Page 1 of Heart Set on You

Chapter One


I have a bit of a reputation, and honestly, I’ve probably earned it. According to the tabloids, I’m a Hollywood playboy. Life of the party, up for anything, a different girl every week. Some of that is true. I’ll try anything once – even when I shouldn’t. As for the girls, well, I don’t kiss and tell. But believe it or not, there’s more to me than you read in the headlines.

Take right now, for example. I am currently in my trailer, the one with my name on the door: Miles Bennett. I sit with my eyes closed listening intently as Kate, the makeup artist who has been assigned to me while I’m shooting in Vancouver, powders my nose and tells me incredibly detailed stories of her 7-year-old son, Casey. Casey just happens to be the greatest second grader to ever walk the planet. Or so I’m told.

My eyes open as the makeup brush softly dusts down my neck. I watch Kate beam with pride as she tells me Casey is competing in a swim tournament this weekend. His backstroke is killer – as is his competitive streak, which he inherited from his dad. As far as I can tell, it’s the one and only good trait from her ex-husband’s shit DNA donation. The guy sounds like a real dick-bag. I know this because I’m a good listener.

“All done. Damn, I’m good,” Kate says, throwing the brush into her kit and then sliding the cape from my neck. I stand and she straightens the collar of my shirt and hands me my navy-blue suit jacket to match the dress pants I’m wearing. She smiles my way. “Knock ‘em dead, Miles.”

“That’s the plan. Thanks, Kate. Give Casey a fist bump for me and tell him to break a leg,” I say, shooting a smile right back at her. I like her. Not in that kind of way – I am capable of interacting with an attractive woman in a purely platonic way. Kate’s just nice to talk to. Thankfully. It helps, seeing as we’ll be spending a lot of long days together over the next two months while I shoot this film. She’s also born and raised here in Vancouver, which makes her my go-to personal Google for the best restaurants and hotspots to visit.

“Not so fast,” Tori from hair says, eyeing me in the mirror. She points to my chair with a look that says, I’m not done with you. I lower myself back into the chair and she smoothes her fingers through the ends of my light brown locks with a styling gel, then sprays an obscene amount of hairspray over my head. “Now you’re ready.”

“Thanks, Tori. I may need a lung transplant in the near future.” I mock cough and then check myself out in the mirror. Yup, I look good.

Seconds later I’m called to set. My current project is an action-comedy movie directed by Josh Lucas. I see him now, standing just off-set going over the script with my co-star Violet Michelson. Violet’s eyes appraise me as I approach them and she flashes me a smile that is equal parts confident and naughty. The look in her eyes seems to say that she’d like to see what’s under the suit. I nod coolly, knowing I need to keep this professional. I’ve never been one to dip my pen in the company ink and I don’t plan on breaking that rule now.

“M.B.” Josh addresses me by my nickname, clapping my shoulder. “Perfect. You’re ready. I was just telling Violet I’ve made a slight change to the script.” He hands me the sides script and fills me in. Violet leans into me, listening intently. She is arguably the most famous actress in America right now, having starred in some of the biggest movies of the past couple of years. A household name with over 12 million social media followers, Violet is supermodel gorgeous and unlike your boy, absolutely loves mixing business with pleasure. That’s hardly uncommon in this industry. But these days Violet is dating Emilio Ricci, the biggest name in race car driving. The tabloids love the two of them, it’s hard to find a magazine that doesn’t have their faces plastered on the cover.

After going over the script changes, Violet and I take our positions on set. My PA, Georgia, who has been my personal assistant for years, hands me my water bottle and after a good, long drink, I hand it back to her and take a deep breath in. The rush of adrenaline I’ve come to fiend for rushes through my veins. I feel alive. I get ready to do what I do best.

I open my eyes to see Violet staring my way, a slow smile on her face. There’s no doubt she’s stunning, with eyes the color of caramels, long blonde hair and creamy pale skin. Nope. Not happening, Violet. Nice fucking try.

I relax my shoulders, get into position and wait for my cue.

“Quiet, please,” the 1st AD shouts from behind a monitor. The 2nd AD steps in front of the camera and calls the scene and take number. With a whack of the clapper board, the 1st AD calls action and it’s showtime.

It’s no hardship working with Violet, and our scenes are going smoothly. She’s playing nice, toning down the sassy, sultry edge she accosted me with earlier. I feel good. I’m on my game. Josh seems to agree, which obviously makes me happy. The man is a genius, a legend in Hollywood, and there’s no way I’m going to let down the one director I’ve been dying to work with.

A few takes later, we wrap for lunch. Georgia is waiting for me on the edge of set to escort me to my trailer. I barely get out a “hello” before she’s telling me my return call time after lunch and making sure everything on my preference sheet is just right. Georgia is mid-sentence when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I stop and turn.


“Violet, hi. Everything okay?” I ask her. My eyes shift to her mouth, to her tongue that wets the corner of her lips. Fuck.

“We were magic together today, Miles,” she practically purrs, with a look in her eyes that clearly says she wants to bang me until next Tuesday.

“It couldn’t have gone smoother,” I tell her with a smile, then realize quickly that may have not been the best choice of words. I don’t want to give her the wrong impression. Having Violet Michelson in my bed would feel like sipping my favorite tumbler of whiskey: smooth and sexy. But I don’t do other men’s women. A media scandal is low on my list of shit I need right now. This guy is going to be on his best behavior for the next two months. Scout’s honor.

I know for certain Violet did get the wrong impression when she leans in close to me, her breath dancing across my neck, and whispers in my ear, “Can I join you for lunch?”

I take a step back, running my hand through my hair. Tori from hair is going to be pissed. “Sorry, Violet. Sounds lovely, but I have a call I need to make. It may take some time.” I try to keep it light, knowing we will be working together for the next couple of months and I need to walk a fine line here. But getting involved with Violet is a mistake I won’t make. No way, no how. First of all, sleeping with your co-star is never, I repeat never, a good idea. Second, getting involved with her male co-stars is sort of Violet’s M.O. There was Hugh Dempsey from the pilot movie, Blake Dalton from the casino film. Oh, and the bodyguard when she was on set in Hawaii. I’m sure there are others I’m missing. It’s a long list, and I really don’t need my name added to it. Third, she’s fucking taken. And finally, even if she wasn’t seeing Emilio, I’m just not that into her. I mean, the girl is gorgeous, but I’ve been with women like Violet. Hell, I’ve dated plenty of models and actresses, all stunning and sexy as hell. Some of them I truly cared about, others bored me to tears – I could definitely stand a lot fewer selfies and TikTok videos. But even when I was into it, it was never enough to make me want more. Something was always missing. Those relationships were fun for a while, but in the end they lacked depth and excitement.

Nope, not a fucking chance, Violet, I say silently.

I notice Georgia watching us. Her eyes are wide, like she can’t believe what she’s seeing. She looks like she’s waiting for someone to hand her a bucket of popcorn.

“Maybe another time then,” Violet says, looking completely unaffected by my rejection. She turns, giving me a perfect view of her round ass floating from side-to-side as she saunters away.

Georgia tries and fails to reign in a smirk when I turn my gaze to her. She motions to the exit, falling in line with me as we walk towards my trailer. “As I was saying, Miles. Be ready in 60. I’ll be at your door to escort you back to set. I’ll knock. We’ll walk. I’ll also need you to sign-“

Georgia is still talking, but I’m no longer paying any attention to what she’s saying. My attention is completely captivated by the woman standing to my right. She’s with Josh, the two of them chatting as I openly stare at her. I can’t help it.

Who is she?

My eyes take her in. She’s small, just barely over five feet. Her hair is the darkest shade of brown, almost black, falling to her shoulders in lush, loose waves. Her skin is a warm olive, her cheekbones high and angled, her full lips a soft shade of pink. She’s wearing a simple black dress that ends at her knees, a fitted leather jacket and a pair of white high-top Converse on her feet. It’s casual and understated. I like it.