Page 2 of Heart Set on You

But it’s not what she’s wearing that has me enthralled, it’s the way her soulful, big eyes lock on mine when she glances up from the iPad she’s juggling in her hand. She’s looking at me the same way I’m looking at her.

Fascinated. Interested.

I’m definitely intrigued.

Suddenly, it’s a silent game of who will break eye contact first. I raise my brow a fraction and smile. Her lips part, curving up in a shy grin, the briefest hesitation and an emotion I can’t quite pinpoint dancing across her face.

Surprise. Curiosity. Or is it attraction?

Seconds later, Josh says something to her, and she breaks the spell, shifting her gaze from me back to my director. Just like that, the moment is lost. I shake my head, returning to reality as I continue through the doors, Georgia still at my side, and walk the two steps up to my trailer. After promising her I’ll be ready for the 1 p.m. callback, I shut the door, flop onto the couch and close my eyes, replaying every second of what just happened in my mind.

What the hell was that? In my line of work, I’m around beautiful women all the time. But after just one look at this girl I have tingles covering my skin and my chest feels all fluttery.

I decide it must just be a case of the first-day-on-set jitters. I dig out my cell phone to distract myself and see I have a message from my agent, one from my publicist and one from my brother Liam. Swiping the screen to life, I scroll to check the last one.

Liam: Good luck today, movie star. Remember to keep your hands to yourself. See you next week.

I laugh to myself. Smartass. But man, I’m excited to see my oldest brother Liam and his fiancée Ellie when they come here for a visit. My other brother Parker, who’s two years older than me, and his wife Olivia will be coming as well. I can’t wait to see them all.

In the meantime, though, I have lines to run and a turkey clubhouse to eat. And a text to send.

Miles: Hey jackass, you must have me mixed up with someone else. This movie star is, wait for it, a gentleman.

My brother texts back almost immediately.

Liam: I just spit out my drink. I’ve heard you called a lot of things but a gentleman? I doubt that word has ever been used in the same sentence as your name before.

Miles: They are practically synonymous.

Liam: On what planet?

Miles: Mine. The one you get to live on with me.

Liam: A gentleman with an ego the size of a large state.

Miles: You love me. Admit it. Can’t wait to see you guys.

Tossing my phone on the couch beside me, I smile. Liam is living proof that people really can change. My no-strings-attached older brother, former purveyor of one-night stands, is now engaged to be married and expecting his first child. He’s hopelessly in love, his balls firmly held in his fiancée’s hands, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. No one saw that coming. But I guess that’s how life goes… always full of surprises.

Chapter Two


I’ve never been that girl who throws herself at a man.

I don’t bat my eyelashes, or wear outfits so tiny I risk being arrested for indecent exposure or slip men my phone number. That’s just not me. Not going to happen.

I think that’s in part because of the way I was raised. I grew up in a small town outside of Nashville and I was always taught to respect myself, to treat others the way I would want to be treated, to honor my family. These life lessons extended to my romantic life too. Don’t chase after a man, my gran always told me. If he’s not interested enough to pursue you, he isn’t worth having.

Words to live by. Until today, that is.

I’m tempted to ignore them entirely now that I’ve been in the same room as Miles Bennett. Forgive me, Gran.

Miles Bennet. The man so many women fantasize about late at night. The man whose face graces the cover of almost every magazine on grocery store shelves. The man who has every woman in the city drooling since his plane touched down at the Vancouver International Airport four days ago.

Miles is the definition of a sex symbol, with those piercing hazel eyes that draw you in and own you the minute his gaze lands on you. I try to shake the memory of that moment between us from my head. I’m here to work, not to be swept up in ridiculous fantasies.

Returning to set, I adjust my walkie talkie headset and stand amongst the camera crew in video village. I’m never too far away from Josh Lucas, the film’s director. I take my job as his PA very seriously, as I do most things in my life. I’ve always worked hard, and I’ve never been afraid to get my hands dirty. Growing up in the country definitely helps with that.