Page 65 of Always Been You

“Including those two. Look to your right Liv.”

Livy turns her head, with a complete lack of subtlety. Her eyes grow large watching Ellie in Liam’s arms, dancing to the music.

“Oh gosh, I love love. Look at them! Do you think it’s possible? I can see them together. Oh my gosh, we could double date.” Livy’s eyes fall to the floor and her pretty smile is replaced with sadness.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” I have a feeling it’s because I’m leaving soon and it’s killing her as much as it’s killing me. There isn’t a fragment of me that wants to leave her here in Reed Point without me. Everything in me screams that it’s wrong for us to be apart, but I can’t ask her to give up her life for me. I lift her chin with my fingers, forcing her to look at me.

“No, it’s nothing. I’m fine, Parker.”

“Livy, it’s going to be okay. We will figure it out.” I kiss the top of her head and wish I could do something to make her laugh. That turns out to be incredibly easy when I look back to my brother and Ellie.

“I’m not sure Liv, but match-making might just be another one of your secret powers.” I shift our bodies, so Livy has a better view of Ellie and Liam.

Liam has his two feet planted in the sand, his arms crossed over his body, seemingly captivated by the display that is going on in front of him. Ellie is lip syncing to “I Wanna Dance with Somebody,” her hips shimmying left to right, one arm in the air and the other mimicking a microphone. A cocky smile crosses Liam’s mouth, his eyes never leaving Ellie. He’s into it.

Livy gasps and quickly covers her open mouth with her hand.

“As different as the two of them are, Ellie is just what your brother needs. Someone to loosen him up and get him away from his office. I mean, just look at him - he’s loving every second.”

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my brother with a woman, and I’d be surprised if this went any farther than tonight. My brother is addicted to his work. Everything else is a distant second. He doesn’t like distractions, so he sticks to one-night stands and no strings attached. Ellie is strong enough to handle him, though. I make a mental note to push him in her direction. Livy is right, a girl like Ellie is just what Liam needs.

“I’m thinking your tropical drinks might get the credit for what’s happening between them,” I laugh. “It looks like Ellie has had her fair share.”

I take Livy’s hand and spin her around, dipping her towards the sand. I kiss her soft lips and she smiles. She tilts her head back, so I move in and kiss the sensitive skin of her neck. She squeals and I pull her up to standing. Livy reaches her hands up to my shoulders and wraps her hands behind my neck. I kiss her again, this time with a little tongue.

“Get a room, you two,” Miles hollers from the deck. “The barbecue is ready, and these steaks aren’t going to cook themselves.”

A few minutes later, the boys and I are grilling the steaks while drinking beers and when they’re ready we all find a spot on the patio to eat. The sun is setting as we finish dinner, and the party continues under the glittering expanse of stars. The flicker of the candles Livy placed around the patio provide just the right amount of light.

Livy is on the patio talking to Miles and Alex. She must feel my eyes on her because she turns to face me, and our eyes hold. There’s an electricity that pulses through the air between us. It feels like we are the only two people on the patio. Her eyes sparkle and lock on mine and there’s lust in her eyes. It’s the sexiest form of foreplay. My dick twitches in my pants thinking about finally getting her alone tonight.

I shoot her a wink and in four long strides I’m standing beside her. I clasp my hand in hers and lace our fingers together. I press a kiss to her temple.

“Hey you. Miles was just pointing out that Liam and Ellie have been missing for a while. Any idea where they are and if they are together?”

“No.” I shrug. “I know nothing, but I’m definitely curious.”

“Let’s find them!” Kate grabs Livy’s arm and they rush into the house.

“Poor Liam, those two won’t quit until they find them,” Alex sighs, and I nod because I know he’s right.

“I’ll be back. I’ll bring beer.” I walk inside towards the bathroom and find Livy and Kate peeking into the bedroom doors. They are tiptoeing. Olivia has her pointer finger touching her lips, shushing Kate. They look ridiculous and I can’t stop myself from smiling.

“Really, you two? Get a life. Let them have their fun.”

“We have to know if they’re doing what we hope they’re doing. Then we will leave them to it. Go away, Parker, you are a heat score.”

I roll my eyes and reach for the handle to the washroom. Before my hand can properly grasp the metal, the door opens a smidge and Ellie slips out with a little less lipstick than usual and her cheeks flushed. Her hair tousled, there’s a guilty look in her eyes. She looks freshly fucked. My eyebrow arches, a smirk covers my lips.

She closes the door behind her and uses her body like a shield across the wood door, her arms at her sides and her palms pressed firmly against the door.

I cock my eyebrow and smirk. “Hi.”

“Hi,” Ellie answers nervously.

“Um, can I use the washroom?” I motion to the door, wondering what her next move will be and how she plans on getting out of this awkward situation.

Her neck starts to turn a deeper shade of pink and I actually feel bad for her. She is clearly dying of embarrassment and I’m not making the situation easier on her. It gets worse. Kate and Livy arrive at my side and I’m pretty sure they will not go as easy on Ellie as me.