Page 26 of Heart Set on You

For a second I forget where we are. The air suddenly feels warmer and I’m praying my cheeks aren’t the color of rubies. I’m not sure I’ll be able to work this closely with Miles for the next eight weeks. My body might spontaneously go up in flames.

“Miles,” I say, breathy and unlike me.

“Are you considering it?”

I take a look around to see who might be watching. “No. Now hush. You’re making me all nervous. Someone is going to hear you.”

He changes the subject. Thankfully. “I like it when I know you’re on set watching me.”

My brows raise. “I like watching you. You know, I could have sworn there really was coffee in your cup,” I say, referring to the scene he just shot.

“I’m that good, huh?” he asks, the corners of his mouth tipping up. There’s a glint in his eyes. “I do other things really well too.”

Does this man ever not flirt?

“Is that so?”

I’m flustered, all hot and bothered. I’m also at my workplace, surrounded by the cast and crew. I’m not cut out for this. When Miles leans in a little closer, I think I might combust.

I swallow hard, glancing around the set again. What is he thinking? Miles must catch my drift because he takes a step backwards. Although he clearly enjoys the effect he has on me, he also knows when it’s too much.

Before our exchange turns dangerously X-rated, we’re interrupted by his PA, Georgia. “Miles, they need you back on set.” She has her phone pressed to her ear and a stack of papers in her hand.

“I’ll be right there.” Miles runs his fingers across the stubble of his beard and smiles another outrageously gorgeous smile, knocking me off kilter. “It’s going to be a long one today, then I’ll be up late running lines for tomorrow. Can I see you tomorrow night?”

He needs to get back to set, so I answer him quickly. “I can’t tomorrow. I promised Abby I would have dinner with her. Another night?”

I’m disappointed I already have plans but I won’t cancel on Abby.

“Another night for sure,” he says with a wink, before trotting away to set, leaving me in goosebumps.

Miles is different than any man I’ve ever met. There’s something special about him, he has a charisma that not many people possess. He can draw you in, and he always leaves you wanting more.

* * *

“This is incredible and why the hell didn’t you fill me in on it two weeks ago?” Meg says – make that borderline shouts – into the earpiece of my phone. “You and Miles Bennett. This is huge.”

There’s a muffled sound on the line and I can hear her talking to someone in the room with her. “It’s Rylee. Oh shush, I’ll tell you later.”

I called my best friend after dinner, wanting to tell someone about Miles, needing to share the secret I’m keeping with someone I can trust and who understands me.

“You were in Mexico. Not my fault. And who are you spilling my business to?” I ask, curled up on my hotel bed in my pajamas, a face mask slathered on my face.

“Oh, that’s just Adam. Don’t worry, he’s like a vault. He won’t say a thing,” she insists about her boyfriend, who has pretty much moved into the apartment we share in Los Angeles. “Ryls, you are dating America’s number one bachelor. There is this invention called an iPhone, you know. We both own one. Where was my phone call?”

“I know, but I’m telling you now. But I’m not telling you everything,” I say, knowing she’s rolling her eyes even though I can’t see her. Meg is my closest friend, but I don’t want to tell her too much. I want to keep my relationship with Miles close, something for only him and I to share. I’m also a bit afraid of what the naysayers will say if they were to find out. How could a guy like him fall for a girl like her? She doesn’t look at all like the supermodels he normally dates. It will never work.

I cringe at the thought of it. I know full well how crazy this is, I don’t need anyone else pointing it out to me. But as foolish as it is to keep seeing Miles, I only want more of him.

“Oh, you are. Now spill,” Meg says,

“He’s nothing like you would expect. He’s fun and easy going and not pretentious at all. And… I’m really enjoying his company.”

“Uh-huh, Ry. That is not going to work for me. How’s the chemistry? Have you kissed him? I bet you have. I bet it was hot. Was it hot?” Meg is rambling, clearly not ready to let this go.

I sigh. “The chemistry is intense. I don’t know how to describe it. Just the eye contact alone feels like magic. And the way he kisses me, Meg… it’s incredible.”

Meg sighs a long, drawn-out sigh and then lets out a little squeal. I laugh, picturing her trying to process this news.