his brothers, Olivia and Ellie again too.

“I’m not sure. What if your parents are looking forward to spending some quality time with you? I don’t want to be in the way.”

“Not possible. I like having you with me, and my parents will be happy to meet you. Promise.” Miles grins. “Besides, Ellie really wants you at her baby shower.”

“She said that?”

“She did,” he says. “You made an impression on them, Ryls. They all would love to see you again.”

“I’d like that, too. Your sisters-in-law are wonderful,” I say. “But… you’re really sure about this?”

“I’m really sure,” he persuades me. “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t. I want you to come home with me.”

How am I supposed to say no to this man?

“Okay then. I’ll come.”

In three short strides, Miles is across the trailer, scooping me up in his arms. The sound of our laughter fills the small space. I can’t wait to see where Miles grew up.