“You were amazing in there. You have a way with kids. They loved you. You really made their day.”
“I thought the same about you,” he says, reaching for my hand, giving it a squeeze before opening the conference room door.
We are the last ones to arrive. A nurse is taking a photo with Jared while Josh and Violet are speaking to two doctors in front of a window overlooking the hospital grounds. One of the doctors, a good-looking male in scrubs, steps forward with a smile, his hand held out to greet us.
“Miles Bennett,” the doctor says, shaking Miles’ hand. “Ethan Moore. Thank you for coming, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure is all mine. Thank you for having us. The kids are fantastic,” Miles says. “This is Rylee Brookes. She works with Josh Lucas.”
The doctor, who looks to be in his thirties, reaches for my hand, and even I don’t miss the way his eyes focus on mine then sweep down my body. I feel Miles stiffen beside me.
“What do you do, Rylee?” Dr. Moore asks as I slip my hand from his just as Miles is pulled away by Josh to meet some of the other staff.
“I’m Mr. Lucas’ personal assistant,” I tell him.
“So, does that mean you are also from Los Angeles?”
“It does,” I say with a smile. “We all are.”
His eyes look over me again, but I try to ignore it. There is only one tall, dark and handsome man I’m interested in, and he is currently standing to my left looking like he wants to bury a body. I cast a sideways glance at Miles, who is looking over at us with a pointed stare.
“So how do you like Vancouver?” the doctor asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I love it. The scenery is so beautiful, and the people are very welcoming. We get most weekends off, so I’ve been able to tour the city.” I notice the time, realizing our visit is just about over. “If you’ll excuse me, I just need to go check in with Mr. Lucas’ driver.”
I leave the doctor and step out into the hallway, pulling out my phone. I’m sending a text to the car service when Miles’ hand slides across my lower back. “I’m not the only one with a crush on you, it seems.”
“Oh, stop. He was just being polite.” I tuck my phone back in my bag and adjust the strap on my shoulder. A crush? Did he really just say that?
“That wasn’t polite. That was flirting,” Miles scoffs. “The doctor has the hots for you.”
I crack up. “The hots? What are you… 80? Nobody says ‘the hots’ anymore. And If I didn’t know better, I’d think someone was a little jealous. It’s actually kind of cute,” I say, turning and heading for the door.
Miles is right behind me. “You’re hot, Rylee,” he says, his mouth at my ear. “Of course he’s going to flirt with you. I get it.” Then he pulls away, and I immediately want him back. A shiver rolls up my spine as I miss the feeling of his breath on my neck. I really need to get myself together.
“I doubt that was it at all,” I say, “I’m sure he’s busy chatting up Violet as we speak.”
“Damn,” he says, as I pull open the door. “Violet has nothing on you.”
* * *
Back at work, today’s set mimics a coffee shop with tables and chairs, pastries and espresso machines. Josh explains the scene to Miles and Violet then instructs me to fetch the extras from hair and makeup who are needed on set right away. Like a well-oiled machine, the extras file out ready to shoot and follow me to the sound stage, taking their spots. I stand off to the side, ready if Josh needs me.
While lighting is being adjusted, my eyes are drawn to Miles. He’s wearing jeans and a button-down shirt, holding a prop coffee cup in his hand. He spots me eyeing him and smiles a red carpet-worthy smile. I swear my knees go weak. Seeing him on set feels intimate now in a way it didn’t used to. Until recently, he was just another actor to me, a movie character. Now everything feels different.
Josh tells Violet to sit at a table while Miles stands over at the counter. She’s wearing a slip dress and sandals, her hair swept off of her face, secured by a headband. She’s stunning in every way. I swallow down the doubts I feel about myself when I look at her.
We hear “quiet on set,” and I stand still, waiting for Miles to do what he does best. The scene starts and I watch intently, something I don’t usually do. But with Miles I have trouble looking away.
Eventually the director calls “cut,” and everyone in the room relaxes. Background actors need to be filed off set which means it’s my job to escort them. I run them to the holding area and minutes later I’m back at Josh’s side going over emails he needs written and a meeting he wants set up with media. I notice Miles speaking to a producer. I’m trying to watch him without getting caught, stealing quick glances at him out of the corner of my eye. He’s doing the same, it seems. Our eyes meet and he smiles at me. Our little secret. Every nerve in my body feels like it’s on fire, a feeling I’ve never felt before. I finally manage to drag my eyes off of Miles and get back to work.
I’m finishing up with Josh and am about to find a quiet spot outside to work on his emails when Miles appears at my side. “Where are you off to? I hope you’re not going far.” His voice is hushed, only loud enough for me to hear.
“And why is that? Is there something you need help with? Did your assistant disappear on you?”
He crosses his arms over his chest, giving me a better view of his forearms. They are my weakness – along with every other part of his body. “Oh, I’d prefer your help. I wouldn’t object if you ditched whatever it is you’re doing for Josh and helped me in my trailer with a few things.”
Oh. My. Word.